Sequel: Fairy Tales

Don't Wish For Love

Mallory Gordon wakes up in an unusual place where the sun is always shining, a place called Los Angeles. She doesn't recognize anything around her, but her mother seems to. She is accused of having an illness, but the truth is, Mallory just can't remember anything.

She can't help but wonder why this is happening. After she figures out her father is never home, her brother is older than her, and her sister had never been born, she thinks nothing could be worse. But when her friends forget her, her world falls apart. The only thing that can keep her going is her boyfriend that she's just met, who happens to be a rockstar.

His name is Tanner Reidy, and he is one of the few people who believe her. He helps her through everything, but never loses the thought that she can one day still remember.

Tanner shows Mallory a secret hideout, which soon becomes their hideout. Mallory makes a certain wish, but Tanner is afraid she'll wish to go home -- away from him. Will Mallory's wish affect her entire life -- let alone her one and only true love?


I own all the characters and the plot line of this story.
Banner made by Teri.
Thanks Teri! ^_^ <3


Mallory Gordon:
A fifteen year old. She only remembers her life in Pennsylvania, when she randomly wakes up in LA. She realizes she has a famous boyfriend -- and a gentleman at that. She may be the luckiest girl in the world, but will her old life hold her back from showing her love?

Tanner Reidy:
A famous rockstar. Seventeen years old -- in love with Mallory Gordon. Tanner gets a shock when Mallory tells him she doesn't remember him -- or anything else in her life. He feels obligated to believe her, and helps her through her struggles. Will he be able to help Mallory, or will he give up in the process?


Just a little love story I decided to write. Kim, it's been so much fun bugging you about this. :) I know you've been wanting to read this, so it's dedicated to you :) <3

Also dedicated to Magda for lifting my spirits to be able to finish this. :) <3

And last but certainly not least, dedicated to Maggie for helping me when I was stuck, and for being my e+piw! :) <3



In the future, there is a knight in shining armor. He meets a fair maiden that casts a spell on his heart, making the feeling and situation not understandable. He falls deeply in love with the petite princess, and fights for her with all his strength, willing to sacrifice himself for anything that may occur. Their love is marked by a single object, and as long as the object is valued, the flame of love burns on. Their love flickers on, fading out, but reviving itself. The flame burns on forever, while only one survives to keep it burning. They drift further apart than they'd have realized, but the flame can never be blown out. People die out, but the flame lives on.

* * *

Toby's POV:

It was about four o'clock that chilly, eerie night – Er, morning. Felix, Lo and I crept out of bed. Gavin decided to stay behind.
We crept over to the closet that Mallory and Tanner were in. Felix grabbed a soft, warm quilt from the small couch and draped it over his shoulder.
We approached the closet with caution. The floor creaked softly as we made our way across the small room.
Felix opened the door quietly, and Lo shone his flashlight on the two lovebirds sleeping on the carpet.
I chuckled softly to myself. I hoped they realized they would've been able to get out before.
Mallory was faced away from Tanner, his arm around her waist. His cheek was on top of hers from behind her, and it looked too romantic. They were just too adorable.
They looked chilly, especially in this weather. It was a cold night for LA, but common in the winter time.
Felix took the quilt off his shoulder, and draped it over the two lovebirds. Their goosebumps disappeared. I smiled to myself as we shut the door quietly, and left them to sweet dreams.




  1. Chapter One
  2. Chapter Two
  3. Chapter Three
  4. Chapter Four
  5. Chapter Five
  6. Chapter Six
  7. Chapter Seven
  8. Chapter Eight
    While reading this chapter, listen to the song Never Dream Alone by Ashlee Simpson! It fits perfectly! :)
  9. Chapter Nine
    While reading this chapter, listen to I'm OK by Christina Aguilera. The lyrics don't go with the song at all, but the melody definitely does :D <3
  10. Chapter Ten
  11. Chapter Eleven
  12. Chapter Twelve
  13. Chapter Thirteen
  14. Chapter Fourteen
  15. Chapter Fifteen
  16. Chapter Sixteen
  17. Chapter Seventeen
  18. Chapter Eighteen
  19. Chapter Nineteen
    While reading this chapter, listen to Exceptional by JoJo :D
  20. Chapter Twenty
  21. Chapter Twenty One
  22. Chapter Twenty Two
  23. Chapter Twenty Three
  24. Chapter Twenty Four
  25. Chapter Twenty Five
  26. Chapter Twenty Six
  27. Chapter Twenty Seven
  28. Chapter Twenty Eight
  29. Chapter Twenty Nine
    While reading this chapter, listen to The Little Things Give You Away by Linkin Park ;)
  30. Chapter Thirty
    While reading this final chapter, listen to When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne :) Enjoy! <3