Show You How

Just Dance

Savannah Reid sat in the basement of her aunt and uncle’s house. It had been converted into a dance studio nearly ten years ago when Savannah had first moved in with them. Savannah had been dancing since she was three years old. Now, at twenty, she was trying to become a professional dancer.

She had been in a number of different productions and shows, but none of those were on a big enough scale for her to get noticed. Three weeks ago, she had auditioned to go on tour with a couple of bands that she had never heard of. Apparently, they were trying something new. Even though both were known as pop/punk bands, they had wanted to add a little joke to their concert that made fun of all the dancing shows that were on television right now.

When she had first auditioned, she hadn’t wanted to tell anyone, not knowing whether or not she was going to get the job or not. She had been on at least fifteen auditions in the past few months, and no one had offered her a job yet. She felt that every time she told her family that she hadn’t gotten the job, she disappointed them a little bit each time. So, she had decided to just stop telling them when she had an audition.

But, this time was different. Her fifteen year old cousin, Audrey, had found out that she had gone to an audition and had asked Savannah about it. Savannah had told her that she had auditioned to go on tour with some concert, but that she had never heard of the band before.

“Well, what’re their names?” Audrey asked, knowing that Savannah wasn’t exactly knowledgeable when it came to current music.

“Um…” Savannah began, trying to remember the names of the bands. “I think something like Panic at the Disco and Fall Out Boy,” she said slowly.

“Are you kidding me?” Audrey shrieked.

“You’ve heard of them?” Savannah asked with a laugh.

“Heard of them? Of course I’ve heard of them! They’re only like my favorite bands ever!” Audrey told her. “But why would they want dancers on tour? No offense, or anything,” she quickly added. “It’s just their music doesn’t exactly scream ‘dancers’ or anything.”

“I don’t know,” Savannah told her with a shrug. “They said something about making fun of all the dance shows on television right now.”

“Oh my god!” Audrey screamed. “You have to get this gig.”

“I hope I do,” Savannah said. “I’m really just hoping to get anything at this point.”

But, here it was, three weeks later, and she still hadn’t heard back from anyone yet. So, she assumed that, once again, she was going to have to tell her family that she had been turned down for another job. She knew that Audrey was going to be the most disappointed.

She took one last drink from her water bottle before standing up, getting ready to go up the stairs to talk to her aunt Vanessa, her uncle Trent, and Audrey. As she stood up, her phone began ringing in the corner of the room.

She ran over to it and picked it up. “Hello?” she asked.

“Hello,” a chipper, young woman on the other end said. “I’m looking for a Miss Savannah Reid.”

“I’m Savannah,” she replied.

“Oh, Savannah, my name is Deirdre, and I work for the Jackson Dance Company,” the other woman said. “I’m calling about your audition a few weeks ago for the Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco concert.”

“Yes?” Savannah asked anxiously.

“Well, we were just calling to say congratulations.”

“I got the job?” Savannah asked excitedly.

“Indeed, you did. You will need to come into the office sometime tomorrow to get all of the details, but I know I speak for everyone when I say we are happy to have you on board.”

“Thank you so much,” Savannah told her.

“You’re welcome. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Deirdre told her before hanging up.

Savannah couldn’t hold her excitement in any longer, as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Less than ten seconds later, Savannah could hear the quick steps of three people running down the stairs. “Savannah, sweetheart, are you okay?” Vanessa asked her as she was the first one to make it into the basement.

“I’m great,” Savannah told her with a wide smile.

“Then what was the yell for?” Trent asked her, as he and Audrey came into view next to Vanessa.

“I got the job,” Savannah told the three of them.

“What job?” Audrey asked.

The job,” Savannah told her.

“Oh my god! The Panic and Fall Out Boy job?” Audrey asked. Savannah just nodded her head. “Oh my god!” Audrey repeated. “I can’t believe you’re going to meet Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie!”

“I am so proud of you,” Vanessa interrupted Audrey as she made her way over to Savannah and gave her a hug.

“Me, too,” Trent said joining Vanessa. “So, when do you start?”

“I don’t know,” Savannah admitted. “I’m supposed to go to the dance company tomorrow to find out all the details, so I guess I’ll let you know then.”

“Well, the tour starts in two and a half months,” Audrey told them.

“I’m sure I’ll start soon, then,” Savannah said. “I mean we’ll have to work on the choreography for a little while. I don’t know what exactly their planning on doing, but usually you work a couple of months to get everything down.”

“I am so happy for you,” Vanessa told Savannah.

“Thanks,” Savannah said.

“I am so jealous!” Audrey admitted. “You are definitely going to have to get me an autograph!”

“I’ll try,” Savannah said with a smile.
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