Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

I always said that i would make mistakes
I'm only human and that's my saving grace
I'll fall as hard as i try
So don't be blinded

I tapped on my desk to the beat until my door was opened. Greg stepped inside and I paused my music.

"Whitney's here. She's threatening our secretary if she doesn't let her in. You better get down there before she calls security." I laughed, shaking my head and rose from my desk. Whitney, as Greg had said, was arguing with the secretary. Carolina was strapped onto her leg, starring of into space. I came into her view, and she squealed. She ran to me, jumping up into my arms. Whitney and the secretary looked at me.

"Whitney, come on." I told her, and she stuck her tongue out at the secretary who rolled her eyes. "You dumb shit." I called her as she followed me to the elevator.

"Well, she was a bitch. And I didn't like her pixie haircut." Carolina wasn't paying any attention again as I set her down in the hallway of my office. She noticed Greg, ran at him, and tackled him to the floor. He yelped, causing Whitney and I to go into hysterics.

"That wasn't funny Carolina." He said to her, picking himself and her up. She giggled, kissing his cheek.

"You have a player for a daughter, Isabella. Early today at the daycare she was constantly talking about this cute guy in the elevator she say.

"She's talking about Alex." I laughed, looking at my beaming daughter. She had climbed her way onto Greg's back, who was spinning around.

"Talking about me?" A voice came up from behind us. I yelped in surprise, causing Alex to chuckle.

"No, my child was though. She's taken a liking to you I suppose." I informed him, hoping his ego wasn't growing massively in size. "I don't see why." I whispered the last part underneath my breath.

"Well, do you know where Greg is? We're waiting for Zack to get here to start recording." He asked.

"I have no clue. Just go check his office." I told him, opening my office door. Whitney jumped down on the black couch and Carolina climbed up on it.


"Can we go meet them? Please please please please please please!" Whitney begged, sitting her hands on my walnut desk.

"Will it get you to shut up?" She nodded her her vigorously. I sighed, giving in. I got up, picked my sleeping daughter up, and leading her towards the recording studio. Everyone was lounging around, not even touching their instruments.

"Is this what you guys do when you record?" I asked. Rian jumped, falling out of his chair. Everyone laughed up, waking up Carolina. She looked around at everyone, spotting Alex. She been fidgeting, so I set her down. She ran over to him, jumping in his lap giggling.

"No," Greg said smoothly. "We just finished for the day and no one felt like moving, so we opted for laying here."

"Figures. Well, this is my best friend, for those who don't know. He names Whitney. Whitney, this is Rian, Jack, Zack, Alex, and you already know Greg." She nodded her head, and I could tell she was trying to not spaz.

"Who's the kid?" Jack asked, confused.

"My daughter, Carolina." I replied. I sat next to Greg putting my feet in his lap and starting up a conversation about they're album. Whitney timidly set beside Zack, who bit his bottom lip. They striked up a conversation a few minutes later. Jack and Rian talked about some game they had been playing earlier while Alex tickled Carolina.

Great, my daughter is attached to the ego-maniac boy. Fantastic.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been watching too much harry potter, man.
Thanks for the comments guys! I'm so fucking ecstatic over how many stars I have, too. I don't remember how many I have, actually, but it's more than I had expected. Thanks X 1574658435938549.

Amazing banner made by Katy LOVE. I absolutely love it. XD Thanks a lot.