Just Want Your Heartbeat on Top of Mine

Death Is Gonna Catch Up To All One Day!

Well, son, death is gonna catch up to all one day, but yours is coming quicker than ours.

-Oli’s P.O.V-

Life was getting hard for me, and touring was bringing me down, and I only had one good bloody reason.


I needed to hear her voice, I needed hear her laugh, I wanted to see her smile, I wanted to know she was okay, but from what I heard, she was a wreck, she was like me, growing paler everyday, dropping weight, but she was worse, she was crying day in and day out.

She broke up with David, Curtis told me, for some reason, I was happy, I was happy that David was out of her life, no offense he was a good ole’ chump but, he took Katy away from me twice a year to the states, where she lived with him, in his old small apartment that he paid by the small gig’s he got in the town he lived in. A weight was lifted off my shoulders when Curtis told me Katy was not with David, a weight I never knew existed.

“Bloody hell Oliver you got it bad!” Nicholls said from his seat next to me on the bus. I looked over at him confused.

“What are you talkin’ about?” looking at Nicholls who gave a chuckle. Curtis took a seat next to me and patted my shoulder, Lee and Matt K, took seats opposite of me.

“You my man, have got it bad for Katy.” Nicholls said as if it was nothing, Lee and Matt K. nodded in agreement. I looked to Curtis who gave me a slight smile.

“No, No, No! I do not like Katy, she my best bloody friend.” I looked back at all the guys in disbelief. Lee and Matt K. started to laugh their heads off and lean on each other.

“Oliver, you stare at my sister’s picture on your lap top, you been moping since we left England and you had the bloody fight with my sister, and you barley eat, and you haven’t had sex one night, face it Oliver, you never pass a free fuck! You love to eat Vegan fries, you have really got it bad, and mate, I think you and my sister would be perfect.” Curits patted my shoulder and grabbed his issue of Kerang of the table and leaned back.

I sat their with my jaw just slightly open, was Curtis and the guys right?

I looked at my lap top desktop of me and Katy on a tire swing back in Sheffield that was taken back in August, her hand clutching the chain, of the swing leaning back smiling, my hand was over hers, with a true smile on my face laughing as Tom yelled for us to get off before we broke something.

Her ice blue eyes brighter then they have ever shown before, her skin was creamy color, that I loved, she wasn’t the way all the other girls I fucked and forget about the next day, she wasn’t dumb like SJ, she wasn’t box bleached blonde, she was herself, she loved everything I loved, she was everything I wanted and needed in a girl, I love Katy Olivia-Chelsea Ward.

“Bloody Hell.” I mumbled out loud with my head hitting the wall of the bus.

“What?” Nicholls laughed with his eye brow raised.

“I’m in love with my best friend. I’m in love with Katy!” I yelled. Curtis threw his magazine to the table and smiled at me patted my back. As for Lee and Matt K. they just laughed at me.

After about five minutes Matt K. and Lee stopped laughing.

“You know what you have to do right?” Curtis looked me straight in the eyes. I just nodded my head. Tonight I would call Katy and tell her I love her and that I’m sorry, and ask her for forgiveness and maybe even ask her to join us on tour.

“My mom is my super hero
My mom is my world….”

Lee started to laugh as my mom’s ring tone started to go off, blushing I pushed talk on my cell.

“Ello Mum.” I grabbed an orange off the table.

“Oliver you have to come home.” Mum’s voice started to shake.

“What, why? I’ve only been on tour two weeks mum.” I threw the orange at Lee to shut him up from his laughing.

“It’s Katy.” Mum was now full blubbering I dropped my phone and headed towards the bunk. Right then I knew something happened and I had to get home, I had to get home to my best friend. I knew something had happened.

I knew my life was changed forever.

“Oli!” Curtis ran after me as I grabbed my duffle bag. I started throwing my clothing that could have been dirty, could have been clean, I didn’t know I didn’t care.

“Oli, slow down.” Curtis put his hand on my shoulder. Shoving it off, I realized he didn’t know about his sister.

“Curtis.” Nicholls handed my cell slowly to Curtis, his face gone deeply pale.

“What?” Curtis took the cell in his hand and looked at Nicholls, strangely.

“Just talk!” I yelled at him, as panic took over me.

“Ello.” Curtis spoke softly.

“Mum, speak slower I can’t understand, what happened to Katy?” Curtis grew pale as he struggled to hear threw his only good ear he had.

“Oh my god, is she okay?” Curtis grabbed my shoulder for support, I didn’t even let my mom tell me what happened.

“Were on our way!” Curtis hung my phone up and dropped it.

I don’t know what came over me but I turned my body towards Curtis and let him cry in my chest.
“I can’t bloody lose my sister! No!” Curtis cried in my chest clenching my shirt.

I soon found tears falling down my cheeks, the rest of the band joined us in the bunk room.

One thought was running threw my head, it was a favorite lyric of Katy’s.

“Death Is Gonna Catch Up To All One Day!”
♠ ♠ ♠
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A Little Bit Of Love For It's V-Day happy V-DAY!

Okay I would really love comments :( I'm serious now! I'll start writing in my note pad, but I wont post chapters till I really get up till about 10 comments, your lucky you even got this chapter.

You all should go thank Always Attract she really wanted the next chapter up so this chapter is for her because I think she is the bomb!

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