Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

Every Burden Has A Version

I felt the weight of my bed shift. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked forward to still see blackness coming through the bedroom window. Alex's arm was still tightly around me, and I was pulled into his chest, so I knew he hadn't moved. Then that meant..

"Mommy." Carolina said shaking me.

"What are you doing up, sweetheart?" I managed to get out of my throat.

"It's storming outside. And the power went out." It sounded like she was crying.

"Aw, come here sweetie." I commanded, and stuck my free arm out to her. She crawled towards me, somehow making the entire bed moved.

"What's goin' on?" He slurred.

"Carolina just woke up, I'm guessing the power was cut off. So, she's in bed with us now." I informed him.

"Shit. Fucking weather." He complained, throwing himself back onto the pillow.

"Goodnight Awex!" Carolina chirped from the other side of the bed.

"Night, love." He called back. I kissed Carolina's forehead, and turned my head back towards Alex. Even though it was dark, I could see Alex looking at me.

'I love you.' He mouthed at me. I swear, the thing that boy does to me. My stomach was sent into a frenzy, sort of like butterflies, but much more energy. I'm sure if he could see the color in my cheeks, he would be laughing at me.

'I love you, too.' I mouthed back, smiling. He leaned forward, kissing my lips slowly. I responded almost immedentally as he cupped my cheek, carressing it with his thumb. When we stopped, I pushed my forehead against his and breathed out raggidly.

I woke up to a completely empty bed. Ah, bitches left [url=]me[/url]. The power seemed to be back on, though, so Carolina was back in her room most likely. I groaned, not wanting to get up. I managed to roll over the bed to the side Alex slept, and got up. I trudged downstairs, running my fingers through my hair. I passed Carolina's bedroom,which was empty.

Downstairs, I fount Alex sprawled out on the couch asleep with Carolina braiding his hair. I was going to bust out laughing, but covered my mouth with my hand.

"Mommy, doesn't he look super cute?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, baby, he looks very adorable." I retreated to the kitchen and grabbed my cell phone off the counter. When I returned, Carolina was painting his fingers nails. I snapped a few pictures, then put my phone on the coffee table.

"Okay, babe, go upstairs and get in the bath. I'll be up there in a minute." She nodded happily, then ascended upstairs.

I shook Alex's body, making him grumble. I shook him again, getting the same response. Sighing, annoyed, I crawled over him so I was straddling his lower stomach. Since he was shirt,I got a pretty good look at his stomach I could slap the piss out of him and definitely make him wake up. But being me, I tried another tatic.

I leaned forward, kissing just under his neck, and working up his jaw line towards him chin. My chest was firmly pushed up to his, so I felt the rise in his heartbeat. Domination. I nipped at his ear lobe, and placed soft kisses going down his neck. Suddenly, his gripped my hips, pushing mine down to his.

I groaned out of reaction. Damn him. He chuckled, and pushed his lips hard on mine. I moved my hands to the sections of his hair that wasn't braided. I pulled on it, making him moan in my mouth. He must of looked down at his nails, because suddenly he stopped.

"What the hell happened to my nails." He asked, observing the hot pink color. His hands then moved up to his hair, feeling the braids. "And my hair."

"Carolina woke up before and got to you first." I laughed, sitting up and propping myself up by putting my hands on his chest.

"Mm. Fantastic. Well, you should probably wake me up more often if it's like this." He laughed, not joking. I rolled my eyes, and slapped my hands on his chest. He whined, not wanting to let me get up.

"Get your ass up." I demanded.

"Fine, fine!" He complained, rolling off onto the floor once I had gotten off of him. I went upstairs to make sure Carolina was in the shower. She was, along with tons of bubbles. She had them all over her tiny body, and on her head as well.

"Carolina. What are you doing?" I laughed. She giggled, splashing the bubbles all over the floor. I walked down the hallway, and into my room, getting my digital camera. When I returned, there were even more bubbles. I had no idea how she even managed to do that.

I took a few pictures, and only her face was poking out. I had started taking a lot of pictures in the past week; I had planned on starting a college of everything. I put the camera on the sink -which amazingly wasn't covered with foam- and made my way across the floor. You could see the path of where I had walked. I turned at looked at Carolina, who was pouring the rest of the liquid into the bath. A lot. Lots and lots of soap.

"Carolina, no!" I yelled. She shrieked, and tossed the bottle up into the air happily.

Soap got everywhere, and was up at my waist. I heard thudding coming up the stairs and new Alex was running up.

"What's going, what the hell?" He asked, amazed.

"Awexxxx." Carolina cried, and held her finger up the my lips. I nodded, and stayed quite. "Hwlp Awex!"

"Where are you, love?" He asked, moving around bubbles. It was really high now, which was starting to make me wonder how big of a bitch it would be to clean up.

"This way!" I saw his shadow moving, and I sprang. We landed on the ground with a loud 'off' and tumbled.

"You suck!" He cursed, throwing a handful of bubbles onto me.

"Agh!" I screeched, kicking some at him.

"Why the fuck are there bubbles everywhere?" He asked suddenly.

"Carolina poured an entire thing of bubble bath into the tub. We heard giggling, and it wasn't from the bathroom.

"Carolina?" I asked her. We stumbled out of the bathroom, and looked out in the hall. Carolina ran towards her room, with bubbles still all over her, butt naked.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter came from pure reasons that I'm sitting on my damn bed right now because the power's out. It happens to be 2:14 mutha fuckin pm. I'm not happy. At all. I can't sleep without a TV on (I know, I'm a damned teenager. But I have too. I'm terrified of what's in in dark.) No power, no TV. I went to bed after eleven, so I've only obtained two damn hours of sleep.

The winds blowing extremely hard and shit keeps hitting my winds. We are experiencing "gravity waves" or some stupid shit. And I live by the highway, so I hear the 18-wheelers going to fast. The wind chimes are going insane.

If the power doesn't come on by six, mother nature and I are going to have a lot of problems. I need my fucking straightener!

I typed this before I did the chapter. At 2:14. It's now 2:42 AM.

Okay, well, it's 8:53 PM now. The power cam back on around five. I didn't get but three hours of sleep last night. And, it's storming again. go fucking figure. it's my cue to go ::disgust:

Bye. Comments = FTW! :]