Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

Maybe it's not my weekend.

"Hey Greg." I asked, opening the door. All four guys from All Time Low sat in there, with their manager, Matt.

"Yes?" He asked, smiling at me gently.

"I thought I would let you know that I'm leaving." I told him. He nodded his head. I turned around and shut the door softly.

Pushing the elevator "down" button, I waited impatiently. Carolina's appointment was at three, so I decided to just go into work instead of sitting around the house pissed bored. As soon as the elevator doors slid opened, Greg's office door opened, and Alex emerged.

"Where ya going?" He asked, rocking back and forth on his heels. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Carolina has a doctor's appointment at three." I informed him. He smiled at me, then it turned into a grin. I sighed and shook my head. "Yeah, you can tag along." He clapped like a little girl and entered the elevator.

Sometimes, I swear, he needs medication.

I sat patiently, for once, in the doctor's office while Carolina was in the back. Alex was sitting next to me, holding my hand and running his thumbs across my knuckles. An elderly woman keep eying us, making me laugh on the inside. I sighed, running my free hand through my hair.

"Isabella James." The doctor said, stepping out of the room. I let go of Alex's hand and looked at him for a second. He gave me a weak smile and motioned for me to go into the room. Carolina was laying down on the bed, fast asleep. I swear, that child could fall asleep anywhere.

"Well, the results for your daughter's test came in two days ago, but I just wanted to do another check up on her." He started to explained. I nodded my head lightly, letting him continue. "I'm afraid there isn't another way to say this, but I regret to inform you that there isn't much time left in her life." He told me.

"Whoa, hold up. What do you fucking mean?" I asked, my heart-rate accelerating fast.

"Please, understand Ms. James. You already knew Pancreatic cancer was deadly in the beginning. But, it's moved into her blood steam faster than we expected. We don't think she has much more time here."

"How long." I breathed out softly and barley audible.

"Pardon?" He didn't hear me.

"I said how long." Now seething.

"By the center's test results, only about a month, maybe a month and a half." Then, everything went black.

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I was back home, but didn't remember how I had gotten back. I rolled off the couch, looking around. I heard talking in the kitchen, and followed the voices.

Carolina was sitting on a chair, mixing a big bowl of what looked like cookie mix. Alex was sitting next to her, letting her ramble to him. Then everything came flowing back to me...

"Well, the results for your daughter's test came in two days ago, but I just wanted to do another check up on her." He started to explained. I nodded my head lightly, letting him continue. "I'm afraid there isn't another way to say this, but I regret to inform you that there isn't much time left in her life." He told me.

My breath hitched in my throat, making it sound like a wheeze. They both looked over at me, and Alex stood up, rushing to me.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Carolina asked, setting the bowl on the table and jumping down from the chair.

"Yes, Mommy's fine, sweetheart. Why don't you go upstairs and play, Alex and me will make you some cookies." I said sweetly. She grinned that toothy one, and hurried upstairs.

"You alright babe?" Alex asked, pulling me into a hug. I buried my head into his chest, taking in his scent. Tears started cascading down my cheeks, making spots on his shirt.

"Did you talk to the doctor?" I asked, pulling away from him and wiping the water from my face.

"Yeah. We you passed out, you knocked over a metal tray. He told me everything, and then I woke up Carolina and we took you home. You've been out for almost three hours." I shook my head, looking down at the hardwood flooring. More tears threatened to spill out as the words keep ringing through my head.

One more fucking month.

"I'm so sorry." Alex said. He kissed my temple, and rubbed his hands through my hair. "Isabella. Right now, you need to do everything you can for her. To make the both of you happy. Now, finish these cookies. I'm going to call Greg and explain the situation. I'm sure you're going to get a few weeks off." I nodded my head. He kissed my lips sweetly before retreating off towards the living room.

I sat were Carolina was sitting, and started mixing the batter. When it was finished, I put drops onto the cookie sheet and put them in the already preheated oven. Sitting back down, I propped my elbows on the table. My fingers twisted into my hair as I let my head drop to the table.

This is going to be a really, really long month.
♠ ♠ ♠
:[ I hated this, really really hated it.

So, is the song called 'Weightless' or 'Nothing Personal.' On their myspace, it's weightless... I think. ANYWAYS.

I thought I would update you guys... The spin off is officially a William Beckett story:]
I'm excited! :D

In other news... I've got another idea for yet another story. It's, of course, going to be Alex Gaskarth. Originally, I intended on it being a Brian Haner Jr. story. But- it's so weird writing about him. idk why, but it is.

Comments and opinions? :] I really do love the ones you guys keep giving me, btw:]

(& screamedlullaby, I really do believe you want to read about them getting it on too much =DD)