Smoke and Mirrors

When Things Go Wrong

“He's trying to kill you?!”
Jayce was perplexed. The news made him grasp onto Clarissa tighter.
“Watch where you're going, okay? I don't want anything to happen to you.”
“Jayce, do you think it's Bryce?”
“Personally, even Grey could be the culprit. This is so strange, it might be possible.”
She stood up fiercely. Nobody insulted Grey in front of her.
“He did fix the car, you know.”
“No, it's not him. Stop.”
Although it was a reasonable conclusion, and Jayce was just trying to help. Grey was not the culprit, period.
“I didn't mean it like that, sorry.”
She retreated into his embrace.
“It's just scary to know there's someone after you.”
“I know, but when your time comes, it comes. Don't waste your time worrying about it.”
He could always get a smile out of her. It seemed Jayce knew exactly what to say, and when to say it.
“Jayce, thanks. For everything.”
“Don't thank me, it's my job.”
They laughed.
“But, really, if you ever need anything, count on me.”
His words filled Clarissa's heart with joy and a wonderful, indescribable feeling. Her spirits were soaring, and all thoughts of the explosion evaporated into nothing.
“When you see him, pretend everything's alright.”
Clarissa nodded, but inside she was a wretched mess. How could she look him in the eye and pretend nothing was wrong?
“Jayce, I'm scared.”
“If anything happens, call 911.”
“You're right. Can't you a stay a little while?”
“I'm sorry, I have to go to work.”
“Fine. See you.”
She stepped out of his truck and walked to her front door. It was the first time she feared entering her own home. Maybe she was exaggerating, but he might be trying to kill her!
Clarissa went to the kitchen. Her mouth was unnaturally dry. She found Bryce sitting on the counter. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.
“Hi, Clarissa.”
Why was he acting like he was the nice guy?
“Grey called. He asked if you wanted to go to a 4th of July picnic. I'm going, and Grey's going to call Jayce and ask him.”
“Oh, okay, I guess.”
With Grey and Jayce there, she figured everything would be alright.
“When is it?”
“I think it's tomorrow at four.”
Her words dripped sarcasm.
“You're welcome.”
He didn't notice her tone, or chose to ignore it.
The next day, Clarissa awoke feeling happy. It was one of those days that you just feel great, for no apparent reason. She called Grey up.
“Hello?” he said in a groggy voice. Clarissa was an early riser, unlike Grey.
“Hi, Grey.”
“What is it? Are you okay?”
He seemed a bit more awake.
“No, don't worry. I'm calling to ask if you wanted to go buy a new car.”
Grey awakened completely.
“I'll be at your house-oh, wait, I don't have a car.”
“I'll go pick you up, as much as I hate it.”
“Thanks, see you in a few.”
She hung up, and stood outside her house, in the circular driveway. In the middle, stood a weeping willow. Grass stretched on either side of the road that lead to a tremendous gate. As soon as one of the drivers saw her, a car appeared at her disposition.
“Where to, Miss Hawkins?”
She hated formalities so much, and had always insisted they call her Clarissa. Even though she had told them about a hundred million times, they didn't call her by her first name. Soon, she got tired of repeating it, and let them call her whatever they wanted.
“Grey's house.”
They all knew all the addresses of the places they visited most frequently. When she knocked on his door, his mom answered.
“Clarissa, how nice to see you.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Atkins, you too.”
“Grey's upstairs, I don't think he'd mine you going up.”
“Okay, thank you.”
Clarissa walked up the wood stairs silently. She was used to making little noise since in her house a pin dropping on the floor echoed through the halls like a plates breaking into a million pieces.
There was music coming from the interior of his room. It sounded like an acoustic guitar. She opened the door a crack, and got a perfect view of him strumming away. He had mentioned he played, but not that well. Grey seemed to be humming a song, and looking at a piece of paper every now and then. When he finished, Clarissa clapped.
He turned to her, surprised. She had forgotten he didn't know she was there. His face turned red a little.
“You play amazingly.”
“It was just something I wrote.”
“You wrote it? You've gotta play it again sometime, but now we have to go buy your car.”
Grey put his guitar down, and she sat down beside him.
“What were the lyrics to the song?”
“Nothing, I haven't really fixed them yet, and-”
“Please, let me see them.”
“I told you, they aren't ready.” He wasn't mad, he just didn't want her to see it.
She suspected there was another reason. Maybe he was embarrassed? Clarissa spotted the piece of paper on his desk. She could get it, but she would have to reach over Grey. She wanted to see the lyrics to a point of desperation.
Quickly, she reached over him. She had miscalculated, though. The paper was just out of her reach. By that time, Grey noticed what she was going at. Clarissa didn't notice she was thrown on Grey's lap.
“What are you doing?” he asked teasingly.
“Nothing, you know, just chilling.”
She looked up to him and grinned.
“So why are you thrown all over?”
“Don't you know I love you Grey?”
She meant brotherly love, and he knew it.
“Yeees, but-”
“Don't you love me?”
Clarissa didn't know he felt anything for her, and didn't want to mess with his feelings.
“Then can I see the song?”
“Let's just go.”
“Not till I see it.”
“I'm sorry, but it's very personal.”
“You're right, I'm sorry. You know I'm not always like that.”
She got up.
“Clarissa, it's okay, if you want to see it...”
“Let's go get your car better.”
They went with Clarissa's driver, much to her discontent. At the car dealer, which was of old-fashioned cars, Grey went crazy. He liked all of them. His guilt started setting in, and he didn't want to ask Clarissa for one.
“Which will it be?”
“None of them.”
“What? This again?”
“I feel bad.”
“Don't! My dad's got plenty of money.”
“It's not that.”
“Hey, I'm not doing this for you. I don't like having a driver, remember?”
He laughed, but looked at the ground. She grabbed him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes. The deep green dizzied her a bit, but she didn't turn away. That was something about him, his wonderful eyes. His features were ordinary, with brown hair, but it didn't make him ugly at all.
“Grey, this is my gist to you because I appreciate you. And, plus, your birthday present blew up because of me, so it's cool.”
He seemed to ponder her words, and changed mood altogether, and jumped towards the car he wanted. At least the boy had some common sense.
Driving back, he was proud to be sporting the car.
“This one's even better!”
Grey had gotten an even older version of the same car. Some things never change. Clarissa enjoyed his happiness as if it were her own.
“Grey, it's almost five. Should we go to the picnic?”
He was glad to drive anywhere. The park was decorated in a beautiful array of red, white and blue. The park itself was a beauty, with pastel colored flowers and oak trees. They bought a pair of hot dogs and sat down on the grass. There were infamous town bands playing on the stage, and all types of attractions set up.
Bryce and Jayce showed up together, and found them quickly. On the way over to them, they had bought drinks. They all sat under a shady oak, and watched some group of little girls dance.
“Would you like some cotton candy, Miss?”
“I would,” Bryce responded from behind her.
“I'll give it to you for free,” the man said.
Clarissa shrugged, and took it. After all, it was free food.
An hour later, the fireworks started. Clarissa had loved them ever since she was little. They gave her the feeling that, for a little while, everything was alright. Everyone watched in amazement, and every now and then a little kid squealed with delight.
Watching the bright sparks of light upon the black sky, Clarissa began to feel dizzy. Everything before her turned blurry, and she felt in a dream. Her head throbbed horribly. She grasped Grey's arm, and then everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
To whoever's reading it.:)