I'm Taking Back the Life You Stole

Chapter 1

Mikey was lying on his back, sprawled across the bed, thinking. Not thinking of anything important, just…thinking. Ok, lie. He was thinking about tomorrow. He really didn’t want tomorrow to come.

A door slamming next to his room, followed by giggling, interrupted Mikey’s thoughts. Mikey sighed; Gerard was home. Gerard did this every night; ever since their parent told them they were moving to Belleview, he would go out and get drunk, then drag someone back to his room and fuck their brains out.

Lets just say, sleepless nights for Mikey.

Mikey shifted a little and closed his eyes, praying for sleep. A minute went by, and Gerard’s headboard started making nice loud noises against the wall. Mikey’s eyes snapped open and he groaned, rolling onto his stomach and shoving a pillow over his head.
Silence. Mikey sighed happily, only to stop when a long moan drifted through the pillow.

“Fuuuckkkk. Geeee!”

Mikey sat up quickly and scanned the room. Boxes scattered around the room, each holding valuable memories and possessions, also Mikey’s Ipod. More noises drifted through the wall as Mikey frantically dived through the boxes.

Eventually, the Ipod emerged, amongst other things and memories that Mikey had packed. He quickly shoved the headphones into his ears and turn up the volume.
He walked to his bed and got comfortable, when he felt something hard and sharp jabbing his leg. Winching in pain, Mikey moved and swiped at the thing.

A book?

Mikey looked at the book, realising it was his photo album. He quietly flicked through the pages, pausing every now and then to laugh or smile as the memories soared back to him. Eventually, Mikey stopped on 1 page, tears formed as he looked upon a picture of Elisa Gray. His girlfriend. He gently closed the album and held it against his chest. Mikey tried to swallow the lump that had formed in his through, and held back tears that threatened to spill.

Soon enough, the tears spilt, and Mikey collapsed into his bed and cried himself to sleep.