Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

Let It Roll

Carolina fluttered about my office, playing with whatever she could get her hands on. I sighed, she was now passed out across the couch, sprawled out everywhere. She was snoring lightly, her hair covering the small, delicate face. She was beautiful, thats for sure. Her hair in loose, brunette curls, deep chocolate eyes that were almost black, small, freckled button nose. She was almost the spitting image of me.

I sighed, completely bored. There wasn't much for me to do, I finished all the paperwork Greg had given me. I had contenplated everything I could do; cleaning was the first. I changed my mind on that one, though. I threw my phone down, annoyed with being bored. I looked at my outfit, bored with that too. I glanced at my daughter who was now playing with the strings on the rug laid by the door. My phone rang, 'Scars' by Papa Roach playing. I sighed, crossing the room to retrieve it from the couch.

"Talk." I spoke, watching my child.

"It's me, Greg. I'm really bored and none of the bands are coming in today, so I was wondering if you wanted to go get a coffee and Carolina can get a cookie or whatever." I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Sure, sure. I have nothing better to do. Just come down here." I instructed him, slidding my phone shut.

"Hey Carolina, sweetie?" I called for her. She looked up at me, her chocolate eyes glistening from the bright lights.

"Yes mommy?"

"Greg's coming. Here's what you need to do." I told her what to do, smirking the entire time...

Greg knocked on the door and pushed it open to check if I was in here. He saw me at the desk typing on my laptop. He stepped in fully now, looking around for Carolina, I'm guessing. He was like her big brother - he loved the kid to death.

"Wheres- OW!" He didn't get to ask where my daughter was; she was on him. She had hide behind a plant I had beside my door, ready to attack like a lion hunting an antalope. I had created a plan for her to tackle him right when he said something. She had knocked him to the ground, much to my surprise.

"Carolina!" He whined, rubbing his elbow. She giggled, climbing up his leg and plopping down on his stomach. "You're going to kill me one day, kiddo." He said playing, tossing her over his shoulder once he was standing up.

"You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head, making sure my phone was in my pocket, and left the office with him.

Alex's POV.

"Man, leave me alone." Jack complained as I smacked him with a pillow. He had crashed at my house, on MY bed. I was sentenced to sleeping on the couch since I didn't feel like pushing him off, too my energy.

"No man, your in my fucking house! I have the right to beat you with a pillow!" I yelled, throwing it at him and leaving my room. He groaned one more time when I was walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. I was on a mission; to get some breakfast. Cereal was more like it. I didn't feel like making anything special since Jack would bound down the stairs wanting food.

I poured Cookie Crisp into a bowl, drowning it with milk. I ate it in silence until my front door busted open. Zach and Rian busted in, talking loudly. Neither of them drank last night like Jack had.

"Alex! What's up!" Rian laughed, slapping my shoulder.

"Just eating, man. What are you two doing here?" I asked, chomping down on a spoonful of my food.

"Just came to chill. Where's Jack?" Zach asked, pouring himself a glass of milk.

"Up in my bed fucking sleeping. What was with you and Whitney last night, lover boy?"

"We uh.. What was with you and Isabella?" He retorted.

"I was helping her escape from some drunk douche. I didn't carry her out, though. So, what happened?" I was definitely interested.

"I bet. Probably something more." I heard Rian whisper. Oh, right, they were friends.

"Well, she came over and we talked after she sobered up some, then she passed out. I put her in the guest bedroom, and when she woke up this morning she apologize 74 times, I counted, for passing out at my house. I got her number; she left." He replied, sipping from his milk.

"Oh yeah, we believe that." Rian chuckled.

"It's a true story!" Zach aruged.

"Mm." I listened to the bicker on and off while I finished my breakfast. I started thinking about what Rian had said.

Was it just helping her out? Or was it something.. no. No fucking way in hell.
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Thanks for commenting, loves. Makes me extremely happy inside.
xo, :S