Show You How

I Can't Believe (They're Gone)

Savannah sat at the kitchen table, papers scattered everywhere, trying to finish all the arrangements for the funerals. She was grateful to have Brendon sitting across from her, trying to help her out, after he refused to go back on tour. In fact, the guys had decided to cancel the upcoming tour dates, explaining to the fans the tragedies that had occurred, and promising to come back for a makeup concert later on.

Savannah looked over at Brendon, her right hand holding up her chin. “Brendon, how am I going to get all of this sorted out by the funeral?” she asked. “I mean, it’s tomorrow, and I feel like I have nothing figured out.”

Brendon grabbed Savannah’s free hand which rested on the table. “Savannah, the funeral’s going to be just fine. You’ve done an amazing job, and Vanessa and Trent would be so proud of you.” Savannah gave him a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

They both turned to look at the hallway as they heard Audrey walking towards them. “Hey, Audrey, how are you doing?” Savannah asked, turning completely around in her seat. She could see Audrey’s bloodshot eyes, and she knew the girl had been crying.

“I still can’t believe they’re gone,” she said, sniffling. “I mean, I just keep thinking that they’ve gone on a trip or something, and they’re going to be back tomorrow.”

Savannah stood up and enveloped Audrey in a hug. “I know, Audrey. I feel the same exact way.”

“Do you need any help?” Audrey asked, looking over Savannah’s shoulder to see the messy table.

“No, thanks,” Savannah told her, but when she heard Audrey sigh, she knew her cousin was just looking for something to keep her mind busy. “Actually, do you want to make dinner? Or order out?” Savannah suggested.

“Sure, I can cook something,” Audrey offered. “What do you want?” she asked, looking between Savannah and Brendon.

“Hmm,” Savannah hummed. “How about lasagna?” she asked, knowing it was Audrey’s favorite, and that it was something that she loved to cook.

“Yeah,” Audrey smiled before turning to Brendon. “Is lasagna okay with you, Brendon?” she asked. She had gotten used to having Brendon around the last few days, and she no longer saw him as the famous rock star that he was, but instead as a regular guy who was dating Savannah.

“Perfect,” he smiled, as Audrey nodded her head and walked into the kitchen.

Savannah sat back down at the table, looking over all the papers that lay in front of her. She put her hands on her forehead, thinking. “Have I called everyone that needs to know?” she muttered to herself.

“Yes,” Brendon assured her. “Savannah, just calm down. You’ve got everything done. All you have to do is show up.”

“Okay,” Savannah smiled, trying to relax.

The following day, Savannah woke up bright and early to get ready for the funeral. She hopped out of the shower and dried her hair. Afterwards, she pulled the black dress that was hanging in her closet off of its hanger and put it on. She fixed her hair, and then stared at herself in the mirror, making sure she looked alright.

A few minutes later, she heard a knock on the door, and she walked over to it, opening it up to see Audrey on the other side, wearing the new black dress they had bought two days before. Audrey immediately wrapped her arms around Savannah. “Do I have to go today?” she questioned, her voice muffled from her face being buried in Savannah’s dress.

“Oh, Audrey, don’t you want to go?” Savannah asked. “It’s your mom and dad’s funeral. It’s your chance to say goodbye to them.”

“I just don’t want to see them gone forever,” Audrey cried as Savannah looked towards the door to see Brendon standing there in his suit and tie, looking at Audrey.

“Audrey, they’re not going to be gone forever. I know it’s cliché, but you’ll always have your memories of them. And, they’ll always be watching down on you and Savannah,” Brendon told her.

Audrey pulled away from Savannah to look at Brendon. She immediately gave him a hug, saying, “Thank you Brendon.”

Brendon smiled down at her. “You’re welcome.”

Audrey pulled away, saying, “I’m going to finish getting ready. When will you be ready to go?”

“I’ll be ready in like ten minutes,” Savannah answered, and Audrey nodded her head, walking back to her room. Savannah turned around to Brendon, leaning against his chest. “Thank you,” she said, as she stared at the wall. “I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here right now.”

“You’re welcome,” Brendon told her. “And, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world right now.”

Two hours later, Savannah sat in between Audrey and Brendon in the first pew of the church, waiting to go up to the front to talk about Trent and Vanessa. Nervous, she squeezed Brendon’s hand even harder. He turned to her and gave her an encouraging smile as they announced her name, and she walked up to the front.

She looked out at all the people, some of which she new, some she didn’t. “Hi,” she began. “I’m Savannah Reid. For those of you that don’t know, Trent and Vanessa were technically my uncle and aunt. But, in actuality, they were more like my mom and dad. I moved in with them and Audrey ten years ago, and they immediately treated me like their own. They were two of the most kind, generous people you will ever meet. They always encouraged me and Audrey to do what we wanted to do, and not what everyone else wanted us to do.”

Savannah paused for a moment as tears began streaming down her cheeks. “Trent and Vanessa didn’t deserve what happened to them. They were two amazing people, and I know we’re all going to miss them,” she continued, as the tears began falling harder. “And, I know we’re never going to forget them,” she finished, walking back to the pew and taking her seat between Audrey and Brendon.

Brendon put his arm around Savannah, as she leaned into him, letting the tears continue to fall, not caring about keeping her composure any longer.
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