Hate That I Love You

Returning for More

The week flew by, I didn’t even have time to remember the days. Wednesday again, I think, I hadn’t heard anymore on Bryan, for all I knew he was out of the state, maybe even the country.

Life went on, sweet and sour. My position at the hairdressers seemed to get better, not that I expected it to, or wanted it to. It was getting me money, and I like to get money!

I was sweeping, the last individual, a female, whose hair I was cleaning up, was a real bitch, all she talked about was her boss and her ‘fantastic’ sex life, personally, if I had a sex life like hers, id get counseling.

Sweeping wasn’t exactly my ‘thing’, but I was ‘Deck-hand’, not that I cared what I did, I just didn’t like sweeping, or moping, or cleaning for that matter.

“You still here?” A familiar whisper entered my ear, ripping me from my day-dream to reality, not that I really wanted to be back in reality. Whoever the whisper belonged to was about to get an ear-full of abuse. I spun on my heel, as I did they clasped my upper arm to stabilize me, just incase I spun to fast. The face was very familiar, how could I forget him?

“You look as though you’ve seen a ghost” he calmly noted, rubbing my face with his warm, delicate hand.

He looked really good, his hair, still bleached blonde, hung sexily from his small, tanned face.


“You’ve remembered my name” he happily stated, clapping his hands sarcastically.

“How could I forget the blonde guitarist of Escape the Fate?” I mocked, feeling that I could out-do his sarcastic reply.

“So you watched that?” he brushed my comment off, I wasn’t very pleased about that, it took a lot of thinking to come up with that, and he shrugs it off?

“Oh yeah, and I got a bit of a shock when I realized who you actually were.” I went back to sweeping and cleaning up after the other hairdressers.

“Most chicks already know me...”

“Well, im not like most chicks.” I eagerly replied.

I glanced at him again, unable to tear my gaze from him. I had enough time to stare at him to see what he was wearing. He wore a dark pair of skinny leg jeans, much like the last pair I saw him in, and a crimson singlet. His hair was styled again, they way he had it done before I cut it, with a similar headband, maybe it was his trade mark. He noticed me staring at him and smirked.

“Most girls like to stare at me as well.” He giggled to himself under his breath

“I…- uh? I-I..I wasn’t staring!”

“…Heh…” he turned and grabbed the closest object he could find, a straightener.

“I love these-”

“Are you here for a reason or to pester me?” I snatched the object from his grasp and placed it back on the bench top it came from.

“I’m actually here for a reason…”

“And what may that reason be?” I looked him in the eyes.

“I recommended to my band-mates that you were such a good hairdresser, and the one we have is… being a bitch to Max, so… he’s looking for a replacement, and… I said you.” He rubbed the back of his head nervously, it was adorable.

“Will you be our personal hairdresser?” he asked.

I just looked at him, my expression must have been offensive because he instantly glanced away.

“Excuse me?... woah! Wait, I-I cant be a personal hairdresser, I mean, im not even professional?” I didn’t even think before I said that, I just said it, and then wished I hadn’t.

His expression changed dramatically. He looked so hurt, my heart sank. I really wished I hadn’t said that, I really should improve on swallowing my pride.

“Im sorry, I-I…” I couldn’t finish, I was to afraid of anything that I could say would have hurt him.

“No, don’t worry… it was stupid of me to ask…”

“No! Bryan…I-”

I didn’t meant to hurt him. My heart sank deeper, it felt like it was floating in my stomach. He averted his eyes to avoid mine and turned on his heels.

“Bryan, please…I…I didn’t mean to…” the door sealed shut “…to hurt you.”

He was gone

My stomach was definitely in my stomach by now, but in little pieces, I could hear it fizzing and burning in my stomach acid. Bryan’s hurt expression playing over and over in my mind like a song on repeat.

I felt really bad, and my loneliness was only making it worse.

I felt like this for the rest of the day.

I strolled home, killing time. My roommate was going to be home, and I didn’t really feel like walking in on something I wasn’t meant to see.

I hadn’t walked this slow in a while, I was usually in a rush to get home. But with my aching heart and heaving legs I just wanted to collapse, but I figured I had better make it home first.

Once I got home I felt better.

“Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while… like…?” my roommate pondered for a while “16 hours”

I work from 8am to 4pm, that’s eight hours, I don’t have any idea where the other 8 hours came from

“You saw me this morning!”

“Yeah, so?....I missed you?!” Alex whined

Alexandra was my best friend, and my roommate. We’ve known each other for too long. She was a good person, she just rathered alcohol than friends, fine by me, but I wasn’t going to pick up her mess, and she knew that. So she did that herself. We understood each other, and that’s what I liked about her.

“Oh, I missed you too.” I rolled my eyes, collapsing on the couch, letting it eat me alive.

“Oh!, I met this really nice guy today, I invited him over for tea.”

“You cooking? Or am I dreaming?” I coughed, hiding the giggling under my breath.

She just ignored my comment.

“He’s really hot!”

“You are one desperate woman.” I sighed, shaking my head.

She casually walked away.

“Oh, and your cooking..” she called over her shoulder, so she didn’t entirely brush off my comment, she just twisted my words. I hated it when she did that, she was so good at it.

“I-I...I?” I protested, failing miserably.

I made a non-dairy vegetable and pasta bake with chips, Alex’s favourite. No dairy because Alex is lactose intolerant and vegetables because I am a vegetarian.

I had just finished preparing tea and letting it cook in the over when the doorbell loudly flooded the house with the horrible ringing noise it made.

“Oh! That will be him! Do you want to get the door please Rory?” Alex called from her bedroom, hopefully she wasn’t going to get too dressed up, sometimes when she did that, she went a little overboard.

“Fine…” I sighed, again rising from my comfortable couch.

I clambered towards the door, slowly, for my joints were only beginning to understand that I was walking. I slowly placed my hand over the door knob, making our visitor freeze for as long as I could. I swung it open, to be faced with the face that always seems to pop up no matter where I am.

“…I think I have the wrong house…”

“Your Alex’s friend?!” I asked, surprised.

“Yes, I believe so.” He smiled, but it wasn’t a happy smile, the smile was definitely forced, he wasn’t happy at all. The happiness in his eyes had died.

“Can I come in?” Bryan asked.