Hate That I Love You


We said our goodbyes, and left proudly. My heart was filled with love, as I happily walked from the house. It looked really good, so did Alex. She was finally happy, and I could tell. Every time Mike spoke about her and him, she smiled. It wasn’t just any smile; it was happiness that made her smile. And her amazing smile made me feel good about the whole situation, while Bryan gapped at the idea of Mike keeping Alex from him. I just laughed, and nudged his shoulder lightly, whispering little things in his ear. He wrapped his arms around me, and we walked to the car. Robert and Max lazily following behind, mumbling to each other and picking at each other figure.

“You realize… they do naughty things in there spare time!” Bryan grinned, the satisfaction of my expression coursed through his body. I scrunched up my nose, flicking my tongue out as well.

“I don’t care, everyone does it…” I mumbled, lightly pushing Bryan against the car.

“Whoa? Here? Now?” he questioned, leaning closer to me, brushing his lips over mine.

“Hey! Romeo and Juliet? Get a room?” Called max, as he reached for the door and crashed into the car, pulling Robert in after him. Bryan glanced at the Drivers seat behind me.

“Looks like I’m driving?” he kissed me quickly, before pushing me off the car and getting in it.

“Bastard…” I mumbled, and joined the guys in the car.

“HEY RONNIE!” Max wrapped an arm around Ronnie’s shoulder, Ronnie slowly turned to him, giving him a grin, and turned back to him game with Nikki. Max acknowledged her by nodding, the awkwardness was still there, but it had faded slightly.

“Hey mate….” He lazily replied, flicking him away.

“Whatever…” Max turned away and walked further into the house, grasping Omar as he approached him. Bryan and I had safely entered the house and sat down across from Ronnie and Nikki. Bryan smirked and turned to me.

“Oh Ronnie” he moaned, his hot breath flooded my ears. I scrunched up my nose, and slapped Bryan’s thigh. He shuffled a little and giggled.

“You love it.”

I flipped him off.

“Hey Ronnie! Have you made tea yet?” Max poked his head from behind us, looking in to visualize Ronnie. I scoffed, and turned to face Max. Ronnie glanced around, worryingly.

“No Max, I haven’t.” he sighed, going back his game.

“Well fuck you too.”

“Lets get out of here, or…make dinner ourselves?”

I glanced up at Bryan, who comfortably had his head resting on my shoulder.

“I vote…. DINNER!” I jumped up from the seat, and ran into the kitchen, Bryan following me closely. His heavy footsteps could be heard throughout the house, I could feel the reverberation through my own feet. I ran faster as the vibrations got closer.

“What the?” Nikki asked, spinning on the floor, visualizing us running around like headless chickens.

“Don’t worry about them, they have to much energy.” Ronnie drew her attention back to him with a simple hug.

“Bugger off Bryan!” I called, turning quickly to face Bryan. He tried to stop, but failed miserably. I closed my eyes as his body forced mine against the wall. I hit my head with a loud ‘thump’. The pain shot through my body as fast as my heart beat.

“Ouch…” I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes, visualizing Bryan’s beaming face.

“Sorry…” His smile drooped, and he nursed my head, kissing my face, and running his hands through my hair.

“You’re going to have to do better then that!” I smirked, grasping his side, and tickling him mercilessly. I smiled. He tossed uncontrollably under my fingers.

“STOP!” he called, forcing me back against the wall. My hands dropped from his sides, and stabilized me against the wall.

“Do you have to?”

He forced his lips against mine, between him and the wall, I couldn’t go anywhere. He had planned this. His hands snaked up to my face, deepening the kiss.

“Guys, please, I would like my food to have no saliva in it, unless its my own.” Robert mumbled, as he walked past us into the kitchen. Bryan pulled himself away from me, took my hand, and led me into the kitchen, where we started tea.

“Do you think they will come?” Mike asked, rearranging his hair. Alex entered from the bathroom, her hair was meshed into a towel-bun. Mike turned to her.

“Nah! They have other things to do, but I should leave her a message, right?” Alex asked, handing Mike his hair brush. He glanced back at her askingly.

“Do your hair.” She warned, standing in front of the mirror while she applied her make up.

“You look prettier without that shit…” Mike grasped her sides and kissed the tender flesh on her neck.

“Can you please call your brother and tell him we are going out, not to worry, we will call him when we get back.” Alex flicked him away. Mike pouted and walked to the bed, grabbing his phone and walking out. While Alex applied the rest of her make up, she could here Mike mumbling into the phone. Within a few minutes, Mike was back pestering her about the make up.

“Didn’t he answer his phone?”

“No, to busy screwing your roommate.” Mike snickered, kissing Alex’s neck again.

“Please don’t say that…” she giggled

“Are you ready to go?”

Alex looked herself over in the mirror, before turning to Mike.

“Yeah, you driving?” Mike wrapped an arm around her, and smiled.

“Of course I’m Driving…” He said. “So that you can feel me up in the seat on the way home.” He winked, Alex nodded in shame.

“You really need to get a life.”

“You love it!” he walked her out the door, locking it behind him, and approached the car.

“Lets hope this to be a good night.” He winked.