Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

I want to tear apart your room.

I felt really shitty after having Alex see my cry like that. He held me for an hour afterwards, letting me just cry on him. I was sure I was going to fall asleep soon, but my phone rang in my pocket, causing me to jolt.

'Hey, are you okay?' Whitney asked, telling the one of the kids to go back to sleep.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?' I responded. Alex asked who it was, and mouthed Whitney. He nodded his head, excused himself, and left my office. Dammit, he better not run his mouth.

'Greg called me, said something was wrong with you.' Damn that bastard. 'So, what is it?'

'I got a letter from the doctor, telling me that Carolina's cancer cells have spread into her blood stream.' I managed to tell her in a whisper. Silence was all I heard through the speaker. Whitney was probably looking at Carolina.

'You mean..' She stuttered.

'Yeah. She doesn't have a long time left, Whitney.' A tear slid down my cheek.

'Dear God..' She sobbed. 'I'll let you go.' She hung up the phone. I tossed mine onto the floor, and stood up. I couldn't let this get me down, not yet. I looked in the mirror I had hanging on the wall, and I thought I looked presentable. I pulled opened the door right as Alex was about to push. He smiled sheepishly, looking me in the eyes.

"You all right?" He asked, his voice dripping with concern. I nodded biting my bottom lip. He stepped forward and pulled me into a bear hug. I laid my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Look, Alex. I'm sorry about-" He shushed me, shaking his head.

"It's fine. I understand whats going on, well, not completely, but you get my point. Have you told Greg?"

"No, but I probably should. I'll just get the letter." I slipped back into my office and retrieved the note. I sighed, pushing my bangs back, and leaving. We walked down the hallway to the office, and Alex held the door open for me.

"Everything okay, Isabella?" Greg asked. All eyes were on me, besides Alex's. I handed him the note, and watched his face fall as he read over it.

"Oh my god. Isabella, I'm so sorry." Greg said, and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I had a feeling I would be getting them a lot lately.

" 'S kay." I whispered lightly.

I picked up Carolina as Whitney was closing the day-care. She looked at me with sad, dropping eyes. I mustered up a weak smile, hugged her tightly, and left to go home. I tucked her into her bed, and sat in the old, rocking chair that had been passed on generation by generation.

What would happen to me after she died? Would I keep living normally? No, there wasn't any way. Would I fall to pieces, just let myself die? I couldn't - Whitney would be broken and probably move back to Italy. Then Zack would be angry. And what about Alex? I was definitely starting to get feelings for that man, there was no denying it.

My phone started buzzing, Hey Monday's 'Run, Don't Walk' playing.

"Hello?" I whispered.

'Hey, It's me, Alex.'

"Oh, hey. What's up?"

Nothing. Um, I was wondering if you were doing anything. I'm pretty fucking bored, and there's absolutely nothing to do and I was just-" I stopped him from rambling.

"Yeah, Alex. I'd love to hang out. I'm bored, too. Um, you can just come over here if you like. Carolinas asleep, so it'll be peaceful." I told him. He agreed, and told me he would be over in ten. I straightened up a little, and made sure I looked decent. My heart fluttered and went into overdrive when the doorbell rang. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous, it was just Alex, afterall.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, I keep messing up my chapter. I'm so sorry for any confusion.

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