My Chemical Disasters

Brainwashed by Brians Bubbles

When the three mini market fugitives returned home, they were to find that things were not right. Ray Toro had previously visited 'Brainy Brian' who had just invented a new weapon. 'The Bubble Blaster' and although this may sound like a fun, child friendly toy, it was in fact used for pure evil. Brains Bubbles, carried brain waves, and whomsoever should pop them would become instantly Brainwashed by Brian. Ray Toro, had been blowing these bubbles in the children’s playground down by the river and now an army of three to nine year olds was marching around the local neighbourhood, reciting their times tables and destroying children’s Saturdays all over the neighbourhood! This was unacceptable as far as the 'Chemical Disasters' team was concerned.

Gerard, you would have thought would have taken action straight away, but at the time Ray was trying to tell him about what he had done, Gerard had been rehearsing a new song, instantly hypnotizing and putting Ray into a deep slumber and was now giving him a monologue on the danger of bubbles, how bubbles are fun but dangerous and how Frank, who was beyond distracted by bubbles, may have ended up in the army of children, now reciting arithmetic and how the five could not stand for such fun spoiling! You see, Gerard has a problem, he likes the sound of his own voice, waaaaaaaaay too much and when he starts to talk, it turns into a never ending monologue that only Frank can end with supersonics. So it's always hard for him to rehearse, and he always ends up in trouble with the others for singing outside of his sound proof studio!

When the three got home, they snapped their leader out of his monologue and presently began planning the ending of the fun spoiling before it became infectious! They had decided that the only way to stop these children was to group them all together in a confined environment and Frank’s supersonics can snap them out of it. Well at least they thought this would do the trick, the others were mad at Ray for allowing this to happen in the first place, so he was left at home to 'think about what he had done'.

Thus only four out of our five heroes set of to save the day, with Bob driving they found the children fast, and began to heard them like sheep to the local auditorium. Once there Frank set up the microphones and made sure all the speakers were on full blast, and after the rest of the team were all ear-plugged up, Frank screamed with all his might into the microphone and the children all began to roll of the floor screaming their times tables, unable to stand the noise, yet it still didn't break them out of the trance they were currently in.

"Shit!" Bob screamed as one of his earplugs fell out as he quickly ran to unplug the microphone, and only when it was unplugged did Frank open his eyes to see hundreds of children rolling around the floor like ants burning in the sun.

"Ooops" he giggled at the sight, you see Frank was rather strange like that, and after seeing that his efforts in the microphone were useless, he ran over to Gerard, jumping on his back and asked what they were going to do next. Of course Gerard was slightly unsure of what to do next, he had been sure that Franks supersonics would have snapped them out of it, just like it did for him, and now the children had discovered the microphone they began to recite into it. It was a rock concert for numbers! Needless to say no one was enjoying the show apart from the children putting it on. They had turned up the volume so loud that the building had become to shake, and was pounding with every new set, and it wasn't long before the building was crumbling, endangering everyone inside of it!

"RUUUUUUUUNNNN!" screamed Bob (déjà vu anyone?) grabbing as many children as he could dashing for the exit and the others followed suit, only just making it out of the building before it completely collapsed. Frank of course was in hysterics and hyperventilating by now, and it ended up that Gerard ended up carrying one very large child out as well. The team was distraught at the children’s deaths and were silent for an awful long time before the dust began to clear and a large bubble containing all the other children was made visible. Inside this bubble was none other than Ray Toro, who was shredding on his guitar, sending out brainwaves that altered Brains! Soon all the children were free from all brainwashing as far as the team could see and their parents picked them up from the playground, completely unaware of their children’s little adventure, and none of the 'Chemical Disaster' team really wanted to fill in the oblivious parents, as with all things, what they don't know, won't hurt them!

So, in the end Ray Toro had saved the day which he had initially set out to destroy and everyone was alive except for Brainy Brian who died from over exposure to his own brainwaves. Finally, Frank was able to go home and enjoy his Frankenberry. Mikey was still to learn that being a pervert was dangerous. Will Bob ever find out his power? Will Gerard ever be able to rehearse his new song? And the everlasting question, will Frank ever grow up?

Tune in next time to find out!
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