Sequel: Dismantle. Repair.

From GuitarGuy92 to xoJadeBabyxo

Don't Let Your Guard Down

The next two days passed by in a whirlwind. Nick and I didn’t work on the project Tuesday or Wednesday—he had basketball practice Tuesday and I had a yearbook meeting yesterday. So we agreed to meet again at the library, and this time, I had a feeling I was going to be forced to speak to him.

Like the previous meeting, he was already waiting at the library steps when I arrived. We were sitting on the same couches, in the same tense silence. “So, what are we going to work on next?” he questioned.

I glanced down at the papers in front of me and bit down on the sensitive skin of my bottom lip—an action I constantly did when I was deep in thought, or nervous. I really wasn’t in the mood to work on anything, and I didn’t want to strike up conversation with him, so I suggested that we read over each other’s essays and do some peer editing. I saw him narrow his eyes in my direction—that obviously wasn’t a requirement for the project—and I think he knew I was just trying to avoid having to speak to him. But in the end, he finally consented, handing me his essay. I let out a breath of relief and sat back in the comfortable chair, taking my red pen to his paper. Unfortunately for me, his paper was near perfection. There were close to no mistakes on it, and the marks I had made on it were just small grammatical mistakes that irked me. Who would have thought Nick Jonas to be such a good writer?

When I was finished, I glanced up at him and saw him scribbling away on a piece of looseleaf. I guess he felt my gaze on him, because he titled his head up and when he saw me looking at him, he said, “I think we should get the study guide out of the way.” I felt my eyebrows rise up on their own accord, surprised that he had taken an initiative. “It’s the next easiest thing,” he added with a shrug after taking in my shocked expression.

I nodded my head in agreement before burying my head in my bag and pulling out my computer. When I glanced back up, I realized Nick wasn’t sitting on the couch. Now where did this kid get to?

“Right here.” I whipped my head to the sound of his voice, only to find Nick sitting on the floor by my feet. “Okay, so I already have some questions in mind that we can put on our guide,” he said, riffling through the papers in front of him. He handed me a sheet with neat scribbles on it and I realized he had already started working on the questions. Am I missing something here? He’s actually going to work on this and not just let me do all the work? My thoughts were interrupted by a slight cough and I realized that he had been staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I fought back the color rising in my cheeks as I gave him a curt nod and started typing what he had written out. We continued to work like this, him rambling questions that we could use, me typing them down, putting in my two cents when I felt necessary.

We had just finished going over our questions one final time when the sound of his stomach growling interrupted the comfortable silence we had been working in. “Hungry much?” I teased with a tiny laugh.

He rubbed his stomach and with a playful smirk said, “Yea, nothing makes me hungrier than studying Chaucer.”

I giggled slightly as I started to pack up my things. “Why don’t we call it a day then?”

He nodded his head and said, “Yea, that’s probably a good idea.” Once all our things were gathered, we made our way out of the building, the chill of the California night greeting us. When we reached the bottom of the steps, we both stopped and looked at each other.

“So, uh, I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” I said. He nodded his head and with one small wave, I turned on my heels and started to walk towards my dorm building.

“Allegra wait,” I heard Nick call after me. I turned around and saw him jogging towards me. “Do you maybe wanna go grab some dinner with me?” he asked, rubbing his neck bashfully.

I stared at him, perplexed. Why is he asking me out to eat? We aren’t even friends. Thinking back on the past two hours to see what would give him that impression, I realized that I had let my guard down. While we were working, he wasn’t surrounded by his stupid friends, so he wasn’t as obnoxious as usual—I had actually forgotten who I was working with—and my true nature had come out. I had actually been nice to him.

I really hope he doesn’t think that I like him all of a sudden.

And just like that, my wall was back up. There was no way I could be nice to a socialite, let alone the king of the socialites—they don’t deserve that.

“Why?” I asked when I realized he was waiting for my response, my voice sounding a bit harsher than I had really meant it to.

