The Reluctant Cinderella

Chapter Fourteen

The next morning was rather uneventful for Dawn as she lay on her bed. After seeing the first dress and having dancing lessons being stuck at home was less exciting. Already Rose had come in and try to mess with her but boredom had taken away the last ounce of being bothered. The eldest sister had left when she didn’t get a reaction. And so she remained in her room just staring up at the ceiling.

A few hours passed and soon the afternoon was upon her. The need to eat over took her, so she got her butt out of her room and headed downstairs. A quick look around the first floor confirmed her suspicions that she was alone. She figured that her siblings were off with their friends. Smiling, she walked into the kitchen and began looking around. First, in the refrigerator than the cabinets. Upon finding nothing she liked, though there were a lot of food in the kitchen, she wondered if she should just order a pizza or Chinese. Deciding that she didn’t want to spend her money she opted for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and quickly made herself one.

With a sloppy sandwich on a paper plate she headed for the living to watch some television. On the way she passed the front at the same time it opened. She stopped when she saw who was entering. With a rolling suitcase in one hand and a regular one in the other, and a few by his sides, Dawn’s father walked into the house. As soon as he spotted his youngest daughter he smiled.

“Dad!” she yelled as she dropped the plate and ran over to him. “Welcome home!” She gave him a big hug and squeezed him tightly.

“Woah,” he said as she embraced him. “I’m glad to see you again, too.” He chuckled.

She released him and took a step back. The smile was still on her face. “This has got to be the best Wednesday ever!”

“Now, now don’t exaggerate. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of better Wednesdays. Is anybody else home?” He asked while trying to listen for any other human sounds. His ears picked up one but it didn’t belong to a human. Running full speed right towards him was Oso.

“Oso, no. Stop!” he shouted his last command but the happy St. Bernard didn’t listen. Oso jumped up on Joseph and began licking his owner’s face. Dawn laughed at the sight as her father tried to keep his balance and Oso tried to knock him down. Finally Joseph managed to calm the dog down and got him to sit. “Good boy. Now go get your toy.” With a bark Oso ran off.

“You know you could’ve just told him to go to his bed,” Dawn commented. “Now he’ll expect you to play with him.”

Joseph grabbed his luggage and walked in all the way. Seeing the other ones Dawn grabbed those and followed. They placed the pieces gently onto the hardwood floor. He then closed the door and turned to her.

“I take it no one else is home then,” he stated. He knew the commotion earlier would have gotten everyone’s attention and bring them over.

“No,” she answered. “Mom’s at work and I guess Rose and Sky are with their friends. It was just Oso and I.”

“You’re mother is still working?” he asked as he began walking. “I’d thought she would…” He stopped talking when his right foot stepped on something soft and sticky. He lifted his foot then looked down. Beneath his foot was a squished sandwich. The imprint of his shoe could be seen on the top layer of bread and peanut butter and jelly was coming out of the sides by the sudden force. Dawn placed a hand over her mouth, holding back a laugh.

“Dawn, why is there a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the floor?” he asked calmly. He didn’t even look at her.

“I dropped it when I saw you,” she explained after removing her hand.

“And are you going to clean it up?” He grabbed his shoe and removed it, making sure not to touch the sticky bottom.

“Yes, of course.” She was a little scared because those were his favorite and most expensive dress shoes. “And I’ll clean your shoe. Both shoes,” she added.

“Good.” She saw him nod then turn to her with the shoe being held up. After she took that one he bent down and removed the other then handed that one to her. She didn’t meet his gaze and kept her eyes on the ground. He cracked a smile. “It’s so good to be home.” He ruffled her hair, getting a reaction.

“Hey!” She batted his hand away with her free one. “Don’t mess up my hair.” She began laughing knowing that he wasn’t mad at all.

“Get to it then.” Joseph grabbed as many suitcases he can before walking away leaving her alone.

She sighed as he was out of sight then thought of where to clean his shoes. Her thought was interrupted only a moment later. “Oso! No!” Thud! She knew her father had fallen down and can only imagine the comical sight that was going on. Laughing quietly, she stepped over the inedible sandwich and headed for the kitchen to grab some paper towels.

Dawn had just finished cleaning the floor when the rest of her family walked in. They stopped when they saw her on the ground with a towel in her hand. As usual Sky didn’t say anything but instead headed for the stairs. Her mother shut the door while Rose looked down at her with a smile. It wasn’t a friendly one at all.

“Aww, look. Little Dawn decided to clean the floors. They’re so clean I can see my face in them,” Rose said.

“Don’t look to close or the floor will break,” Dawn replied with a smirk. Although she still wasn’t used to sticking up for herself, she still couldn’t help making little comments back. The argument with Missy had helped her a bit. Rose’s smile vanished and was replaced by a sneer.

