Burning Seduction

Aella Kelly
Home Planet: Yuri- Peaceful, desert, hot
Eyes: Turquoise
Personality: Frightened easily, Dependant, More outgoing when with Kate, Trusts Kate unconditionally
History: Aella has a secret. Her entire life, her father has abused her. When she was young, the Ambassador of Yuri, her father, would starve her until the young girl begged for forgiveness for what ever she had done to infuriate her father. As she grew older, her punishments grew from starvation to physical abuse. One of these beatings given to Aella by her father earned her her scar: A large X shaped pink scar stretching from just under her right breast to the back of her hip bone and its partner crossing from her right shoulder blade to the top of her hip bone. Aella and Kate have been friend for three years and though Kate has her suspicions, Aella has never told her what her father does to her.

Home Planet: Furya
Eyes:Blue (growing continuesly more reflective through out the story)
Personality: Strong, Independant, Trusts no one besides Aella, Uses sarcasm as a defence mechanism
History: Kate had been bouncing around for as long as she could remember. She'd been in all the shit holes in the system, moving from foster care to foster care, before finally running away, which was when she met Aella and finally out aged the system.

Zachariah "Zack" Hans
Title: Captain Lieutenant Hans
Home Planet: Unknown
Personality: Strong, Empathetic, Caring
History: Zack's history is closer to Aella's then either of them know. He grew up with his father abusing his mother until finally, he stands up to him, ending up with a scar stretching the length of his spine. That night though, he kills his father and goes into the Helion military. From there he ends up as Aella's body guard and soon enough, her friend.

Richard B. Riddick
Title: Lord Marshal of the Necromongers
Home Planet: Furya
Eyes: Silver
Personality: Sarcastic, Self-reliant, Dominant, Weakness for children
History: Ex convict and murder, Riddick has escaped from multiple prisons and after getting stuck on an unnamed planet with a group of people and escaping with only Jack/ Kyra (who later dies after being 'converted' to the Necromonger religion) and a muslim named Imam. After going off in search of Kyra, Riddick finds out he is a Furyan, and one of the last of his kind and that the evil Lord Marshal systematically killed all but a few of the planet's inhabitants. Riddick then went on to kill the previous Lord Marshal to 'keep what you kill' and become the new leader of the Necromongers.

Ambassador Kelly
Title: Ambassador of Yuri
Home Planet: Yuri
Personality: Cruel, Likes feeling power over woman, Controlling, Evil
History: Ambassador Kelly always abused his daughter, Aella, in one way or another to feel power and control over the small girl. He alway got a sick sense of amusement that his daughter only wanted his approval when all he wanted to do was own her.

I do not own Katelyn or Riddick. Kate belongs to herself and she would most likely hunt you down and kill you if you tried to steal her. As for Riddick, well if I owned that man... I would not be here writing about him.