His eyebrows knitted together at my inquiry and I could see the confusion in his warm brown eyes. “Well I figured that—”

“Look, you and I are just partners for this project. We’re not friends or anything, and we probably never will be. So let’s just leave it at that.” I felt a tiny twinge of remorse when I saw the confusion deepen in his eyes, so I quickly added, “I’ll see you in class”, before stocking off to my dorm.

When I got back, I was terribly flustered. In all my years at PPA, I had always abhorred the socialites. They were mean to people and picked on others to make themselves feel better. That’s not the type of person I want to be involved with. So why is it that I so easily forgot who I had been working with tonight?

“What’s wrong with you?” I heard Charlie ask.

I glanced at her and shook my head. “Nothing,” I replied, setting my things down and plopping down on my bed as she turned back to her homework.

“So, how did working with Nick go?” she questioned, jotting down an answer to the calculus homework in front of her. I groaned to myself and pressed my eyelids shut. “That bad, huh?” he asked with a giggle.

“No, it was the complete opposite,” I replied.

I heard her gasp. I definitely had her attention now. “Oh my goodness, tell me everything. What happened?”

I sat back up and glanced at her. Her pencil was discarded on her desk and she had her body turned towards me. “I was actually…nice to him,” I said, involuntarily shivering at the thought of that action.

“Gasp,” she said, bringing her hand to cover her mouth, which was in the shape of an ‘O’ in faux shock. “God forbid you are nice to someone Legs,” she teased.

I rolled my eyes at her and flopped back down. “You don’t get it. I didn’t mean to be nice to him. You know I don’t like that whole posse, but...I don’t even know what happened. One second I’m suggesting we do something so that I don’t have to speak to him, and the next we’re working side by side. It was just weird.”

“I’m still not seeing the problem here,” Charlie said.

“The problem is that I can’t allow my guard to fall again,” I answered.

“Legs, you’re like the nicest person on this whole campus. It’s inevitable that you be nice to him. That’s just who you are!”

“But I really don’t want to be nice to this kid,” I said with a tiny groan. “Do you know he asked me if I wanted to go grab dinner with him tonight?”

“What?!” she shrieked.

“Yea! That’s when I realized that I had let my guard down. I just don’t want him to think that I’m going to forget all of the things he and his friends have done to people. I don’t want him to think we’re gonna be friends just cuz we got partnered up for this project.”

Charlie was giving me a skeptical look, shaking her head slightly. “He is a Jonas, Legs. Those boys are big time charmers. You’re gonna have to be extra careful.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, sitting up again so that I could look her dead in the eye.

“Well, I’m pretty sure he knows you don’t like him. And being who he is, he probably won’t settle for that. He’s going to be trying his damn hardest to get you to like him. So if you’re going to stick to the whole being-mean-to-him-because-he’s-a-socialite thing, you’re going to have to be on your guard twenty-four seven,” she explained.

I frowned slightly at her. “That’s fine. Because I will not let him get to me. There’s no way I will ever be friends with a socialite,” I replied. Even if it’s the end of me.


My favorite part of attending Pacific Palisades Academy would have to be Friday nights. There is always so much to do. It’s only an 11 minute drive down to Santa Monica, and an even shorter drive down to the beach—it’s practically in the school’s back yard. On most Friday nights, students drive down to Santa Monica and hang out on the pier, catch a movie, or just hang out at local shops.

Another thing we’re big on—our sports teams. Most home games are intense, the entire school cramming into the stadiums or gymnasiums to watch our fellow classmates playing the sport of their choice. So it comes as no surprise that on this particular Friday night my friends and I are in the crowded gymnasium, watching the guys on the varsity basketball team give it their all. Usually I’m not one for coming to these things—being the most uncoordinated and un-athletic person ever, just watching sports makes me feel self-conscious—but Kenny is on the team, and he made me promise him I would come out and watch him play. He said there aren’t many games left in the season, and that he would be utterly disappointed if his best friend didn’t come out to watch at least one of his games this season.

However, when I agreed to come watch him play, I failed to remember the fact that Nick Jonas was team captain.

