Hate That I Love You

Hate is for the Broken-Hearted

My eyes were glued to the couple standing in front of me. Her arms were linked around Ronnie and his face was in the cook of the neck, I could hear his snivelling. Bryan grasped my hand and pulled me away, passing Ronnie and Nikki’s joined form.

“What the hell?” Bryan whispered to Max as he passed him, I was still glued to the couple, she had changed a lot. In the picture I had seen she had blonde hair and it was longer.

“I don’t know?” Max shrugged, looking at us both as I turned to face him

“What do you mean, shouldn’t you guys be happy for them?”

Max and Bryan just glared at me, I had obviously said something wrong. I looked at them individually, and backed away a little.

“They… were always fighting, and… cheating on one another.” Max nodded

I glared, my mouth fell open, how could he cry over a girl who cheated and fought with him. I guess he really cared.

“Isnt that the norm?” I asked, Bryan chuckled.

“If you did that to me you wouldn’t see me for a long time.” Bryan waved his finger in front of my face, warningly.

“Hahahaha” Max grinned, clutching his stomach like an old fool about to bellow.

“What?” Bryan and I said in unison, glanced at one another and laughing.

“Hey Robert I found your…” Omar dropped the contents of his hand onto the floor, the glass container shattered and the broken, serrated pieces flew across the floor, scattering themselves. Omar’s mouth dropped and his eyes were as wide as tennis balls.

“Nikki?” He pointed, shaking uncontrollably. His mouth began to shiver and it looked as though he was about to break down.

“Whats up with him?” I asked, nudging Bryan’s side.

“Omar… well he… he was the one to pick Ronnie up after the whole ‘break up thing’ and…lets just say that, Ronnie was…. A mess.” Max turned and walked past Ronnie and Nikki, who had finished hugging and were silently talking to each other. He stopped ad looked at them.

“Come on guys, we have a gig to play.” Max tapped Ronnie’s shoulder and kept walking. Omar peeled his eyes away, glanced down at the broken glass and whimpered for a while. He shuffled the pieces around with his feet and swept them under the couch that surrounded the table. He bowed his head as he walked out.

“See ya… Bryan kissed the top of my head and followed the boys out.

“But! Don’t you want me to do your hair?” I cried, running past Nikki and Ronnie towards the bus door, yelling out, when I got to the door.

“Nah…” Max turned and shrugged, brushing me off and kept walking. I glanced over at Bryan, he had turned and was blowing me a kiss. He winked and followed Max.

“Excuse me…” Ronnie pushed me aside to pass me.

“Oh sorry….”

“Hahahah, did you see them? They couldn’t keep themselves off each other, if we weren’t there they would have fucked each other right on the floor.” Max spoke, waving his hands, and flicking his hair over his shoulder.

“They would not have…” Robert sighed, wishing he hadn’t missed out on the scenery.

“You didn’t see them…” Omar laughed, joining in on the conversation

Bryan’s mind was off in another world, he stared blankly out at the paddocks that backed onto the stage. Camping tents littered the surrounding paddocks. He coughed and turned back to the boys who were still talking about Ronnie, that was until Ronnie ran up behind them.

“Hey guys.”

Bryan glared at Ronnie; his smile was spread from ear to ear. Bryan hadn’t seen Ronnie this happy.

Kodak Moment, He thought, smiling to himself and glancing at the ground.

“Yo, How is she?” Max linked his arm around Ronnie’s neck, grinning like a school child after a lolly.

“Who?” Ronnie blankly stared at Max.

“Who do you think? Nikki?” Max sighed

“Oh she’s good.”

Bryan looked over at Ronnie again, his smile had died away and his eyes were averted to the ground, Max was happily chatting away to the staring form that was Ronnie. Bryan figured something was up, he glanced at Omar. Omar looked back at him and smiled, but it was a worrying smile. Bryan looked away.

The gig was recorded to be the best one yet, and it was to be the last for a few days. The boys had agreed to take it easy for a few days and settle down. They were to return to Las Vegas to see family and friends then start another tour, but a Australasian tour.

The boys entered the bus, they voices ran loudly over the tiny space. All of them were covered, head to toe, in sweat and water. Ronnie’s make up was smudged all over his face.

While they were away, I sat silently, surfing the internet on Robert laptop, while Nikki fell asleep in Ronnie’s bunk, that was after I had showed her which bunk it was. I didn’t have much contact with her after that. She fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.

“Where’s Nikki?” Ronnie burst into the bus, glancing around, searching for his new obtained love.

Nikki wasn’t a nasty woman, but the guys gave her dirty looks. I couldn’t tell why, but obviously they had all had a run on with Nikki in the past, and it seemed to be a nasty run in. I sighed, I hoped they didn’t act like this when I first joined them. But Nikki’s dress sense was unusual, well, I wouldn’t say that, but it was different. She always wore a black band tee with some form of brightly coloured pants, bright enough to reflect the sun. I was going to give her a chance, but the boys already seemed to have their minds set, set on driving her away.

She seemed nice.

Why did the guys look at her disgustingly?