Tragedy in Buffalo

Chapter one.

“Colgan 3407, descend and maintain 5,000,” Air traffic controller, Jeff, spoke into his microphone. The pilot of the aircraft pressed a button on her head set.
“5,000, Colgan 3407,” she replied. Then she let go of the button.
“Colgan 3407, descend and maintain 4,000,” Jeff said.
“Colgan 3407, turn left and maintain 3,300.”
“Left heading 3,300, Colgan 3407,” the pilot replied.
“Colgan 3407, three miles from…, maintain 2,300,” Jeff informed.
“Left 260, 2,300, …, Colgan 3407.”
“Colgan 3407,…, have a good night.”
“Colgan 34-7 approach,” Jeff directed. No response. Maybe she did'nt’t hear me, he thought.

“Air Traffic Control,” Pilot Dianne Foster spoke into her head set. She repeated. The plane started shaking.
“Oh, shit,” Foster said trying to control the plane. She looked over at the Co. Pilot Mike Queens in panic. Something horrible was happening. The engines must have failed. Something happened to the engines.
Queens pressed the button that informed passengers about happening on the plane.
“Attention Passengers, there seems to be a malfunction with the aircraft at this time. Please put on your oxygen masks and fasten your seat belts,” he said calmly, “We ask you to remain calm and not to worry. We’re going to land this plane safely.”
A young girl in her possible twenties looked at the older woman, possibly in her forties sitting next to her. She looked out the window. God, please don’t let this happen. Please. I have to see my boyfriend. I promised him I’ll be fine. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Roaring of the engines started to stutter. The plane hit an air bump, making all 48 passengers get tossed around in there seats. A tear ran down the young woman’s cheek as she started getting flash backs of what happened in her life.

“What? Sarah...I can’t hear you there's a plane flying over me. What,” Jasmine asked as she walked towards the window in her room. She opened the curtains and looked out the clear glass into the night.
“Holy mother of-! I gotta go,” she said quickly closing her phone. The 22 year old ran down the stairs into the kitchen and headed for the front door. Jill’s mother, Karry, stopped her.
“What’s the rush?” she said loudly so Jill could hear her over the stuttering engines of the falling aircraft.
“PLANE!” was all Jill could say before she grabbed her mother’s arm and ran out of the house.
The roaring got louder and louder. Jasmine ran faster and faster. She looked back at her house as the plane nosed- dived towards it. Karry was slacking behind. At the same time they made eye contact they realized they forgot some one.
“DAD!” Screamed Jasmine as she darted for the house. Karry turned and started running back. They were only two houses away when the plane directly hit the center of the roof. The ground shook rapidly, causing the mother and her daughter to fall over. A big boom was followed soon after.
Karry looked over at her daughter. Her mouth was moving, but nothing seemed to come out. In fact she couldn't’t hear anything. An orange glow practically lit up the street like the sun. Debris fell every where. Some even on our survivors.