Show You How

What Are You Afraid Of

Savannah ran off stage as the kiss with Brendon ended. She didn’t know what exactly to do, seeing as how she had felt electricity running through her body when his lips touched hers. As soon as she got off stage, she ran into Martina. She tried to go around her, but Martina wouldn’t let her.

“What the hell was that?” Martina yelled at Savannah.

“Martina, please just move. I’d like to get to my dressing room and change out of these clothes,” she said, pointing to the outfit she was currently wearing.

“Not until you tell me what the hell that kiss with Brendon was,” Martina told her.

“It’s exactly what you just said,” Savannah told her. “It was a kiss with Brendon, nothing else.”

“Why the hell would you do that?” Martina questioned. “You knew that I liked him!” she cried.

“Listen, Martina, I didn’t kiss Brendon. He kissed me,” Savannah insisted.

“Oh, and you pulled away so quickly,” Martina scoffed.

“Martina, just leave me alone and let me go change,” Savannah told her.

“No…” Martina began before she was cut off by Paige.

“Seriously, Martina, let her go,” Paige told her, and Martina finally moved aside to let Savannah pass by. “You know that Brendon likes Savannah and not you,” she continued after Savannah had made it to her dressing room.

“And you know that if we would have given it a little more time, Brendon would have eventually realized that he likes me,” Martina whined.

“No, Martina. That would only have happened in the fantasy world in your head,” Paige laughed. “Brendon never would have liked you. He likes Savannah, not you.”

“I don’t get what he sees in her,” Martina growled. “I mean she’s nothing special. She’s a little prissy perfectionist who everyone tolerates because they feel sorry for her. No one actually likes her.”

Paige looked behind Martina to see Savannah frozen in her tracks, looking as if she was about to cry. “Savannah,” Paige called as Savannah turned around and ran back to her dressing room. “Don’t listen to her!” she yelled as Savannah shut the door behind her and locked it.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Paige screamed at Martina. “Can you not let anyone be happy? If you can’t get what you want, then no one else can have it either?”

“What’s going on here?” Brendon asked, separating the two fighting girls.

“Ask her,” Paige told him as she ran to Savannah’s dressing room, trying to get her to open the door.

Two minutes later, Brendon was standing next to her. “Let me try,” he told her, and Paige walked away, hoping that Savannah would let him in.

“Savannah?” Brendon called, lightly knocking on her door. “Please open the door. I really need to talk to you,” he said as he continued tapping on her door.

A few seconds later, he heard the lock being turned, and the door opened in front of him. He looked at Savannah, whose eyes were bloodshot from crying. “Savannah,” Brendon began.

“What?” she asked as she walked back to sit down on the couch in the middle of the room.

Brendon sat down next to her. “Don’t listen to Martina,” he told her.

“But, she’s right,” Savannah insisted. “I am a prissy perfectionist that no one likes.”

“That’s not true on so many accounts,” he assured her. “You’re not prissy, and everyone likes you. She was right when she called you a perfectionist, but that’s just who you are. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“You’re just saying that,” Savannah said, continuing to stare at the floor in front of her.

“No, I’m not,” he told her. “Savannah, you have got to be the most oblivious person in the world!” he exclaimed.

“What?” she asked, feeling slightly insulted.

“Savannah, I like you,” he blurted out. “And I’m not talking about you’re my friend, so I have to like you. I mean I really like you, as more than a friend.”

Savannah stared at him at a loss for words. “What?”

“Why do you think I kissed you?” Brendon asked her.

“I didn’t know. I thought maybe it was for the crowd or something,” she told him.

“That’s the last time I listen to Pete,” Brendon muttered.

“What?” she asked, not able to hear what he had said.

“Pete told me to do something big to show you that I like you. I do what he says, and you still don’t get it!” Brendon exclaimed.

Savannah turned her head, looking into his eyes. “I like you, too,” she whispered.

Brendon wasn’t sure if he heard her right, but he wasn’t going to let this moment go by, so he leaned in, lightly pressing his lips to hers.

When he pulled away, he looked at Savannah to see her smiling. He began to lean in again, but Savannah pulled her head backwards, away from his.

“What?” he asked.

“Brendon, I like you. I really do, but we can’t do this,” she said pointing between the two of them.

“Why not?” Brendon asked, confused.

“Brendon, you didn’t see the way Martina reacted when I got off stage after kissing you. If we actually go out, she’s going to be absolutely crushed,” she said.

“You’re really going to care about someone who badmouths you more than your own feelings?” Brendon asked in disbelief.

“That’s not all,” Savannah told him.

“What else?”

“Brendon, in case you forgot, we’re on tour together,” Savannah began.

“Yes, I know that,” Brendon interrupted.

“Well, let’s say that we do go out. Then, what happens when the tour’s over and we don’t see each other every day? Do we just break up afterward? Is this going to be just a fling?” Savannah questioned.

“We aren’t even officially going out, and you’re worried about what’s going to happen months from now?” Brendon asked. “Why don’t we just take things one day at a time?”

“Well, what happens if we realize that we just weren’t meant to be together and we break up while we’re on tour? How awkward is that going to be?”

“What is up with you and all these questions? I’m not asking you to marry me,” Brendon said, laughing. “I’m just asking you to go out with me.”

“Don’t you see all the bad things that could result from the two of us going out?” Savannah asked.

“And, don’t you see that these things might not even happen?”

“But, what if they do?” Savannah questioned.

“Savannah, I don’t get you. You keep making up all these excuses as to why we shouldn’t be together. What are you really afraid of?”
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