Show You How

Something Big

“So how was your night last night?” Savannah asked Paige while they were sitting backstage getting their makeup done for the concert tonight.

“The same as always,” Paige told her. “It was entertaining to see Martina all over Brendon and him not give her a second glance, though,” she added laughing.

“I guess I should have been there, huh?” Savannah asked as the makeup artist left and the hairdresser stepped in her place.

“You really should come out with us sometime,” Paige said.

“Oh, yes, so I can be the only sober person in the midst of a bunch of drunks?” Savannah asked jokingly.

“Hey, we do not all get drunk. Usually, it’s just Brianne and Martina, and they’re fun to watch when they’re wasted,” Paige said with a laugh. “Martina tries to flirt with Brendon, and Brianne flirts with everyone in the entire place. It’s hilarious!”

Savannah laughed as Paige got out of the chair, having her makeup and hair finished. “Bye,” she said with a small wave. “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” Savannah said as Paige left and someone else sat in her seat. She turned her head to see Brendon sitting next to her. “Hey, Brendon,” she said with a smile. “You ready for tonight?”

“Yeah,” Brendon replied.

“You don’t sound very excited,” Savannah told him.

“Of course I am,” Brendon said. “I get to dance with you.”

Savannah blushed as she continued to look straight in front of her, afraid to look Brendon in the eye. “Well, I’m looking forward to dancing with you, too,” she told him.

“Savannah, I need to tell you something,” Brendon said.

“What is it?” Savannah asked looking over at him as the hairdresser finished putting her hair in place.

All of a sudden, Pete pushed Savannah’s shoulder and said, “Get out of my seat. I need to get my hair done now!”

“Okay, okay, Mr. Diva,” Savannah said laughing as she jumped out of the seat. She walked over next to Brendon. “What did you want to tell me?” she asked him.

“Nothing,” Brendon sighed. “Don’t worry about it,” he told her.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yeah, you can go ahead and get dressed now,” he said.

“Okay, I’ll see you out there,” Savannah said, flashing him a smile.

“What was that all about?” Pete asked Brendon after Savannah had left the room.

“Nothing,” Brendon told him. “I was just going to tell Savannah something, but it was nothing,” he said.

Pete looked over at Brendon, who had a sad expression on his face. “Bren, you were going to tell her that you like her, weren’t you?” Pete questioned.


“You were, weren’t you? And that’s why when I showed up you shut up. Dude, I’m sorry,” Pete apologized. “I didn’t know.”

“It’s fine. Maybe it’s just fate’s way of saying that I shouldn’t tell her,” Brendon reasoned.

“Or, it’s fate’s way of saying that you have to find a better way to tell her. Bren, everyone knows that you like her except for her. I don’t even think she’d believe you if you were upfront with her and told her you like her,” Pete told him.

“So, what am I supposed to do?” Brendon asked.

“I don’t know,” Pete admitted. “But make sure it’s something big and noticeable.”

“Okay, you’re all done,” the hairdresser told Brendon.

“Thanks,” he said standing up.

“Remember,” Pete told him. “Something big.”

“Yeah,” Brendon mumbled as he walked towards his dressing room.

Later that night, right before Brendon was set to go on to do his dance routine, Pete’s words kept echoing through his head. Make sure it’s something big and noticeable.

Brendon just couldn’t figure out what to do, though. He agreed with Pete that even if he was straightforward and just told her outright that he liked her, she still wouldn’t believe him. But, what was he supposed to do?

As Brendon and Savannah walked out for their dance number, Ryan introduced them. “Up next, we have everyone’s favorite front man Brendon Urie with the lovely and talented Savannah Reid. Now, before we begin, let’s give a little bit of background on Savannah, shall we?”

Savannah looked up at Brendon and whispered, “You ready?”

“Of course,” he said with a smile. “And you?”

“I’m always ready to dance,” she told him as she focused back in on what Ryan was saying.

“Savannah and Brendon will be doing a little Samba for us tonight. Afterwards, we’ll see who you all think is the winner, okay?” Ryan asked, and the crowd erupted in cheers. “Without further ado, here is Savannah and Brendon,” he yelled.

Savannah could barely hear the music because the crowd was so loud. She knew people loved Brendon, but she never would have guessed that he was this popular.

As the dance neared the end, Savannah smiled, knowing they were about to pull it off without any mistakes.

Brendon, on the other hand, had Pete’s words from earlier repeating in his head. As he dipped her down for the big finish, he could only think of one thing that would be “big and noticeable.”

Without thinking, he leaned down, kissing her passionately. As they pulled apart, Savannah’s eyes grew wider and wider as the realization of what had just taken place slowly hit her.
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