The Reluctant Cinderella

Chapter Twelve

The rest of the week passed by rather quickly for the best friends. They had a wonderful time at the house and an even better time around the city, whether they where at the park, movies, mall, or just walking around. Even having Aidan around couldn’t spoil their moods. There wasn’t any mention of Rose or Sky, or Jason; much to Missy’s dismay.

The morning of the last day Dawn was awoken by the sound of her cell phone going off. Heavy metal blasted through the phone’s speaker, jolting her awake with a start. She looked around trying to figure out where the music was coming from. When she spotted her phone on the bed side-table and saw the screen lit up, she groaned. “Damn Missy for changing my ring tone again,” she muttered. Though she had to admit she did like the music.

The ringing had stopped as she picked up her phone. The screen read “Missed call” and she looked at the number. It was her home number. While rubbing the sleep from her eyes she called back and waited for someone to pick up.

“Hello?” Dawn recognized the voice of her sister.

“Hey Rose. Did someone call?”

“Yeah, I did. Dad’s going to be in New York for a few more days. Mom wants you to still come home today.”

“Okay, okay,” Dawn answered. At the same time she was thinking of a way to convince her mom to let her stay at Missy’s longer.

“And don’t try to get out of coming home,” Rose warned then hung up.

“Nice talking to you too,” Dawn said putting her phone down.

Later that day Missy drove Dawn to her house and they had a long good-bye. Missy even stayed over for an hour and a half before she had to leave. The remainder of the day was quite boring and Dawn wished she were out doing something fun and exciting. But instead she was stuck inside doing chores. Rose’s chores to be exact. Time went by slowly as she executed her menial tasks.

Clean! Clean! Clean!

That’s all she seemed to be doing and after a whole week of relaxing she did not like it at all. She hated it even more now than before.

“I really do feel like Cinderella,” she said as she was cleaning the kitchen floor. She stopped working at that moment. “No, that’s not true. Missy is just getting to me,” she decided and nodded to herself once. “Though it would be nice if birds came in and helped me.” She began laughing as Rose walked in.

“What’s so funny?” Rose asked while walking by.

Dawn noticed Rose’s dirty shoes and the mess they were making on the just cleaned floor. “Hey, take your shoes off!”

“Uh, no.” She was at the refrigerator now, looking in.

Dawn stood up with her arms crossed. “You’re getting the floor dirty and I just cleaned it.”

Rose walked over to her little sister, with a water bottle in hand, and looked down at her. “Well, I guess you’re just going to have to clean it again. Have fun.” She laughed as she walked out.

Dawn was fuming at all of her hard work going down the drain in just a few seconds. And on top of that it was Rose’s job to begin with. She began shaking a bit from anger and had to take a few breaths to calm herself down. She needed a break and retreated to her room.

She lay on her bed, hugging her pillow tight hoping to get some rest. That didn’t last long for as she was just about to fully relax her phone went off. Her eyes opened as her hand went searching for her phone, which was somewhere nearby. The ring tone, which was back to it’s normal ring, continued and finally she found it. The screen read, “Missy” and she answered.

“Hey, Missy. What’s up?” Dawn asked.

“I have good news! My aunt is ready to show us the dresses!” Missy yelled with joy.

“What?!” Dawn got off the bed. “How did she even know what we wanted to wear?”

“She knew ‘cause I e-mailed her the pictures and our measurements when I went home the night we picked everything out. My aunt said since I was family she would work on our stuff first. Hope you don’t mind.”

Dawn was going to ask how Missy knew her measurements and why she didn’t tell her when she was staying over but decided not to. She was happy to hear some good news. “That’s great! I can’t wait to see all of our dresses.”

Rose was walking by Dawn’s room but stopped when she heard the word “dresses.” Curious she went by the door, which was cracked open a bit, and continued to listen. She heard just about everything that Dawn said and grew angry. Her sister was still planning on going to the summer balls! And she had dresses being made for her! This was very unacceptable. There was no way she was going to allow that to happen.