Living in the Playboy Mansion.

Chapter 3

Hef finally reached Lola and embraced her with a friendly hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“OH MY GOD!” Lola thought blushing and looking down at the gravelled driveway, Blushing she smiled at him.
"I'll show you to your room" He said taking her arm and leading her into his huge palace like house and up the grand stair case.
It really was beautiful.

"Here it is" He said opening a door, revealing her room.
Her room was a huge square shaped, pink and white playboy themed room.

"Thanks" Lola said grinning.

"I'll leave you to un-pack, join the welcome party when you’re ready" Then he kissed her cheek and left.

“Ready? Will I ever feel ready” She laughed to herself.
She slung her heavy suitcases onto her bed, that's when she realised how big the actual room was, it was bigger than her actual house at home. The carpet was a thick deep pink, the bed bouncy and soft also circular, the bedside table was white and very beautiful and it held a pink lamp, then there was the massive wardrobe also white with delicate features, there was also a white desk that had a pink laptop and a black phone on it, the curtains was playboy and a deep red, there was also obvious objects in the room like stereo, flat screen TV, pictures on the wall which held the playboy bunny pictures, and the window over looking the gardens. Lola began to put all her clothes away and put her make-up on the desk, also her bathroom equipment in the en-suit bathroom she never knew she was getting until she noticed the mystery door. The bathroom was clean and cute. All white, even the toilet roll and towels. After everything was put away Lola decided to clean herself up a bit, putting dirty clothes her very own laundry basket and decided to put on a fresh new dress, Black, short and satin. After finishing hair and make-up she walked downstairs to the crowds of people, some had only just turned up. This was going to be a party, never to forget.

Taking a glass of champagne from the waiter she sipped it quietly in the corner watching everyone; it seemed like everyone knew each other and had formed groups. Kendra, one of Hef's girls came over and hugged her, which took her by surprise; Kendra was a lovely, pretty young woman with a great personality.

"You’re the girl that won the competition right?" She asked her.

Lola looked up at her lost for words, she just nodded her head at her which made Kendra laugh her unique laugh.
The rest of the party was great. Dancing with the playboy girls; Kendra, Holly and Bridget. It was sexy, Naughty but fun. Lola headed to bed around 3AM. In the morning she woke up around the same time as Kendra, 1pm. It was her latest yet. She picked up her diary and wrote what happened last night. She got up and was greeted by Kendra's dog Martini, when she looked towards the door, Kendra was there smiling.

"Hey playboy" She smiled.

"Hey" she replied blushing a deep scarlet.

She got off bed and put on her dressing gown before heading into the dining room and sat at the enormous breakfast table which was made of the very expensive wood with very delicate designs. She had a Bacon sandwich for breakfast which she enjoyed very much. They had very good chefs here.

"It's just us two today" Kendra told her.

"Awesome" She said feeling butterflies twitter in the pit of her stomach.

A whole day with Kendra, Lola felt excited as she rushed to her room to get dressed. She couldn’t wait for the day to start, but she was nervous about what Kendra had planned for the day.
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find out what happens next...