Kicking and Screaming

Who I Really Am

Mitsuko shook the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
“I…I don’t think we should be here, Mitsu. It’s locked, and there’s nobody around. Don’t you think it’s going to be dangerous?” A pretty looking blonde, about 5 foot 4, was standing warily next to her. Mitsu smiled to herself.
“Oh you have no idea” she muttered. Standing back to examine the old warehouse, Mitsuko noticed a small window, about 5 feet off the ground.
“Give me a leg up will you, I can’t reach.” She picked something off the floor, and flew it at the window, sending shards of glass flying. The blonde let out a squeal, and spun round.
“Don’t be such a wimp Miranda!” laughed Mitsuko. Miranda scowled, and got onto her hands and knees. “Get up, before I change my mind!”
Mitsuko climbed onto her back, and pulled herself up to the broken window. She dragged herself through, cutting her leg as she went. She shrieked as she fell to the floor. A pile of cardboard boxes softened the landing, but her heart skipped a beat. This time, nothing could go wrong. She had to finish this. She walked to the door, and unlocked it, letting Miranda in. The light shone through the open door into the dusty warehouse. Mitsu shuddered. The last light she’d see? She shut the door swiftly, the metal crashing as it went.
“So, what is it you wanted me to see? The sooner I see it, the sooner I can get out of here” She looked around her, into the gloomy space that seemed to go on forever. Shivers ran down her spine. She didn’t like this place. And she didn’t like the way Mitsu was acting. She looked down at her feet, and noticed blood on the floor. Her eyes swept across the floor to see where it came from, and her eyes rested on the gash on Mitsuko’s upper leg, and the blood pouring from it.
“Mitsu!”– She cried-“you’re bleeding!” Mitsuko laughed.
“You’ve seen nothing yet Miranda. This is only the beginning”
“What are you talking about Mitsuko? I’m getting outta here, you’re scaring me.” Miranda walked toward the door, but stopped dead in her tracks, as something crashed behind her. She turned to see her friend collapsed on the floor, her tear-stained face a mess. Mitsuko glared up form underneath her dark hair.
“Can you see me now? Can you see me for who I really am? For WHAT I really am?” her voice was menacing, almost choking on the words, yet they still came out strong. She pulled herself up from the ground, and stood weakly before Miranda. “THIS is the real me. Pathetic”- she spat the word -“A waste of life? You know what? This is the end. This is the end of that.” She staggered towards a wooden crate, in the shadows, right by the light of a small window. Mitsu lifted something from the lid of the box, and held it to her forearm. Whatever the mystery object was, she dragged it across her arm. She let out a sickening cry, but it wasn’t a cry of pain, it was a cry of relief. She stumbled into the light, and Miranda yelped. Blood was still gushing from the cut in her leg, but now from the gash in the arm. In her hand, Mitsu gripped a knife, dripping with crimson blood. She raised it again, but higher, and ripped it across the skin. Again, she cried out.
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Meh, a vent I felt like doing.
Please comment, and I hope you guys like it