Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

We were just about to fall.

Few weeks later...

"Come on baby, get up." I pleaded, shaking Carolina. She stumbled out of the bed, and went into the bathroom. I picked out clothes for her to wear, and then went into my room to change into my own. She came into my room, changed and hair brushed.

"Where are we going?" She asked, yawning.

"I figured we could go visit Greg and Louis. He's actually going to be there. Would you like to see him?" She nodded her head vigorously and grinned. I swooped her up, and left the house.

"Louis!" She squealed, running to him after I sat her down. I laughed, and walked into the studio with Greg.

"She's too cute." I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"That she is." He added in. Arms snaked their way around my waist, and they nipped at my neck.

"Alex!" I giggled, squirming out of his grip. Everyone laughed at us, except for Carolina who just didn't make any show of curiosity. She twirled Louis ear-length hair around her small fingers.

"So what's going on with you two?" Greg asked as he sat down in a chair. Jack was already here, along with Alex, but they were still waiting for Rian and Zach.

"We're together." Alex answered him, and draped his arms over my shoulder and clasping his hands in front of me.

"I told you they were." Jack laughed, leaning back in his chair. The front two legs stood up from the ground as the back ones supported all his weight. They quivered slightly.






CRASH! The legs snapped underneath him, making him fall onto the ground. I nearly fell to the ground laughing, but Alex managed to catch me. Greg fell out of his chair laughing, and Carolina's eyes seeped with tears from giggling.

I stopped laughing and walked over to Jack to help him up. He grabbed my hand, and I somehow pulled him to his feet.

"Thanks Isabella." He mumbled, his cheeks turning a tint of pink. I instantly regretted laughing at him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry for laughing at you, Jack. Even if it was funny." I apologized.

" 'skay." He remarked. Alex pulled me back to his lap, obviously jealous. I rolled my eyes, but rested my head on his neck anyways. I watched Carolina carefully, taking in everything she did.

"Does he know yet?" Greg asked, motioning towards Louis.

"No, I don't think. You can.. tell him later." I told him. I was shifting around uncomfortably in Alex's lap, and I could've sworn I heard a muffled moan erupt from his throat. Horny bastard.

She doesn't have long left. I remembered the doctors words. That was more than two weeks ago. I had been having horrible nightmares that would make me wake up screaming. I would call Alex, and he would come over at spend the night. Carolina and I had gone over to his house a few times, and I would end up crying myself to sleep in Alex's arms.

Alex's arms tightened around my waist as he noticed my fidgeting. He started whispering how everything was going to be alright.Little did I know, it wouldn't.

"What do you want to eat?" Alex asked from his kitchen.

"Pancakes!" Carolina cheered from his couch. We were over at his house, and he wanted to make us all dinner.

"Pancakes?" He asked. She nodded happily. "Then pancakes it is." He retreated into the kitchen and banging was heard.

"Come on, let's go watch the moron make pancakes." She jumped up and skipped into the kitchen. I sat down at the table, propped my head in my hand.

Carolina stood in the middle of the kitchen, watching Alex move about furiously fast. She was entertained by his swiftness, and giggled when he would get frustrated. Suddenly, her laughter stopped. She stood frozen for a good five seconds, until her body collapsed onto the hard floor.

"Carolina!" I cried, dropping to her side instantly. Something clattered, which was most likely caused by Alex, and he was beside of me.

"Isabella, what's going on?" He asked quickly.

"I don't fucking know! Call for an ambulance!" I shouted. He scrambled to get up, but made it to the phone without tripping. I heard him rambling on the phone, but I wasn't concentrating on what he was saying.
♠ ♠ ♠
don't kill me. pleaseee.