Dose of Love for Our Vengeance.

*There was a mistake with the description but I edited it. It's good now..XD

Title; Dose of Love for Our Vengeance.

Characters; Gerard Arthur Way and Elizabeth Zant.
I am still not sure about some, maybe Frank Iero or some other people would appear on some chapters but for the meantime, only the main characters were specified.

Summary (or sort of); Gerard and Elizabeth dies. He goes to hell and looses his memory, though the devil offered him a deal to have his memory back. Accepting the deal, Gerard faces many obstacles, including one that he never have thought would beat him.

Disclaimer; Apparently, I do not own Gerard Way, though Elizabeth and the whole story is mine.

To Readers; This story is very unstable. It took me along time to produce the first chapters (I won't tell how many). Comments would be signals that I should continue. Please, taking a minute from your essential time to write a comment won't hurt. Thank you. And oh, ideas for the next chapters or events are very welcome.

natasha ♥
  1. Preface.
    He lost on the war.
  2. Emergency Room.
    Gerard loses Elizabeth. Forever?