The night had started out innocently enough. My group of friends and I had all met at the gym at around 6:30, half an hour before the game started. The guys were warming up, shooting some hoops and working on passing the ball to each other. The gym was already packed with tons of students and faculty members alike, but we were able to find seats in the third row of the bleachers. I had been talking with Charlie and Erin when I heard my name being called. When I looked up, I saw Kenny standing down on the floor with a giant smile on his face. Excusing myself, I went over to him.

“You actually came,” he said as he engulfed me in a quick hug.

“I said I would, didn’t I?” I asked.

“Yea, but I know how you feel about sports,” he teased. I rolled my eyes at him, which he returned with a low chuckle. “So, did you bring your camera with you?” he questioned as he dribbled the ball he held in his hand mindlessly.

I pulled the small Nikon Coolpix S60 that I received for Christmas out of my hoodie pocket. “Do I ever go anywhere without it?” I retorted.

Kenny chuckled again at me, but before he could say anything back, Nick Jonas jogged over to us. I literally felt the color drain from my face, only to have it rush back when he stopped next to Kenny and smiled brightly at me, saying, “Hey Allegra.”

I felt myself growing fidgety—I hadn’t even made eye contact with him since we left the library last night, and the conversation I had with Charlie last night kept replaying in my head. I smiled meekly and said, “Hi Nick.”

Kenny looked from me to him and then back again. “I didn’t know you two were friends,” he stated, raising an eyebrow at me.

“We’re not,” I stated all too quickly. “We’re just partners for an English project,” I added, glancing back down at my hands, not seeing the questioning look Kenny then gave Nick.

“Yea, but we’re working on that whole friendship thing,” I heard Nick say, winking at me when I looked up, surprised at his words. “So, how do you two know each other?”

“Me and Legs? Dude, we go way back,” Kenny replied, slugging an arm over my shoulders. I glanced up at him, and I saw him staring Nick down. Nick seemed to be doing the same. I couldn’t help but get the feeling they were sizing each other up. At that moment, I really wished I hadn’t let Kenny talk me into coming to this game. All I wanted to do was crawl out of his grasp and bury myself in the sea of people in the bleachers behind us.

Luckily for me, the awkward moment didn’t last long. “Jonas, Ferrier, lets go.” We all turned our heads to the sound of their coach’s voice, who was motioning for them to follow the rest of the team to the locker room for their pre-game pep talk.

I felt a breath of air whistle through my teeth as Kenny dropped his arm from around my shoulders. “I’ll see ya later Legs. Make sure you get good shots of me,” he said as he jogged backwards towards the door of the gym.

I giggled softly at him and said, “I will. Good luck and try not to get hurt.” I saw him stick his tongue out at me before turning around and jogging out of the gym.

I hadn’t even realized that Nick hadn’t followed him. “Shouldn’t you be going?” I asked, trying not to be rude, but not being my usually friendly self.

“Probably,” he replied with a small shrug. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. “I have a question for you,” he said, shifting his weight onto his left leg.

“Uhm, ok, I don’t think this is the time or place for questions Nick,” I said, my eyes flashing across the gym. Nick was the only player left on the court, and I could see a few questioning glances being sent our way. I could feel my cheeks burning up in embarrassment.

I glanced back at Nick, but he didn’t seem fazed. Before he could pose his question, however, his coach came back out, tugging him out of the gym without saying a word. Shaking off my confusion, I went back to my seat, ignoring the questions Charlie was shooting at me. The rest of the game was uneventful. I captured pictures of all of the players, as well as some of my friends and me during half-time. It wasn’t until the final quarter of the game that I really started getting into the game.

There were only ninety seconds left in the game, and Nick was standing on the foul line, bouncing the ball a few times as he prepared to take his second free throw, which would tie the game. Feet were pounding on the metal bleachers around me, creating a loud racket—an undertone to the chanting of Nick’s name. I couldn’t help but join along in the chanting. Nick set up for his throw, the basketball rolling smoothly from the tips of his fingers in a graceful arc towards the basket. It sank right through and the crowd around me went ballistic.

