Smoke and Mirrors

The Less We Know, the More We Suspect

A few seconds after the accident, which seemed like hours to Clarissa, the firefighters, ambulance and police showed up. By that time, they were on their feet again. The firefighters extinguished the flames, leaving Grey's car a charred piece of metal.
They informed Clarissa and Grey that it must have been a defect in the car. Grey told them about the smoke that had escaped earlier, and it only served to assure them more of their hypothesis.
Clarissa sat, with a blanket around herself, hugging Grey. She was in a sort of shock. He pushed aside his fear to support her. She didn't seem to want to leave his side.
The police drove them home, and, by that time, they were both back to normal. They were asked a million times if they were okay. Luckily, they had only suffered minor burns. For about an hour, their family and friends fussed over them. Clarissa hated having so much attention thrust upon her, and longed to escape. She lost sight of Grey, and didn't know what to do. Her eyes gazed over the door of a supply closet. When no one looked her way, she slipped into it. The darkness inside was obscure, and she couldn't make out anything. Clarissa leaned her head against the wall, and breathed out.
Something fell on top of her foot. She reached down to grab it, and found it was soft. A soft cry escaped her lips. It felt like a foot.
“Wh- who is it?”
“What're you doing in here?”
“Same as you, trying to get away.”
“Why didn't you say anything?”
“I didn't know who you were.”
She felt him shuffling around, and found out he was sitting down. As he got up, the space seemed to decrease. When he was up to his full height, Clarissa felt pressed up against him by the wall.
Why did she always find herself in those situations?
Her foot stepped on an object, and her body was unsteadied. Grey grabbed her before she could fall.
“Grey, I'm scared,” she whispered.
“Don't be. Nothing will happen to you.”
“But, someone's trying to kill me.”
“Maybe they'll realize what a spectacular person you are, and stop.”
Although he didn't see, Clarissa blushed. She didn't feel worried anymore. Before she left, she pecked him on the cheek.
“Are you sure it was the car?”
Clarissa and Grey sat in her room later that day, when everyone had gone home. They talked about anything to avoid the topic of what had happened earlier.
“You knew it would explode.”
“There was a bomb in the car.”
“Who would do such a thing?”
“Well, who touched the car?”
“I didn't see him put it.”
They stayed silent.
“Wait, I did look away for some time. Maybe that's when he put it?”
“But, why?”
“Why do you think he turned up in your life so unexpectedly?”
Clarissa's eyes widened.
“But, what if he's following someone else's orders?”
“Who else did you put?”
“Jayce, but we know it wasn't him, so that only dad.”
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