Rakastan Sinua (or, I Love You)

The Coven of Viktor, Marcus, and Amelia has been destroyed. Though, that does not mean that the vampires and Death Dealers have given up their hunt of Lycans.

Lucian, the oldest and strongest of the Lycans hatched a plan many centuries ago to kidnap one of the daughters of a counsel member while they were still human and make them a Lycan. As sort of punishment for the death of Sonja and his child.

[This is a very AU Underworld fic, where the Coven was destroyed after the first movie (Marcus included) and Lucian didn't die (because... I hated Kraven, and Lucian is awesome). The character of Verona is mine, but none of the others are (except for Helena[My BFF's future daughter's name]. She belongs partially to me and partially to Venge.) ]