Hate That I Love You

Riding with You

“You wanted to meet with me?”

“Yes, just updating you on the tour, seeing that you will be joining us” he smiled, I swear that a smile that perfect was created through practice, he must sit in front of a mirror and smile at himself.

“I’m riding with the bad? Like, in the same vehicle?” I asked, surprised I didn’t think I’d get the chance to be so close to the bad, other than doing their hair.

“Ye-eah!” Bryan chuckled “How else were you going to travel?”

“Private transport?” I responded.

“No, your traveling in the same form of transport as us.” He smiled intelligently.

“When is it?”

“Ah!” he cooed, averting his eyes away from mine shyly. “I know this sounds a little rushed and all, but the guys wanna get out as soon as possible, and we all agreed to start the tour now.”

“It’s fine…” I reassured him, I personally wasn’t in any rush, I was just excited to get out of this ‘hole’ and go do something I would enjoy, and touring doesn’t sound too bad.

“Here…” he passed a rectangular-shaped piece of laminated paper, with my name and seat number on it.

“It’s your plane ticket…”

“But? It’s more like a card?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Treat it like one, instead of constantly buying tickets the band and band attendants are given a card, much like yours to fly… pretty much.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“For tomorrow, where do I meet you and when?”

“Uh...?” he looked around stupidly. I over looked him, while he glanced away I snuck a glimpse at his wonderful dress sense. Jeez the man knew how to dress himself.

“I knew this, just wait, it will come back to me…eventually” I quickly glanced back up at his face, hiding the fact that I was staring at him. I tapped my foot curiously, waiting for my informational reply from Bryan.

It suddenly came back to him and he looked at me wide-eyed.

“Tomorrow morning, around 7… right here!” his finger was pointed directly at the ground. I glanced down foolishly inspecting the position.

“I can’t fit…”

“What?” he asked, grasping my arms and shaking me from my stare. I instantly looked back up at him.

“I-I I won’t be in the same position tomorrow…” I smiled idiotically, he just looked at me.

“You’re an idiot.” He shook his head, his blonde hair moving naturally over his shoulders. I studied his movements carefully; he was such a elegant male. You usually don’t find many of those.

I smiled innocently.

He checked his watch, and sadly looked at me.

“I have to go… I have to get back and pack.” He flashed his charming, heart-warming smile before turning on his heels and walking back to his car.


I waved him goodbye as she sped down the street. I happily skipped back into the house, singing to myself as I went. I returned to my position on the floor over my art book. But my smile made the mood of the house all the difference.

I couldn’t stop smiling at all…

It was coming in dark, and I hadn’t heard from Alex, usually she called before dark to tell me she was coming, or staying at a friend’s house. But not tonight. I waltzed around the house, constantly checking out the window for any activity outside that might signify that Alex was home. I wondered around aimlessly, lost, frustrated and worried about her, this wasn’t a good trick of her to pull.

Eventually, Alex did come home, breaking my frustration. All that worrying for nothing.

“Hey, Ror, Happy to see me?” she beamed as she entered the house, her hands filled with plastic shopping bags. I slowly glanced over at her from behind the couch.

“Of course I am…” I snickered, going back to my previous activities. Watching T.V. it wasn’t all that interesting, but again, I wasn’t watching the screen, I was pointlessly staring, like I do.

Alex re-entered the room, crashing onto the couch next to me.

“What ya watchin?” she slurred, chewing on a chocolate bar.

“Nothing…” I slowly responded, my eyes glued to the screen, but not actually registering what was on the television.

“But you have the T.V on, and your eyes are glued to it.” She waved her hand in the line of my vision, breaking my stare.

“I am… was staring and…” I gazed at the bags left by the door “Where have you been?”

“Shopping…” she smiled.

She looked at me closely and noticed my smile. She lifted her eyebrow at me weirdly.

“What? Is something on my face?” she frantically patted her face to make sure nothing abnormal was on her face.

“No, nothing is on your face.” I rolled my eyes. She could be so gullible sometimes.

“Then what are you smiling at?”

“I got a job…”

She paused.

“Didn’t you already have a job?”

“Yeah, but I got a better one!” I nodded, beaming a huge pearly smile.

“Where at?”

“Uh…? I don’t know?” I embarrassingly looked over at her, keeping my eyes down just incase she was going to strike. She had moment when she would just… attack, and those were crazy moments. I didn’t like being around in those moments.

She glanced at me, horrified.

“Whoa? You got a job, and you don’t know where it will be? How messed up are you?” she kept glancing at me when she had her back turned as though she felt I was weird, or stupid.

“No, I’ll be traveling… with a band!”

Her expression changed intensely. Her mouth dropped open.

“Wait, like… a rock band?” she stood, lifeless, her mouth still open

“Yes, a rock band”

“Like…escape the fate, rock?” she inquired.

“Hey! I didn’t even get to tell you that part, how could you possibly know?” I whined.

She ran over to me and shook me crazily, knocking my brains against the front and back of my skull, once she finished I could literally feel the brain cells dying, one by one, fizzing and spinning until there was nothing left of them. Poor brain cells.

“YOU’RE TRAVLEING WITH ESCAPE THE FATE!!!??!!?” she shook me harder.

“Hey! Watch the brain cells, you may not have any, but I would like to keep mine.”

“Oh my… I cant believe this… you serious?”


“Why aren’t you excited?”

“I am, I just don’t go around shaking the crap out of someone and dancing around like a lunatic.”

She started to dance, like a lunatic.

“Jeez” I sighed, sinking further into the couch, wanting it to eat me whole.

She pestered me about it for the remainder of my hours that I was awake, even while I slept, I wasn’t safe.

Friday, the first day of the tour. My heart was racing at the thought.

According to my itinerary the band and myself were set off to San Francisco for their first show. That wasn’t too far from home.

I had packed quickly, I was too excited to slow down, I ran myself stupid. My thoughts flew around in my head like airplanes in a tight schedule.
Alex was upset to see me go. She promised to take extreme care with Jinkies, for I couldn’t take him with me. In turn I promised to keep in constant contact with her and to tell her about EVERYTHING, as she said it.

Bryan wasn’t kidding when he said that the band was in a rush to go, the van was quite a few minutes early. By the looks of it some of the band mates where passed out on each other, I couldn’t see Bryan, but the windows were tinted so I could only make out the outlines. I managed to visualize a poofy-haired male sleeping on another male who, by the looks of it, had dark hair. But as I said, I couldn’t see a lot.

As I approached the sleek, dark van, the door automatically opened and out stepped a slender, dark-haired male who was covered in tattoos. He flashed me a very handsome smile as he picked up my luggage from beside my feet.


He stopped in front of me, looked me over and glanced back up to my face.

“You must be Bryan’s friend?” he took the last of my luggage and loaded it onto a huge caravan-looking vehicle being towed by the van.

“Hey.” I shyly smiled, trying not to stare to much, or get caught doing it. Yes, he was quite attractive, but my heart was with Bryan still.

“I’m Ronnie…”