Living in the Playboy Mansion.

Chapter 2

Lola was just about to ring Mark when a white limo pulled up, just outside her drive. Her mouth turned to an ‘o’ shape.
“Surely this was not for me” Lola told herself.
Her Mum had gone to work but of course Lola had managed to say her goodbyes earlier, Jacob had gone to College, He was studying P.E, Drama, Music and English. Lola didn’t have a dad, well she did but he walked out when she was 13, he and Andrea didn't get on and he walked out and found a new Girlfriend, Fearne and now have two children, Holly now 9 and Lily now 3. Holly was beautiful; she had the playboy image for a young girl, long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She loved her photo getting taken and adored clothes. Lily on the other hand is just into her dolls but she loves dressing them up in pretty dresses, Lily has Black hair and aquamarine coloured eyes. She's also quite sporty, a bit like Kendra, one of Hef's girlfriends.
"Sorry I'm late miss, Traffic was unbelievable" The man huffed and picked up my suitcases and loaded them into the boot of the limo.
"It's ok, your here now" Lola said getting in.
Lola fished out her fashion magazine out from my pink leather handbag and flipped threw it, ticking all the items she wanted to buy. There was a gorgeous pair of knee high boots, with about 6 inch heels, they were £950 but I loved them, they were gorgeous. There was also a metallic silver denim skirt for £120 and a crop top that was pink that said 'Babe' along the breast part. That was £45.
Lola out of boredom looked out the window for a bit but all only trees and houses went by in a blur.
“Boring” She thought.
In the end Lola decided to plug her earphones into her ipod so she could listen to some good music and the first track that came on was Britney Spears, one of her favourites, she loved the song, so she sang along at the top of her voice. She wasn’t a bad singer; in fact she was pretty good.
Soon enough they was at the airport. Lola looked around, it was massive. After a long deep breathe she got out and smoothed her dress down and helped the man with my suitcases.
"This way" the man ordered wheeling one suitcase, while she wheeled the other.
They got to the plane which was white with a black playboy bunny head on it. Hef's private jet. Lola couldn't believe it. She was sure she was dreaming, she had to pinch myself just in case, But she wasn't dreaming this was real. She slowly got on the jet and sat down on a leather sofa with a huge grin on her pretty young face. The man said his goodbyes and left her alone, she looked around nervous, she really was alone, it was only her and the driver, but he didn’t speak to her.
The last time she looked out the window it was getting dark, a man came out of nowhere and handed her a blanket and pillow, Playboy of course.
"Would you like a drink?" He asked politely.
"No thanks" She replied smiling.
He nodded then left. She then lied down on the sofa and drifted off into a deep, deep sleep. She dreamt that she was living in the mansion and she was one of Hef's girlfriends, there was a big white wedding and Britney Spears was singing there while her and Hef had there first dance together, Andrea was crying into a white handkerchief, she felt so lucky. Then the scene changed and She was in hospital, sweating. Not a good look. Then she heard cries. She realised she was having a baby. Hef's? Of course it was, he was holding her hand and telling her to push harder in the sweet and reassuring voice of his, and then the baby arrived, a beautiful baby girl. Then she woke up with a smile, she has always dreamt about a huge white wedding and having a family.
Looking out the window Lola didn't recognise the surroundings and it took her a few moments to realise where she was; on the plane still. Her phone then bleeped. She looked at it.
'You there yet? Mum’ the text read.
'Not yet' She texted back.
The man appeared again.
"Would you like a drink or something to eat?" He asked.
She began to realise she was hungry.
"I'll have something to eat please" She said, looking at him.
"We have Sandwiches, Salads......"
"Salad will be fine" She interrupted.
"Ok" He said before disappearing.
He re-appeared with a plate salad and handed it to her, she ate it quickly and looked out the window again. The sun shone brightly through the window, making her squint her eyes, so she closed the curtains which her expensive looking and red velvet.
"We'll be there in five" The man shouted.
Five minutes, Lola began to feel the excitement bubbling inside her.
“Oh god” She thought to herself.

The plane went down and Lola realised she was there. She checked my hair and make-up in her tiny playboy compact mirror and made sure she was dressed in the black mini dress and knee high boots. She was happy with the way she looked so she picked up her handbag which was lying on the floor and stood up. It was time for her to face them, her idols, everything she had ever dreamt of, she just wished her best friend Kate was with her so she didn’t have to face it alone. They all looked at her with grins on there faces. All four of them. There was balloons and a banners saying 'Welcome to the mansion' She began to feel like she was going to faint. Hef began to come over to her, with a smile.
“Oh gosh, am going to faint” Lola thought to herself, the sun shining above her.
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hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and tell me what you think.
love you.