“Girls, enough,” their mother said. Rose stuck her nose up and walked away. “Dawn, why are you cleaning the floor at this time?”

Dawn stood and straightened her jeans before answering. “I dropped a PB & J sandwich on the floor when dad came home.”

“You’re father’s home?” Mary asked with surprise.

Just then Rose’s loud voice was heard throughout the house. She had spotted her father and began welcoming him home. Then she started asking about her presents. Mary and Dawn went towards her voice and found the two in the living room.

“Joseph!” Mary shouted with joy when she spotted her husband. They walked over to each other and gave a hug then a quick kiss. “This is a surprise. I didn’t expect you until later on. You were supposed to call so I can pick you up.”

“I wanted to surprise you.” He looked at his daughters. “All of you. By the way, where’s Sky?”

“Where else would he be,” Rose stated. “But never mind him. Where are our presents?”

Dawn rolled her eyes, not surprised that her older sister would worry more about material possessions whether than her father or how his trip went.

“Rose, calm down,” he said with a chuckle. “I’ll give them to you in time.” Rose pouted then sat on the couch.

Dawn decided to do the same, minus the pouting. She started asking him questions about his trip and case. It turned out that the firm had won the case, though it took longer than expected, hence why he needed to stay a couple more days. Then he explained what it was like in New York and the different restaurants and shops he went to. At the mention of shops Rose’s interest perked up hoping that he would start giving them their stuff. He didn’t and instead continued talking. Finally, what seemed like forever to Rose, he grabbed one bag but before he started handing out their gifts he made Rose call Sky down so he could get his stuff as well. Soon the whole family was in the living room with smiles on their faces at what they got.

“This would look fabulous with my gown for the black and white ball,” Rose said while holding up an expensive necklace to her neck. “Thank you daddy!”

“You’re welcome sweetheart.”

Sky looked away from his new digital watch to everybody else. “Is that coming up already?” he asked.

Rose rolled her eyes. “Yeah, why else would I be constantly shopping?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It didn’t seem much different from what you usually do.”

She grabbed the couch pillow she was leaning against and threw it at home. It hit him right in the face and Dawn couldn’t help but laugh. After they many times he’s thrown something at her it was great to see it happen to him.

“Rose, do not throw pillows at your brother,” their mother scolded. “And Dawn, do not laugh.”

“Yes, mother,” the sisters said in unison.

“Sky’s right though,” Joseph said. “I can’t believe it’s approaching already. I don’t even have a costume.”

“Don’t worry honey,” Mary said with a smile. “I’ve already picked costumes out for you.”

“That can’t be good,” he muttered then looked up at her. “Joking,” he quickly added with a rueful smile.

The conversation shifted to Mary and Rose describing their dresses and what they were going to be for each theme. Then they went on to describe the outfits for the men in the family. Joseph liked the sound of his costumes and loved that his wife was able to find something that matched hers. Sky was disinterested in what his twin had picked out for him but mentioned that he was glad she didn’t pick anything embarrassing.

“Oh Dawn, I’m so sorry that I’ve been neglecting you,” he mother suddenly said. “We haven’t been out shopping yet. I’ll see if I can get some time off and maybe we’ll find something.”

Dawn shook her head. “It’s okay mom. You haven’t been neglecting me. You’ve been too busy with work and I understand. Besides, I already have my outfits.”

“You do?” Mary was surprised. She couldn’t figure out when her youngest daughter would have had time to go out shopping. But then she realized Dawn most likely went out with Missy while she was staying over. At that, she felt a little annoyed with her daughter’s best friend. This was something she would have liked them to do together.

“Yes, so no need to worry. Everything is under control.” She stood then walked over to where her dad was seated and gave him a hug. “Thanks for the shirt dad.”

“Wait, aren’t you going to describe them to us?” Mary asked. If her daughter was going to go out without her and buy dresses, then she would have to know what they looked like. She needed to make sure that they were appropriate.

“Yeah Dawn. Tell us everything about them,” Rose added.

“I’m going to keep that a surprise,” Dawn said with a smile.

Mary stood up and faced Dawn. “If you think that you’re going to go to the balls without me seeing the dresses first then you’re sadly mistaken. I expect to see each dress the morning before each ball and I’ll need to approve of it before you go out.”

“Mom, that’s not fair! I assure you that I didn’t pick out anything slutty. They’re all modest. I promise.”

“I believe you but I’ll still need to see each one.”

Dawn sighed. “Fine.” Then she exited the room. Rose quickly got up and followed.

“That’s what you get for shopping with your stupid little friend and not us,” Rose said smugly to Dawn. “Not that it matters because whatever you’re wearing can not even compare to what I have.”
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Wow four updates in one month! That's a record! And it's all because of my wonderful readers!