A Blink of an Eye

A Blink of an Eye. (27) Gone.

I had no clue what I was going to say to Matt. I didn't want to be with him anymore but I didn't want him hating me. Oh whatever, I'm starting not to care. All I want is to get things to normal, well not normal. I guess what things are now is normalish like it was. It was strange. Ever since Jason died, no since the coma started, I was wishing for this life back but now all I want is my coma life, minus Jason being dead.
"AHHH!" I screamed hitting my head on the steering wheel. I turned on the radio and some beat boppy pop station came on. What is this crap? I think to myself and dig for a CD. Luckily, this was Joe's car and he had plenty of rock. Miley must of changed the channel. Ugh, Miley. I roll my eyes as I pulled into Matt's driveway. Deep breath.
"Jessica, honey, Hello. Are you here for Matt?" Matt's mom says answering the door sounding sad.
"Hi. Yes I am. Is he here?" I ask trying not to sound to hopeful to get away from her.
"Sorry. He isn't. He lef-ft." She sobs then burst into tears and heads into the den. I stand there bewildered until Matt's dad came to the door and motioned me in.
"Matt left this morning. He left this note." He says handing me the note.

Mom and Dad
I can't stay here. My life is just getting worse. I'm trying to get a better life. I need to get out of here. I need a better life. Don't feel bad. I just need a second chance. Tell Jessica bye for me. And that I'm sorry for everything. It's not ya'lls fault. Don't worry. I just had to leave.
Much Love

"He's gone." I whisper feeling tears fall. Guess I don't have to worry about breaking up with him. Gosh, I'm so selfish. I hate it. I can't stay here. I jump in the car tears falling and drive quickly back to my house. I don't know how I made it. I hardly remember driving. I walk past Miley, Justin, Joe, Selena and some random dude straight into my room. Tears were falling from my face. He's really gone.
"Jess." I hear Justin say through the door lightly tapping on it.
"Gone." I sob falling next to my bed.
"Gone? Jess what's wrong?" Justin says opening my door and rushing to me when he sees me on the ground crying.
"He's gone. I didn't say goodbye. He just left. And I can't break up with him. And I feel bad, he's gone." I sob out not knowing if he understood anything I just said.
"Gone? Matt's gone?" Justin says wrapping his arms around me. I nod and place my head on Justin letting it all out.
"It's going to be okay. Where did he go?" Justin asks rubbing my arm slightly.
"I don't know. In his note, it just said his life was getting worse and that he's sorry. He just left." I say breathing in slowly.
"I'm so sorry." Justin says hugging me.
"It's okay I just don't know how much more I can handle these days." I say calming down.
"So what's going on?" Justin ask in that familiar tone, the one I used to hear in my coma, the one when he made me feel better.
"Miley's been sleeping around with Matt, and I got into a fight with her and Ashley and I just don't like the popular life. I want to be like in my coma. That was my best life." I say exploding.
"Well, didn't Jason and Selena die in your coma thing?" Justin asks and I nod sniffling.
"Yes, but minus that, I want that life back." I say tears falling.
"Well, maybe this is a second chance. A chance to have that life with Jason and Selena still alive. And make some changes with the things you don't like." Justin says looking at me.
"I know one thing I didn't like in that dream. We got in a fight...well i don't really call it a fight. But we stopped talking..." I say looking at him.
"So, we hardly talk anyways." Justin says looking confused.
"Not in my coma. We were really close. I liked it." I say smiling.
"Well, let's start that. We'll get you your coma life back with a few adjustments." Justin says jumping up and helping me up.
"Deal." I say hugging him loving every moment.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Joe's voice comes from outside.
"What's going on down there?" Justin asks looking towards the front. I shrug then I hear Selena.
"AHHH! STOP IT!" Selena screams and my eyes fly open and I run outside with Justin on my heels.
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okay here it is. :) I kinda like this chapter. Okay so i know it took a while but like ive been so busy and like i havent had time but i made time and here it is. I should be doing my geometry project but well im on here so yea. Hope you like it. Comment!