The Hardest Part of Today is a Hangover.

We've Got Our Fingers Crossed.

Oli had been staying at my house for the past three days. We’d been sleeping in the same bed, eating breakfast at the same table, and have even shared the same clothes. It felt like nothing had ever changed—like I had never royally fucked up.

I was walking down the hallway towards the kitchen when Caitlin’s bedroom door caught my eye. It was eased open…maybe half an inch. Curiosity got the best of me and I tiptoed over, silently opening the door and peeking in.

“Holy shit!”

I couldn’t help myself—the shout was out before I could stop myself. A naked Caitlin shot up, the sheets falling from her body, and Christian followed soon after. They both had confused looks on their faces.

Holy shit!” I repeated, looking at the two bewildered.

Caitlin nearly had a stroke before she pulled up the sheets to cover herself, whilst Christian pulled his boxers from the floor and quickly slipped them on. He quickly ran over and slammed the door in my face.

Oli walked through my bedroom door about the same time, his bare chest heaving.

“What? What happened? Are you okay?” he questioned, running over to me and inspecting every part of my body. “Anna! Anna! Are you okay? What’s wrong?” he continued, now cupping my face in between his hands.

I took a deep breath, blinked, looked at the door, and looked back at Oli. I didn’t know how to say it, really, so I just spit it out. “They’re fucking.”

“Shit,” he mumbled.

“Fork it over,” I ordered, holding my hand out, a smile on my face.

He pulled twenty dollars out of his pocket, holding it out to me. I looked at it, confused, which made him smile and shrug. “It’s all I got.”

“I’ll be looking for that hundred and eighty dollars you owe me, Sykes,” I sang as I pranced down the hallway. I could hear Oli groan as he shuffled back to our room—

Our room? Did I honestly just—? No, no.


I sighed around my spoon of Honey Smacks.

I had to admit, I was scared. I had already told myself that this lifestyle—this coming and going lifestyle of a band member—wouldn’t do it for me. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Stay home and watch the kids, clean the house, hold a steady job…while he’s out touring the US with his band, seeing some young, hot groupies, sleeping in random hotel rooms, smoking weed at least five times a day, not calling us at home, living a completely different lifestyle than I can planned when I was a little girl? None of that sounded too thrilling for me.

Then it dawned on me.

I had just admitted I wanted a life with Oliver Sykes.

Caitlin walking through the archway knocked me out of my extremely stressing reverie. I wanted to laugh at the look of unease on her face, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. She was probably thinking the same thing that I was—if not more. It couldn’t be easy thinking about ending the ways of your life that you love. She loves partying, smoking, sleeping around with random guys—pretty much everything that a devoted girlfriend couldn’t plan on doing in her wildest dreams.

We were both fucking stuck. We had dug ourselves pretty endless holes on this one.

“So…what are you thinking about?” she mumbled, pouring some milk into her Honey Smacks.

I sighed. “Everything.”


I was at Erin and Adam’s house, watching Erin until Adam came back that night. She was due any minute now and I was pretty positive I was just as nervous as she was. I didn’t know what to do if the baby came while no one was here. I’d probably just run in circles and have a heart attack in the middle of the living room.

“Ugh. Anna, get me some ice cream,” Erin mumbled, rolling her eyes down to look at me.

I sighed. “Vanilla?”

“Yep,” she mumbled, sighing and adjusting herself on the couch.

I pulled myself up off of the floor with the coffee table and drug my tired ass into the kitchen. I grabbed the entire thing of ice cream, stuck a gigantic spoon in it, and walked back into the living room, handing it to Erin and plopping down on the floor.

And the next thing I knew I was being shaken.

“Anna! Anna, wake the fuck up!”

It sounded like Adam, but Adam wasn’t supposed to be back home yet until 12:00. It was only…I groaned, yawning and stretching, then looked at the TV…it was only…12:13! I squeezed my eyes shut, shook my head a little, and looked up at Adam.

“So…you’re home,” I stated, smacking my lips together.

“Nice observation, Anna,” Adam mumbled, stepping over me to walk into his and Erin’s bedroom.

I remembered their bedroom door slamming, then the hazy blackness of the back of my eyelids, and something about natural male enhancements before a shriek woke me up.

I’m never fucking sleeping here again, I mumbled inside my head, yawning.

I stood, shook my hair around a bit, and made my way into the kitchen. I was getting a bowl out of one of the cabinets when Adam shot by the kitchen and into the living room. I stood there, frozen in place.

“Anna! Anna, where the fuck are you?” Adam shouted in the living room.

I sighed, rolling my eyes. “I’m in here, Adam.”

He shot into the kitchen, his eyes wide and his face already glistening with sweat…amongst other things. He was definitely crying.

“She- She’s- The fucking baby’s coming, Anna! Come on!” he shouted, running back down the hall to their bedroom, where Erin lay in bed.

It took a minute for the thought to sink in before I chased after him, sudden panic rushing through me.
♠ ♠ ♠

it sucks.
i'm aware.
but you asked for it.