Show You How


Savannah’s plane touched down, and she immediately hailed a taxi and asked him to take her to the hospital. On the way there, so many things were going through her mind. Was her aunt and uncle okay? Where was Audrey? Was she okay?

She walked into the hospital, trying to figure out which way to go. She randomly picked a hallway, hoping she would be able to find someone who could point her in the right direction. She found a nurses’ station, and she walked up to it. “Excuse me,” she said.

“Yes?” an older lady asked, looking up from the stack of papers that were currently in front of her. “How may I help you?”

“I’m looking for my aunt and uncle, Trent and Vanessa Reid. I got a call saying they were in a car accident and they’re in the ICU,” Savannah told her.

The nurse tapped some keys on the computer keyboard and looked back over at Savannah. “Yes, they’re still in the ICU,” she informed her. “If you go down this hallway and take a left, there’s the waiting room. Someone will come out and get you when they have more information,” she smiled.

“Thank you,” Savannah smiled before she turned around to find the waiting room. She had walked two steps before she turned back around and walked back towards the nurse. “Actually, I have one more question,” she told her.


“Do you have an Audrey Reid here? She’s my cousin, and they said that she wasn’t in here earlier, but I just wanted to make sure.”

The nurse looked at the computer one more time before looking back up. “She’s not here.”

“Okay, thank you,” Savannah said before walking back down the hallway trying to find the waiting room. She walked inside to find no one else there. She grabbed her phone out of her bag and was about to dial Brendon’s number when it started ringing. She looked to see it was Brendon, and she immediately picked up.

“Brendon, I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Savannah cried, losing all composure she had. “Trent and Vanessa are still in the ICU, and they can’t tell me anymore. They’re having me sit in the waiting room until they get more information. And, I still have no idea where Audrey is. I asked the nurse here, and she said she’s not here…”

“Savannah,” Brendon called, trying to get Savannah to take a breath.

“What?” Savannah cried.

“Audrey’s here with me,” Brendon told her.

“What?” Savannah questioned, not knowing whether she should believe him or not. “Why didn’t you say something earlier? Is she okay?”

“She just got here,” Brendon told her. “Here, I’ll let you talk to her,” he said, handing Audrey the phone.

“Savannah, hey,” Audrey said into the phone.

“Oh my god, Audrey, are you okay?” Savannah asked, concerned for her cousin. “Do you know how worried I’ve been?”

“I’m sorry,” Audrey apologized. “I talked Mom and Dad into letting me come here to surprise you. But, when I got here, Brendon said that you had gone back to New York. Why?”

Savannah could feel the tears stinging her eyes as she realized that Audrey had no idea what had happened to Trent and Vanessa. “Audrey, are you sitting down?” Savannah asked.

“Yeah, why?” Audrey asked suspiciously.

“I have some bad news, but I want you to stay calm and let me finish what I have to say, okay?” Savannah told her.

“Okay,” Audrey said slowly, wondering what Savannah was going to tell her.

“Okay, Audrey, your mom and dad were in a car accident,” Savannah began.

“What?” Audrey yelled. “Are they okay? Is that why you’re back in New York?”

“Yeah, and Audrey, they’re in the hospital right now,” Savannah continued as she heard Audrey begin to breathe heavily. “I’m waiting right now for the doctors to come out and give me some news.”

“I need to get back there,” Audrey stated.

“I know,” Savannah said. “Listen, can I talk to Brendon?”

“Yeah,” Audrey said. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Audrey,” Savannah smiled slightly.

She heard the phone being passed between people before Brendon come on the line. “Brendon?”

“Yeah?” Brendon asked.

“Is there any way that you can get Audrey a plane ticket back to New York as soon as possible?” Savannah asked. “I’ll pay you back. I just can’t get to a computer right now to get her one.”

“Savannah, I’ve already got us a plane ticket,” Brendon told her.

“Thank you,” Savannah told him before what he had said actually registered with her. “Wait a minute. Did you say you got us a plane ticket?”

“Of course, Savannah. First of all, I’m not going to have Audrey board a plane by herself when she just found out that her mom and dad are in the hospital. And, second, I’m not going to have you be there by yourself.”

“Brendon,” Savannah began to protest.

“You’re not going to talk me out of it. I’ve already got the plane tickets, and we’ll be there in a few hours,” he told her.

Not having enough energy to fight with Brendon, Savannah merely said, “Fine.”

“Okay, I’ll see you there in a little while. I love you,” he said, hanging up the phone.

Savannah put the phone back in her bag before she suddenly froze, thinking about what Brendon had just said, the last three words repeating in her head. I love you.

“Savannah Reid?” she heard someone call her name. She looked up to see a doctor standing before her.

“Yes, I’m Savannah,” she told her. “Do you have news on Trent and Vanessa?”

“Yes, I’m Dr. Roberts,” she introduced herself. “I’ve got some bad news,” she began.

“What is it?” Savannah asked, her stomach full of knots.

“I’m sorry, but Trent died.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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