The Road To Fame the JB way

Coming Home

Ashleys Point of View

Ive been on vacation for the past week without my best friend in the entire world Joesph Adam Jonas. I miss him soooo much. His hugs the way hes always teasing me and just deeing him everyday. I never relized how much I missed him until right now.

I have not been able to enjoy one minute of this vacation. I cant stop thinking about him and if he misses me as much as I miss him. I remember the first day I met him…..

“Mommy I hate first days of school there yucky” as I pleaded her to take me home

“You have to go sweeitie don’t worry so much” my mom said to me as if making this any better.

She walked me into Mrs.Hiltons first grade class. The old lady introduced me to everyone but I was not interested in talking to any of them so I went of in the corner to play with the blocks. Then this boy catchs my attention he has this brown curly hair all over his head and brown eye. I don’t know why but he caught my attention. And wait is he walking towards me… why would he do that????

“Hi im Joe why are you over here all by yourself”He asked with a very confused look on his face.

I looked at him very confused. Why was he talking to me? There are plenty of other kids in this class. They were just swrming him not two seconds ago.

“Im new and I don’t know anyone and my mommy tells me im shy” I finally managed to choke out.
He kinda just stood there for a while thinking about something. He tilt his head to the side like my dog when hes confused I thought it was cute.

“You could use a friend” he said while taking a seat next to me. From that moment me and Joesph Adam Jonas were inseprable.

------End Flashback

I will never forget those 5 words that brought me the best friend I could ask for and will not jeprodize that.

“Ashley” Crystal shouts from down the hall bringing me out of my daze. “Come pack your stuff were going home” she says almost as exstatic as I am. I literaly jump out of the my chair run down the hallway at record speed and without warning I run into my door.

Typical Me….
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