Let It Be

Oh shit, How do I say this

Lily's p.o.v.

" Mother fucker." I groaned when the alarm clock went off. " Who set that damn thing?!"

" I did." came my mom's voice from the outside of my bunk curtain.

" Why?"

" Because you've got an interview in an hour."

" Aw fuck."

" Language young lady."

I stuck one hand outside the curtain and gave her the one finger salute.

" Now quickly shower and get dressed."

" Ma'am, yes Ma'am." I said smartassedly and pulled back the blue thing, then gasped. " Oh my god."

" What?" mom asked.

" You have a hickey the size of a fist on your neck!"

" SH! Be quiet!!"

" Damn.... did Brian do that?" I asked and she nodded. " I'll keep quiet about it if you one, get me a Venti chocolaty chocolate chip mocha Frappuccino on the way to the interview. Two, cover that thing up."

" Deal. Now go get ready if you want that drink."

" Fine."


Thirty minutes later I emerged from the bathroom of the bus squeaky clean and fully clothed. I didn't bother to put hair spray in since my hair was wet. " Alright, let's go." I said grabbing my cell phone from below my bunk.

" You are aware that you look like a Tokio Hotel fan girl, right?" mom asked me.

" Duh, tell me something that I don't already know."


I walked tiredly into the interview place sipping my frap mocha and groaned when I saw Tokio Hotel there. ' This is a tad bit embarrassing.' I thought. " Hi guys. What're you doing here?" I asked them.

Bill smirked at my attire before answering, " We're doing an interview with you."

" Damn it mom." I muttered. " Mum didn't tell me that when she woke me up with that damn alarm clock at 6 am." I said.

" Oh well." Tom said.

I took a long sip of my mocha just as my phone rang.

" Sitting in the dark, I can't forget.
Even now, I realize the time I'll never get
Another story of the bitter pills of fate
I can't go back again
I can't go back aga-"

" Bam, why're you calling this early?" I asked the jackass.

" How'd you know it was me?" Bam asked.

" One, caller i.d. Two, I set it so when you call, Dead Memories by Slipknot plays. Three, only you would call this early. Unless Ville wasn't aware of the time zones again."

" Oh."

" So what you do need? I've got an interview starting in ten minutes."

" Funny, so do I. So I'm proposing to Ville on our fourth year anniversary and I need you to help me choose the ring."

" Really? About fucking time. I think the interview might run only an hour at the most, you get come get me when it's over and we'll go ring shopping."

" Sweet! What station are you at?" he asked.

" Sirius Satellite."

" Wait a sec, are you doing an interview with Tokio Hotel?" he asked and I could hear his voice getting closer.

" Yeah, why?"

" Because I think I'm interviewing you." he said, opening the door and walking into the room.

" Well I'll be damned." I said closing my cell.

" You've been damned since the day you were born." Bam said closing his cell phone and putting it in his pocket.

" That's what my birth mom said." He winced at that. " I take it Hermy told ya?" He nodded.

" Are you aware that you-"

" Look like a Tokio Hotel fan girl? Yes, I already know that." I cutt him off. " I'm half surprised Ville isn't here."

" He can't be because we're going ring shopping afterwards."

" Right. On with the questions Bam Bam." I said and sat on the couch next to Bill.

" Let's start off with Lily. There's been a rumor lately that Gerard's cheating on you, what do you say to that?" he asked.

" Bull Fucking Shit, it's a lie."

" Alrighty then. So how's it been on tour so far guys?"

" Exhausting." Bill and Tom said at the same time.

" Freaky. I'd say chaotic and fun." I said.

" Messy." Georg said.

" Interesting" Gustav said.

" Who's the messiest on each bus?"

" Kat." I answered.

" That'd be me." Georg said and I chuckled.

" Single?"

" Nope." I said and a couple of the TH guys groaned.

" All of us are single." Bill answered.

" You wanna fuck me like an animal
You like to burn me on the inside
You like to think that I'm a perfect drug
Just know that nothing you do
Will bring you closer to me."

" How is it that you always manage to call me during an interview Ville?" I asked as soon as I flipped my cell open.

" I'm just that good Love, so who's the interviewer?" Ville asked.

" It's Bam and the interview not done yet. I'll talk to you later, kay?"

" Okay, bye."

" Bye." I said and hung up. " I swear to god, your boyfriend has the worst timing when it comes calling me sometimes. But he knows that no matter what I'm doing, I'll answer anyways."

" You're gay?" Tom asked.

" Yeah and I'm going to propose to my partner tonight. Lily's coming with me to the ring shop after this to help me choose something he'd like."

" Well I have known his boyfriend longer than he has and I know everything there is to know about him." I said smiling.

" What's the craziest thing that has happened so far in the tour?" Bam asked.

" You threw me in a pool and I almost drowned." I said, glaring daggers into his head.

" How was I to know that you had a phobia of large bodies of water bigger than a bathtub? Besides, I already said that I was sorry."

" I know, I know."

" What about you guys?" he asked the four guys sitting next to me.

" Umm.... craziest thing to happen so far this tour..." Bill started.

" Georg sleep walking naked." Tom finished with a shudder and Georg glared at Tom. I on the other hand, started laughing.

" Okay, weirdest thing that's happened so far?"

" One of the minor reasons I went to see you and Ville with Gee in the morning was because my brother and Frank started going at it."

" Lily, are the rumors of you and Gerard Way going out true?" Bam asked.

" I knew you'd get to that question eventually. Yes, the rumors are true. We've been dating over two weeks now." I said smiling.

" So Lily, how did you get into Tokio Hotel?" He asked me with a smirk.

' Oh shit. How do I say this?' I thought and tried to think up a lie that sounded like the truth. " I was reading a story that a friend had written before we became friends when I was 16 and in it, she mentioned Tokio Hotel. My curiosity got the best of me like it usually does and I you tubed them, then clicked the first video that popped up; which happened to be Ready, Set, Go. I fell in love with their music and begged my mom to get me their album, Zimmer 483, which she did do."


" Thanks for coming guys!" Bam said waving and smiling when Tokio Hotel left. " Let's go." he said grabbing my hand and dragging me out to a purple lambo.

" You got it back through the divorce?"

" Yup." he said, the smile still on his face.

" I should call Ville now." I said got out my phone when Bam put the car into drive and pulled out. " Hi Hermy." I said a smile.

" So what're you and Bam up to?" Ville asked.

" Running errands."

" In other words, you're not telling me a damn thing?"

" Right."

Ville sighed on the other line. " Alright, just make sure you two get back in one piece. Okay?"

" Okay Ville, bye."

" He knows something's up, doesn't he?"

" He usually does know when I'm up to something, we've been friends for too long for him not to know." I said.

" Oh well. At least he doesn't know what we're up to, right?" Bam asked.

" Yuppers. Listen, I can't for too long. I've got a sound check in a couple of hours."

" Okay, this won't take too long." he said as we pulled into the parking lot of a jewelery store.

Thirty Minutes Later

" It's perfect, he's going to love it Bam. Now can you drop me off at my tour bus?" I asked Bam,

" Sure." Bam said with a giant smile on his face.

Fifth teen Minutes Later

" Here you are, back to the bus." Bam said and I got out then closed the car door, waving as he left.
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It's a filler, I know. Sorry...