Status: Finished

Holding You 'Til Our Time Is Done

The Beach

You're going out in style, And I'm getting tired of all your lying, Stop pretending Stop, the answer's in the smile, And I'm coming clean, Just give me something Stop pretending. The Beach by All Time Low

I groaned in agony as I set up in the bed I was in. Oh, Whitney's. Great, meant I got drunk last night. I rose from the bed, realizing I was in a pair of Whitney's shorts and a camisole I had left over here one day. I forcibly took myself downstairs to see my daughter sitting on the couch watching Sponge bob. I kissed her head softly as she squealed to see me, which definitely couldn't be pretty.

"Where's Whitney at sweetie?" I asked her as she turned her attention back to the TV. She pointed to the kitchen, not taking her eyes off the television. I sighed, shaking my head at my child, and stalked into the kitchen. The bright lights of the bulbs above hurt my eyes for a few seconds until they could fully adjust. Whitney was standing at the stove, and flipped an omelet over.

"There's Advil and a glass of water on the counter if you need it. Do you want an omelet?" She asked.

"Thanks, and yeah." I replied as I took the pain killers. I didn't get a hangover, for some miracle I never did, but I still had a killer headache. "When did Carolina get here?" I asked curiously, pouring a glass of orange juice.

"My mom brought her over earlier this morning, and was extremely happy that she stayed. My niece can be a handful and she was much better with a friend her age around." She explained, taking the omelet from the skillet and making another one.

"Ah, okay. So.. How did I get in shorts and a cami last night?"

"You changed yourself once we got here. I'm surprised you didn't fall over or anything. And you better be lucky you don't get hangovers, cause you would have one hell of one. Do you remember anything from last night?" I shook my head no and took a sip of my orange juice. "I wonder if Alex does, you two pretty much fucked on the dance floor last night."

There went my orange juice.

"What?!" I hissed, my voice uneasy.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny. I think I got a picture on my phone. Only way I remembered it." She laughed, flipping open her phone and scanning through it until she came across the picture.

Good God. There's no way that's me.Shit, Alex looks hot.

"Oh my god, how can I not remember that?!" I complained, putting my head on the island in her kitchen. I heard a plate be sat in front of me, and then a chair scoot from in front of me.

"I have no idea. But the way your hips were - OW!" I kicked her to make her shut up. Alex. I was drunk, that's the only reason why I let myself dance with him. God forbid I would do that sober.

Carolina danced her way into the kitchen, twirling about gracefully.

"Mom. Can we puhweease go to the beach today? Puhwease!" She said, clasping her hands together by her heart and pouting her lip.

"Yeah, mommy, can we?" Whitney asked, joining my daughter. I rolled my eyes; these two were ridiculous.

"Fine." I huffed, annoyed. They cheered excitedly, hugging each other. "But," they stopped and looked at me. "We need to go home and get our bath suits, Carolina." She smiled and ran towards the door. "I need to get my clothes and run a brush through my hair real quick. I ran back up the stairs with Whitney behind me.

"You love closer, so I'll just get my stuff and ride back with you, then we can just go there. I'll call up the guys and see if they want to join." I was about to object and demand she come back, but I guess she had Zack's number on speed dial and was already on the phone. I huffed angrily, running a brush in my hair. I changed back to my clothes.

We drove to my house once Whitney was finished ruining my day, and I changed Carolina and myself. Once we were finished, we headed to the beach.


I splashed Carolina with water as she giggled and ran past me. She was having a ball, it was quite funny to watch her fall and get back up. A loud car bass was heard as four guys climb out of the SUV. Zack ran to Whitney, nearly tackling her to the ground. She laughed, planting a kiss on her cheek. I shot her a look saying 'you have a lot of explaining to do.'

Alex, Jack, and Rian followed more slowly than Zack had. Carolina squealed when she saw Alex, and ran at him quickly. He scooped her up as she clung to him. She wrapped her little arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. I rolled my eyes and slowly walked out of the water, laying down on the towel I had laid out earlier.

Alex's Point of View

Carolina was cute - that's for sure. She clung onto me tightly as everyone around laughed. I looked at Isabella, who was making her way to a towel laid out in the sand. Whitney rolled her eyes at her friend, but took Carolina away from me. We walked slowly towards the spot the girls are picked out while Jack and I carried the cooler of drinks with us. Isabella refused to look at me, for what I didn't know.

I don't remember anything from last night, I know I was plastered. Jack said that I had danced with Isabella, but he wouldn't elaborate on the topic anymore. It pissed me off, a lot, but I would find out sooner or later.

Isabella looked great, which was an understatement, actually. For a person who had given birth, you sure couldn't tell it. She had a flat stomach, but not a pack or anything. She glanced at me slightly, trying to hide it under her eyes. As soon as she caught me looking back at her, she looked away. I strolled over to her; no one else was paying attention. The guys had called Matt, who was bringing more friends. The little get together was sure to turn into a full out party.

"You mind if I talk to you?" I asked her quietly. The sun was setting now, and more people had began to arrive. She glanced at Whitney, who was talking to Rian's girlfriend, Kara, and Carolina, who was toying with Matt's hair.

"Sure, sure. Hurry up." She muttered, sitting up. She had her shorts back on, but she hadn't replaced her top. It took everything I had to not stare at her chest.

"Look, I have no clue what happened last night. Jack wouldn't tell me-"

"You don't know what happened?" She asked. I shook my head no, confused.

"Well, I'm not giving you a play by play, but we danced, I'm sure you know that much." I nodded my head. She continued, "Well, things got.. heated.. I guess you can say." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth, understanding, finally.

"We both know it was the alcohol in us, so don't worry, you can go back to hating me. We both preferred it anyways." She told me, laying down. Her words stabbed at me slightly, not only hurting, but surprising.

"I don't hate you." I murmured quietly.

"Yeah, and the sky is purple."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait, I've seen busy with homework this week.

i have ttteeeennnnn fuccckinnng stars:]
whoop! that's why this one is a bit longer, plus since I made you guys wait.

hope you enjoy the update, and thanks for commenting!