Show You How

Meet Me In California

Savannah sat in a dance studio in Los Angeles waiting on the choreographer and other dancers to show up. She had went to the Jackson Dance Company just two days ago, and they told her that she was to immediately fly out to Los Angeles to begin working on the choreography.

The dance company had set her up in an apartment and told her to be at a dance studio at eight this morning. It was currently 7:45, and Savannah was waiting on the others.

The door opened, and in walked a young-looking Spanish girl with dark hair. The girl seemed to ignore Savannah and put her stuff down before stretching. Savannah was about to say hello before another girl came in. This girl had light blonde hair that looked almost white. She walked in and sat her stuff next to the other girl’s things. She looked over at Savannah and smiled. “Hi,” she said walking over to her. “I’m Paige.”

“I’m Savannah,” she told her as she shook her hand.

“I’m assuming you’re one of the dancers?” Paige asked.

“Yeah,” Savannah said with a smile.

“Her too?” Paige asked, pointing to the other girl who was still stretching.

“I’d assume so, but I don’t know. She hasn’t said anything to me,” Savannah admitted.

Paige walked over to the other girl and extended her hand. “Hi,” she said smiling. “I’m Paige.”

“I’m Martina,” the other girl said looking up for a brief second.

“I’m Savannah,” she said walking over and standing next to Paige.

“Hi,” Martina said before putting her head back down and resuming her stretches.

Another girl walked into the room. She had dark blonde hair with lighter streaks. She immediately dropped the bag in her hand. “Hi,” she said to everyone. “I’m Brianne.”

Everyone quickly introduced themselves just before the choreographer walked into the room. “Good, everyone’s here,” she said. “I’m Jacklyn. I’m the choreographer. Look around because these are the people you are going to be working with for the next eight months.”

Everyone quickly looked around at each other before Jacklyn continued. “Okay, I don’t know if anyone’s explained the concept of the concert to you or not.”

“Nope,” Paige answered.

“Okay. Well, the guys decided they wanted to poke a little fun at all of the dancing shows that are currently on television right now. So, they’re going to have a dance contest of their own throughout the concert. Four of the boys will be competing. You’ll actually be meeting them later today,” Jacklyn said. “But, back to the topic at hand. As I said, there will be a contest. Each of you will be paired up with one boy, and that will switch every night. You will dance one dance with them and at the end, the audience will judge.”

“Okay,” Paige said.

“Things may change as the tour goes on if the audience gets really into it, but for now, each guy will learn one dance that he will do every show. You all will learn all four since you will be rotating between each guy,” Jacklyn continued.

“Cool,” Brianne said.

“Let’s get started,” Jacklyn said. All four girls stood up and waited on Jacklyn to begin teaching their choreography.

Four hours later, Jacklyn said, “Okay, girls, good job. We’re going to take a break for lunch right now. You have a half an hour. Afterwards, I believe the guys are coming in to meet you. They won’t be starting with the choreography for about another week, but they may stay just to watch.”

Savannah went over to her bag and sat down. She pulled out a sandwich that she had packed earlier in the day. “Do you mind if I join you?” someone asked. Savannah looked up to see Paige standing there with a lunch of her own.

“No problem,” Savannah said, motioning for her to sit down.

“So, where are you from?” Paige asked.

“New York,” Savannah answered. “You?”

“Here,” Paige said as she took a drink from her water bottle. “So, is this your first big gig, or have you done other stuff before?”

“I’ve done a few shows and stuff, but nothing ever on this scale. What about you?”

“This is my first big one, too. I was so excited when I found out. I literally screamed at the top of my lungs!” Paige told her.

“Me too!” Savannah said laughing.

Twenty minutes later, Savannah saw four guys walk in. She assumed they were the boys from the two bands, but she couldn’t be too sure. However, it appeared the other three girls knew who they were. All three were suddenly star-struck, as they stared at them.

“Girls,” Jacklyn announced. “Come introduce yourselves.”

As all four reached them, no one said anything, so Savannah decided to go first. “Hi,” she said. “I’m Savannah,” she introduced herself.

“As in the city in Georgia?” one of them asked.

“Yeah,” Savannah said before another one of the girls spoke up.

“I’m Martina Vega.”

“I’m Paige Thompson.”

“Hi, I’m Brianne Staton.”

“It’s nice meeting all of you. I’m sure you already know who we are,” one of the guys spoke. Savannah froze for a moment, hoping that they were still going to introduce themselves, seeing as she had no idea who any of them were. “But, let us introduce ourselves, anyways,” the guy continued, and Savannah let out her breath that she had been holding. “I’m Pete Wentz.”

“Ryan Ross.”

“I’m Brendon Urie.”

“And I’m Patrick Stump,” the last one concluded.

“Well, boys, I’m sorry to cut this so short, but we need to continue. You’re welcome to stay if you’d like though,” Jacklyn told them.

Savannah smiled to herself at Jacklyn’s comment. Like a bunch of boys are going to stay and watch dance rehearsal!

“We’d love to,” Ryan announced, shocking Savannah.

“Good!” Jacklyn told them. “You can sit over there,” she said pointing to a bench on one side of the room. The four guys walked over and sat down.

Five hours later, Jacklyn was finally allowing the girls to quit practicing. “That was a good first day,” she announced. “You four a free to go, but I expect you back here tomorrow morning at eight.”

“Okay,” all four said as they walked over to get their stuff.

Savannah turned around and was surprised to see the four guys standing there. They had left about three hours ago, and she hadn’t expected to see them return. “Hey, we were wondering if you all would like to go out with us,” Pete told them.

“Sure,” Brianne said instantly. “Where are we going?”

“We were thinking of a club downtown,” Ryan answered.

“Yeah,” Martina and Paige answered at the same time.

Ryan looked over at Savannah. “What about you?”

“I don’t think so, but thanks anyway,” she told him.

“Are you sure?” Patrick asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Savannah said with a smile as the others nodded and left the dance studio, leaving her there by herself. Instead of grabbing her things and heading home, she decided to stay a little bit longer and work on the dance they had learned today. She refused to leave until she had perfected every single move.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just to let you know, I put up links to pictures of the other three dancers on the summary page, in case you're interested.
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