The game was tied, and I found myself letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I stared anxiously as the game continued. A bank shot, deflected. Down the court again.

Everyone was on their feet, the noise so loud I could barely hear myself think.

Honestly, how long does it take for ninety seconds to pass by?

The ball whizzed from player to player, the seconds cranking down on the scoreboard. Twelve. Eleven. Ten.

My eyes involuntarily landed on Nick again—something that had been happening throughout the entire game. His wet curls were matted onto his forehead with sweat as he tried to deflect the opposing player that was blocking him.

“Come on. Come on,” I found myself saying, just as immersed in the hype of the game as everyone else.

Seven. Six. Five.

The ball flew. Hit the backboard. Bounced off the rim.

Players scrambled, rebounded.

Slammed the ball home.

The buzzer sounded.

And the decibel level in the room just increased by a ten fold. People were pouring into the court, congratulating the players on our team.

I blew out a long breath, my heart pounding. I sat down, suddenly feeling weak from all the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

“That was one hell of a game,” I heard my friend Connor say as he scrambled off the bleachers to congratulate his friends on the team.

I glanced at Charlie as she plopped down next to me. “Dude, that game was so intense. Why don’t we come to these things more often?”

I giggled slightly and shook my head, choosing not to answer her question. We both got up, hopping off the bleachers and out into the court to congratulate our friends. As soon as my feet hit the court, I found Kenny in front of me. Without me realizing what was happening, he scooped me up in a hug, burying his face in the crook of my neck and twirling me around.

“Kenny!” I shrieked. “Put me down!”

He obliged, dropping me mid twirl. I held onto his sweaty arms to steady myself. “Sorry Legs, I’m just so excited,” he said, a giant grin on his face.

“Yea, I can tell. That was an intense game. Congrats on the win,” I said, laughing at the elated look on his face.

Right then, Nick tackled him from behind. “Dude, that was a nice pass,” he said, clapping Kenny on the back.

“Thanks man. Nice foul shoots you had there. It wouldn’t have been as nerve wracking had you not tied the game.” Nick shrugged off the compliment before his eyes landed on me.

“Hey Allegra,” he said, a giant smile on his face as well.

I was in too much of a great mood to even try and be mean to him. “Hey Nick,” I replied. “Great game.”

“Thanks,” he replied. Right then, Dawn, queen of the socialites, trotted over to us in her cheerleading uniform. She threw her arms around Nick’s neck, pulling his face down to hers.

So much for me being in a great mood.

“Babe, you were amazing tonight,” she said, completely disregarding me and Kenny. “Do you wanna head out?” she questioned, linking her hand with his and starting to drag him through the throng of people celebrating the victory.

“Yea, hold on a second,” he said, stopping them both and turning back to us. “Are you guys going down to Derfs?” Nick questioned

“Of course,” Kenny answered for the both of us. I noticed that Nick’s eyes were trained on me however, so I nodded my head in agreement to Kenny’s reply.

“Cool. I’ll see you guys there.” With that, he allowed himself to be dragged away by his girlfriend.

“Is everyone heading down to Derfs?” I asked Kenny.

He shrugged and said, “Probably. We just made it to the state basketball semifinals. I’m thinking the whole school is going to be down there.”

I giggled and shook my head. “Mike and Lisa are not gonna be happy about that,” I said, referring to the owners of the popular hang out spot. Sure, we might be bringing them more business, but the middle aged couple probably won’t be happy that they’re going to have to stay open later for our celebrations.

“Yea, probably not,” Kenny agreed with a chuckle.

I smiled up at him before linking his arm in mine. “Well Kenny, looks like we have ourselves some celebrating to do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took me a while to post this update. I had to finish the chapter for LIJACR before working on anything else, and that story was being a pain in the butt.

anyways, i know this was a filler, but I'm still setting up the story.

and am i making it clear that Allegra doesn't want to be nice to Nick, but she can't help but allow her personality to shine through? I hope so.

did everyone get their World Tour tickets? I did! Philly, July 24th. Let me know if you're gonna be there!!! and if not, tell me where you're gonna be. haha