Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

"L-l-lick it like a lollipop."

few days later.

Whitney danced around my house, singing along to Framing Hanley's Lollipop that she had playing. I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs to check on Carolina. She was sound asleep in bed and since it was a Friday night, I didn't have to go to bed early and was still dressed in my shirt and blue jeans.

"I'mm boreedddd." Whitney cried, throwing herself on my couch face first. I rolled my eyes and made a pow-wow down in the floor. I grabbed the bag of Cheeto's I had sitting on my coffee table and started eating those.

"We need to get out more." She concluded and mainly said to herself.

"You can get out more, love. But I have a kid. I can't." I stated.

"Get a babysitter!" She laughed, turning so she was looking at me upside down from the couch.

"I'm not having some kid or old lady come watch my kid at night so I can go out. That's absurd." I replied. "And I hope you know, all the blood is going to rush to your head, and then you'll end up flipping off the couch." I added in.

"Blah blah." She said, waving off what I said. About the same time, my door bell rang. She screamed, and flipped off the couch. I busted out laughing at her, having to clutch onto my stomach due to the searing pain in it. The door opened, and a pair of feet padded up the stairs and into the hallway, and another set more slowly.

"What happened?" Zach freaked, looking around. I pointed at Whitney, who was rubbing her neck. He crouched down beside her as I stopped laughing. Alex rounded up the stairs and into the hallway.

"See, I told you nothing bad happened." He said, rolling his eyes. I smiled at him from my spot on the floor. He laughed, then glanced at Zach was helping up Whitney and sitting her on the couch. Alex picked me up and kissed my forehead. I'm sure that I blushed at least five pinks darker than my original skin tone.

"You're too cute." He whispered in my ear. I giggled slightly and hid my face in his chest.

"My head hurts." Whitney sighed, putting her head in her lap. Zach rubbed her back and rested his head on her shoulder blade. That couldn't be completely comfortable, but it was too cute.

"Aw." I couldn't hold back and smiled. "Whitney, do you want some Advil? It might help your headache." I asked in a motherly voice. She nodded her head slowly, and I escaped to the kitchen. I retrieved two pills from the cabinet and got her a glass of water. I turned around and nearly spilled the water everywhere. Alex was right behind me. I hadn't heard the door open and he definitely surprised me.

"Shoot! I wasn't expecting you to be there!" I laughed. He smirked down at me and planted a long, sweet kiss on my lips.

"Whoa." I managed to breath out.

"I've really miss doing that." He admitted.

"I bet you did." I assumed, pecking him again, and left the kitchen to give Whitney her medicine. She gratefully took it and swallowed them. I'm pretty sure that if she didn't have such a headache, the guys would've cracked a wise joke.

"Isabella, do you mind if I crash here tonight? I don't feel like going home." Whitney mumbled.

"Sure thing, don't worry about it. You can crash in the guest bedroom." I told her. "But you don't want to go to bed with a headache, it can cause problems." She nodded her head understandingly and leaned her head on her shoulder. Alex walked towards Zach and leaned down to whisper into his ear. Zach laughed, then nodded his head. Alex pulled my hand and led me towards the front door.

"Alex, what's going on?" I asked him.

"Just come on." He demanded, taking me to his car. He opened the passenger seat for me and motioned for me to get in. I sighed, and got in the car.

"Tell me where we're going." I pleaded with him. He just shook his head no and continued to drive.

"Just be quiet and enjoy the ride." He commanded, taking his hand and linking it with mine. I brought my hand to his lip and kissed me knuckles, making me blush. He laughed at me, and continued driving.

He pulled into the grocery store and got out of the car. I followed after him, confused.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"We are getting food. Then, you're coming back to my house and staying over with me." He said.

"Wait, what?! I can't! Who's going to be with Carolina?" I retaliated.

"Zach agreed to stay over there with Whitney, so you may want to wash your guest bed sheets tomorrow, but they'll watch after her." He responded nonchalantly.

"You're diabolical." I laughed. He chuckled, too, and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked down the aisle to get food.

It was around one in the morning, and I laid on Alex's fast-breathing chest. Needless to say, we only ate food for about five minutes. He ran his fingers up and down my back, causing me to shiver. His touch seemed to cause an electric charge through my body, making me want him more than I already had. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach just thinking about the fact that Alex was technically mine.

"Hey babe?" He asked. I moaned out a 'hm' so I didn't have to move.

"I know this sounds completely junior high, but.. do you want to be my girlfriend?" My heart fluttered at the simple sentence, even if it was corny.

"I would love to." I laughed kissing his chest slightly. He pulled me up, planting a hard kiss on my lips. I moaned into his throat, making him laugh.

"Round three?" He breathed out.

"Round three."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry for not updating earlier. One, I'm going through writers block.

Two, we had more fucked up weather, and more heading Sunday night/Monday. this is getting really really annoying. if you live in the south/tornado alley, you comprehend what I'm talking about. I'm not moving up north, too fucking cold. D: i hate cold. so much.

California has too many earthquakes and Florida, Louisiana, NC & SC get hit with hurricanes, and we get the after blows. fuckdjfshdhfdsgf sucks. I'm not even joking.

so, blame mother nature and her maniacal ways for my lack of updating. and writers block:\

Good News:
1.) Spin off to Harder Than You Know finally has a plot, so I'm working on it:D

2.) I have came up with another story idea. :] guess who it's going to be about?