Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

Escape this town for a little while

I sat in my front yard with Whitney, while Carolina played in her little kid pool. It was over 90 degrees , and Carolina demanded that she stay outside. I had called the doctor yesterday and set up an appointment for the next time she would be coming in.

"It's too fucking hot." Whitney complained to me.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not sure how Carolina can handle this heat." I said, rolling over onto my back. We were tanning on my driveway, since we were too lazy to drive to a tanning bed. "So what's going on with you and Zach?" I asked curiously.

"Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend the other day. He.. He just makes me happy." She smiled dreamily. I barked out a laugh, consequently, getting hit by her.

"Mommy, I want ice cream!" Carolina yelled, running over to Whitney and me. I glanced over at Whitney, who was standing up.

"Let's go get some." Whitney added in.

"Fine. But we're taking your car. Let's go put something on over this." I said, picking up my phone and beach towel.

"Let's go back to my place." Whitney stated after we had gotten our ice cream. "Since the beach is right behind my house, and it's only one o'clock."

"Sounds cool." I stated, making sure that Carolina was still walking beside me.

"Do you mind if I get Zach to join?" She asked cautiously.

"Sure, sure. No biggie. It's your house, anyways." I joked. If Alex shows up, I would do what I've been doing for the past week. Ignore all 182 calls, 62 voice mails, and 79 text messages. I couldn't bring myself to answer them. I want to forgive him, but it was too hard. I know it's been a week, I should at least talk to him...

But I loved watching people squirm.

Alex's Point of View.

Isabella wouldn't answer my calls, text, or return my voice mails. Zach and Rian were talking to me again after they realized that I was making an effort to apologize; Isabella just wasn't accepting.

We were all hanging out at Zach's, being pissed bored. Kara was talking to Jack about dying his hair, and how she knew some girl named Gena in HBC that was kick ass and could easily do what he wanted. Zach's phone rang, Whitney's personalized ringtone playing. Zach started talking, then his eyes lit up. Uh-oh, this can't be good.

"Do you guys want to go hang out with the girls at Whitney's? The beach is right behind her house, and they're having a bonfire." Zach asked us all.

"Sure!" Kara piped in, and everyone else just nodded their heads.

Carolina was wadding in the water, with Isabella walking right behind her. Kara had joined Whitney who was cooking on the grill. They had logs put together for the fire, and chairs set around it.

"Isabella!" Rian yelled, and tackled her into the water. Everyone laughed out, and Carolina ran towards Whitney to get away from other two. Kara said something about being happy Rian had another girl to bug besides her. Isabella was cursing playfully at Rian, who was sitting there, taking it happily.

I watched her walk out of the water and towards a towel she had in a bag up in the sand. I really hated not being able to talk, or do sexual activities as horrible as that sounds, with her. We didn't exactly know each other very well, which I was willing to fix if she would just talk to me.

Carolina walked over to me, holding onto a Care Bears towel.

"Hi Awex." She smiled. I smiled warmly at her while she sat down beside me.

"Why haven't you came over?" She asked sadly. It was sad to know that even a five year old was able to notice this kind of stuff.

"Your mom is mad at me. I can't blame her, though. I did something terribly wrong. I'm even mad ay myself. I just wish she would forgive me. And I can't believe I'm telling this to a five year old." I laughed at myself. Carolina looked at me oddly before stomping away. Great. Don't tell me she's pissed at me too. She marched over to her mom, pulling on the skirt she had just pulled on over her swimsuit. Isabella crouched down, and listened to her talk. Carolina pointed at me, then began to raise her voice.Ah, shit.

Carolina huffed and marched away towards Whitney and Kara. Isabella starred after her, then looked at me. I sunk down into the sand automatically, scared of what was going to happen. Well, it was great knowing everyone. She came and sat down beside me in the sand awkwardly and sighed.

"Isabella," I started, but she cut me off.

"Let me talk first, Alex." I nodded my head and let her continue. "I know that we didn't officially start dating, but you knew that I had some type of feelings for you. And no, you didn't know that I was at the club, and I didn't know you where there until Zach came up to us. I keep denying guy after guy, when I couldn't clearly accepted the dance from any of them. But I didn't. I felt -and I know this is going to sound completely absurd- but I felt like I couldn't do that, just because in some deep part of my brain, I felt that I owed you that much.

"Like I said, I knew that we weren't official, and that you could be with other girls if you wanted. But, it just hurt me to see you with that nasty tramp." She finished, shaking her head sadly. It nearly ripped my heart into shreds to see her this upset, and especially over something that I did.

"I was drunk. I know that's an extremely pathetic excuse, trust me. And Zach chewed my ass out. There's no way I'll ever forget that." I admitted. "I don't want you thinking that I don't like you. I would be lying if I said that. I know I can be a really big fucking jerk. And I'm so sorry, Isabella." I went to get up, but she pulled me back down. She threw her arms around my neck, and pulled my body to hers.

"I'm so sorry for not answering the phone, Alex! I was just so upset!" She sobbed.

"Hey, don't apologize, baby. I should be the one still apologizing. Stop crying." I said, pulling her away from me and taking her face in my hands. I wiped away the few tears the dropped her face and shook my head. "I'm so sorry. You don't even understand how fucking pathetic I felt." Isabella smiled at me and pushed her lips to mine roughly, gripping onto my shirt.

Wolf calls were let out, making Isabella laugh against my lips. Carolina yelled ew, making everyone laugh.

"Come on." I said, standing up and pulling her up from the sand. We walked over to the bonfire, getting smirks from everyone other than Carolina.
♠ ♠ ♠
Titled Credit: Love Story - Taylor Swift

Okay, I somehow managed to combine my other story with this one in my last update. takawillcry_xX Thanks for letting me know. :D I wouldn't have noticed. So, I fixed it and made it longer. I couldn't keep making Alex a dick anymore, so I fixed it XD How can you stay made at him? There's nooo wayyy..

I never do this, but you guys really need to check out these stories:

If you like William Beckett: Clearly In Love by kristabby

Or maybe Zacky Vengeance:My December by Mimmukka

They're some of my favorites on here, and are absolutely amazing. Comment/Subscribe to them.

Thanks for:
sunset boulevard, Gabanti, Screamedlullaby, polishzombie, bloodiprincess, rememberingsunday, Courtney.Louise, Angel_xo, bbyvee, m3gAn, emmerpixie, sowrongitsxsteph, thekidsarentalright, Just.Listen, jessie_love, pandaBEAR, dree love, Princess Ariel. Thanks, again.
