Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

I don't mean to be a bother,

"Isabella, come on baby, wake up." Alex whispered, shaking me slightly.

"Where is she?" I asked, jolting upward in my seat.

"Shh, they haven't came out to tell us anything yet." He responded quietly.

"Wait, we?" I asked, sitting back down. I looked around the waiting room to see Whitney, who was asleep in Zach's lap, the rest of All Time Low, and my parents.

"Momma." I cried, sounding helpless, and crawled over an empty chair to get to her. She hugged my tightly, and I felt her tears slid down her cheek and onto my neck.

"I know baby, I know." She cooed, trying to calm me. Everyone was looking at my sympathetically, even though I wasn't paying them an attention.

"I want to know how my fucking daughter is!" I slammed my fist down on the counter, glaring at the nurse behind it.

"Look, miss, you need to calm down before I call for security." She threatened. I glared down at her, and hands wrapped around my arms.

"That won't be necessary." Whitney said, pulling me back.

"Come on, baby." Alex said from the other side. I shot the nurse another glare, then turned to walk away. He sat me down in a chair, and knelled down in front of me. "You've got to calm down, sweetheart. Threatening to gut a nurse isn't going to help our cause."

I sighed loudly. running my hands through my hair. We had been sitting here for six hours. Whitney and Zach were still here, but everyone else had left upon my request that they head home and get some rest. My parents were most reluctant, but nevertheless, left. Whitney went back to my place to get us both fresh clothes.

"I know. I'm just going insane." I told him.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat. You have to be starving." He commanded.

"But what if-"

"Zach and Whitney are here." He interrupted. "They went to eat earlier, and I'm sure they'll call us if the doctor does show. I'm not taking no for an answer. Come on." I huffed, but let him pick me up anyways.

"Alex, where are we even going?" I asked as we hailed a taxi.

"I figured we go down to Subway. It's closest, and healthy." He laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

After we had gotten out food, we sat down to eat. I picked at my sandwich, not bothering to eat much of it.

"Babe, please eat. This isn't good on your health." Alex mumbled.

"I can't stop thinking about her. I mean, what if this is it? What if I lose her?" I whispered, tears brimming the corners of my eyes.

"Look, if it's her time, then it is. There isn't anything either of us can change. It's all in God's hands." He said, taking my hands in his and massaging my knuckles.

"But she's all I have left."

"Nice to know I mean so much to you." He muttered sadly.

"Alex! You know you mean so much to me. She's just my baby girl."

"I know, don't take me serious. But we need to get you to eat. I'm going to drive you back to my house, and we're going to go to sleep for a while. You know Whitney won't hesitate to call." He told me.

I didn't argue; I knew there was no use.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really sick. Like, i constantly feel like shit. I just updated because I feel like I owed one. I'm sorry, I know it's shitty.

I'm not exactly positive when I'll update, I've got a busy weekend ahead. Opinions?