Being Seventeen

She Notices

The weekend went terribly slow waiting for Monday to come. This was the biggest thing that had ever happened to him… in a good way that is. Unfortunately, the others got pretty competitive, and they all agreed not to speak until they knew who was going. Since, mainly they were afraid of their possible “new” reputation being wrecked if they were caught hanging out with the “wrong” crowd. Not that Alex really cared, after all, his life wasn’t too bad, did it really matter who it was? He seriously doubted-- (despite what his friends said) that he was the guy any pretty girl like her would want.

So, after resorting to taking his sister places for forty-eight hours, his head was throbbing, and he was ready for some sort of school project to take his mind off of all the craziness. Which is just what he got. Unfortunately… she was assigned his project partner! “Hey buddy!” She said smiling. “You must be Alex! I’m Arianna, isn’t that weird? Both of our names start with an a’!” Boy she was pretty, and

“Very weird…” He said jokingly back. He just wasn’t used to anybody… (especially a girl) talking to him like she actually cared. It was really weird…and cool. Well, except for the fact that all the other guys in the class were grumbling with fury, that they weren’t picked instead. She was probably just being nice because she had heard he hung out with her “geek crush,” which by all means was fine with him.

“Your funny!” She said, laughing a really cute laugh. He noticed she had three freckles on the side of her face, and a beauty mark on her cheek, which could have explained why she was so beautiful. No. He couldn’t say that. He couldn’t actually like this girl… could he?

“So whatcha’ wanna do for our project?” She said, looking at him very intently, actually he felt like he was on some quiz show, where he was the rat in the cage.

“I was thinking about doing something about molecules…” He replied, holding back a stutter, and the urge to look at her again, as he focused on a beaker that he could see her face in, if he tilted it just right.

“Molecules? Hmmm… interesting really. I like that. Ya know I did a project on those things back at Briarwood. It was a lot of fun! Me and my best friend Maddie got paired together and we got the highest grade in the class. So I approve. Are we going to make a diorama? Or just write an essay?” Did she ever stop talking? It really was cute the way she babbled.

“What would you rather do?” He inquired back, turning his head for the second time to face her, but turning back two seconds later, afraid of his blush showing. She was just too pretty to like him, and he knew it! So… then why was she treating him so nice?

“Well I love that idea…” She said, leaning in really close to his face, literally forcing him to look at her. “But not near as much as your eyes… what are they brown?…” She asked, taking his head in her hands close enough for her to hear his nervous heartbeat.

“H- hazel…” He stuttered, openly this time. And she obviously sensed it, backing off a little, and for once she was completely quite. “Ummm so… your friend Maddie… was she as nice as you?” He tried, surprised that he actually had the guts to speak to her. Like someone else was really controlling his mind, and he just wanted her more than he had ever wanted any other girl. And he realized…

what if she really did like him?!

She immediately perked back up, and smiled her perfect smile. “She was nicer. But I guess you remind me of her. Which is why I wanted you to be my partner…” She said, her voice trailing off, and her smile fading.

“Do I really look like a girl? I mean I know my eyes do…”

“Haha no! Of course not. She and I just weren’t… well we weren’t “popular” ya know, and no offense, I just noticed how the other guys looked at you, and how mean they were… and how nice you were.” She said, and he thought he saw her blush, but he probably just was looking through the beaker wrong.

“You weren’t popular?” He asked, surprised.

“No.” She laughed. “Quite a change huh?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” He laughed back. “And… your smart?… that’s like… wow.”

“Really? You think I’m smart? That’s the biggest compliment you could have ever given me!” She smiled. “No lie! I get sick of guys liking me for my body, and my face and stuff, but if they like me for my brains… well… I think that’s cool!” She said, really blushing this time, and he could tell because he was looking straight at her. Almost like for the first time, seeing her as what she really was. She was a former dork, struck by the lucky coincidence of moving to a new town, and starting over. Now that was a girl he could like!
* * *

The next few days were, well very hard. He wasn’t sure if it had to do with Arianna, or if it had to do with her maybe liking another boy, or if it had to do with she was all he ever thought about anymore. But, the answer was probably all of the above. His focus was elsewhere, and his grades point averages, were well… going down… a lot. He just hoped his friends were right, and prayed that he would find a little perfumed note in his locker come the end of the week. Which thankfully, (and surprisingly) is what happened! At first he thought it was some big prank, but he couldn’t deny what her handwriting looked like after working with her biology notes. The note read:

Dear Alex,

You have been a truly inspiring lab partner the past few days, and it would be so cool if you could come to my welcome party next week! I’d love to have you as my date, since I don’t really know many guys as fun and cool as you! Well anyway get back to me ASAP, and I’ll fill you in with the details!!! -Love, Arianna J

Ps. Here’s my number! 901-370-2249

His insides almost evaporated at the thought. Was this really happening? Why would she like him? What if she was just really trying to be nice? What if this was all a setup? Why were all the questions so infuriating? And, where were the answers?! At least their was hope, and for a geek, that was good. The bad news:… his friends were going to hate him. Like he needed them anyway!

Luckily he didn’t have to wait too long, since his next class was his only class with her, and he was going to get answers whether he wanted them or not. He debated playing dumb, (where he might still have a chance to live if James overheard, and then call her later and confirm) but he decided against it. Why would he risk his super slim chance of dating the girl of his dreams!? (Literally!)

“Hey B-man!” Arianna greeted him. Apparently that was his new nickname that she had given him. And it sounded cooler than half the names he had ever been called, so he let it slide.

“Hey Anna.” He replied, since he preferred to call her by a more common name, in case word was to really spread. Their were millions of Anna at Lakeview High, and in total one Arianna.

“So yah got my message right?” She hinted playfully nudging him a bit with her shoulder. And for a girl, she really was strong. He looked at her hard. Not in a mean way, but sort of checking her out. He hadn’t really gotten the chance yet, and it seemed like a good opportunity. Her hair was quite long, reaching her waist really. Today she had it in a ponytail, which only made it just an inch shorter. It was an odd color though, (in a good way) a very dark brown, but not too dark.

Her eyes were an unusual light blue, grey really, but they looked blue in the light. She didn’t wear that much make up, but it sure looked like she was. She was too pretty, to be natural, or real. Her body type was thin. Not just thin, but model thin. She really looked anemic, but he doubted she was. As far as he could see, she ate more than somebody who was obese. She had a cute butt, and probably B-cups, verging on C-cups. Definitely gorgeous all the way around. He had to be dreaming, well either than or she was blind.

“Umm yeah.” He said nervously scratching his head.

“So…?” She said inquiring further.

“The answer is definitely yes.” He said, sounding a bit more eager than he intended to. And very sorry that he gave it away so obviously. Yep, James was definitely going to kick his butt. But boy was she worth it!

“Okey-dokey, so I guess I’ll be waiting for you by the fountain, don’t be late. At exactly seven fifteen sharp. No excuses. Here is a map to my house, and a code you can punch in where the gate will open for yah. The fountain’s around back, and the music will be pretty loud. Don’t forget. I’ll be waiting!” She said just as the bell rang, and he could tell right then, if half the school already knew they were dating, in two minutes counting the whole school would! And, he didn’t even know is he would make it through the day without getting beat up… Oh no…he was about to puke…again.

* * *