Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

But now the music seems so loud

Jack had fount my Mario Kart game I had for Carolina, and was screaming at Luigi for cutting him off. Rian was laughing his off of loudly, clutching onto his stomach.

"You guys are sad." I laughed, siting in my chair behind my desk. I opened my laptop and started replying to an email Greg had sent me about the new record. I was beyond bored; it worse when they had big meetings. I went and sat beside Rian and we started picking on Jack's horrible game skills. He challenged me to a race. Needless to say, I dominated him.

"You fail Isabella." Jack pouted as Rian high-fived me.

"No, you fail. I'm the one who lapped you, kid." I laughed. He was still pouting, so I gave him a big hug. "It's okay! Your probably better than Rian." I snickered, followed by Jack. Rian scoffed, crossing his arms over his arms. Whitney busted in the room, having her fingers in the shape of a gun, singing the 007 theme.

"Zack, did you let her order the iced coffee?" I sighed, taking my daughter from his arms. She was playing a toy that looked like a dog. Great, more junk.

"Yeah, I realized it was a mistake afterwords." He shook his head and squealed when he saw Mario Kart on the TV. Yes, Squealed. Whitney was now sprawled out on my floor, the sugar crash dead on. I'm sure she was asleep, or else she wouldn't have let Carolina sit on her stomach.

"Where's Alex?" Jack questioned.

"I left right after you guys, so he might still be in the recording room." I explained, uninterested in the topic. Jack stood up, saying he would be back in a few.

Alex's POV

The door to the studio opened, and Jack casually walked in. He took the seat next to me, watching me as I concentrated on strumming my guitar.

"Dude, whats wrong with you?" He asked. I stopped playing, setting my guitar down. No use, really.

"Nothing man, just trying to play my guitar, obviously." I responded.

"No shit, smart ass. I mean, how come you're not hanging with us in Isabella's office? Everyone was owning me in Mario Kart."

"Because I'm working, like you guys should be."

"Fuck, Greg and Louis are in a meeting. When there are opportunities to have fun, we take them. I was thinking about going out later tonight. You game?"

"Shit, yeah. Bar or club?"

"Club. Everyone's going, Whitney's mom is watching their niece, and they are going to have a play date with Carolina. So everyone's going. Now, get that stick out of your ass and come on.


We entered the club, which was packed with hundreds of people. Music was pumping through the loud speakers and strobe lights fluttered in every direction. Isabella clung tightly to Whitney's arm, whose eyes were growing bigger in anticipation to get to the bar to probably down some shots.

They followed behind us as we got a booth with a table big enough to fit all of us. Whitney was chatting with Zack nonchalantly while Isabella played with a loose string on the end of her dress. I was on the edge of the booth; she was across from me.

"You look bored." I said lamely. 'You look bored.' What the fuck Alex!

"Yeah, I'm letting the love birds chat without interruptions." She laughed, glancing to her left to look at Whitney, who was blushing, and Zack who had a giant grin planted on his face.

"Seems like they're close. But anyways, sorry about me being a jackass earlier, bad mood and all that shit." Wait, where the fuck did that come from. Shut the fuck up, you douche.

"Uh, it's fine I guess." She started messing with the hem again as a waitress came up and gave us whatever Jack had ordered. I downed the shot more slowly than the others had, except for Isabella. She sipped slowly. Ah, she didn't drink. Fun.

Whitney somehow had coaxed Isabella into downing her shots (a total of seven, not that anyone was counting), and started with lime and lemons. Everyone was out on the dance floor now after we had done over five shots, wedged between everyone we knew and random people that were already here. Whitney was grind in Zack while Isabella was with Rian and Jack. I was sitting in the booth still, being a boring fuck.

Someone placed their hand on my shoulder. A tall, fit brunette smiled at me and asked me if I wanted to dance. I took up her offer, no use in sitting here anymore. She started grinding on me as 'Freaxxx' by Brokencyde played throughout the club. I caught the gaze of Isabella not even halfway through the song. I inconspicuously left the girl I could've easily nailed for the night and grabbed Isabella's wrist.

The space between us was almost non-existence, her back pressed to my front as I moved my hands up and down her hips. The booze was definitely working on both of us, because God forbid this would be happening in real life. She turned around, putting one leg between mine as we grinded. I trailed kisses down her jaw line to her throat, and I could swear I heard a soft moan from her.

Her hands moved to my hair, pulling my head down to kiss her lips. The kiss was rough - nothing sensual or romantic. It work; definitely with the alcohol in our blood streams. I pulled her closer to my body, our hips pushing together roughly. Leave it to Jack to come up and ruin the moment by jumping on my back, knocking the three of us to the ground.

Fucking douche.
♠ ♠ ♠
update XD

I won't be updating this a lot until I finished HTYK. Then, the update for this will be faster. Now, I have some biology to do. Thanks for commenting!!