Show You How

Dance, Dance

“So, how was the club last night?” Savannah asked Paige the next morning as the two girls sat next to each other while they stretched.

“It was fun. You should have come out with us,” Paige replied.

“Clubs just aren’t my thing,” Savannah told her.

“Oh, right, I forgot. You prefer to stay in a dance studio and rehearse some more after you’ve already rehearsed for nine hours that day,” Paige joked.

“How did you know I stayed here?” Savannah questioned, even though she already knew how Paige had found out.

“Brendon told us when he got back to the club,” Paige said with a shrug.

“So, what else did he say? Something about me being this weird girl that likes to dance on her own?” Savannah asked. While she usually didn’t care what people thought of her, for some reason she wanted these people to like her.

“No, actually he defended you when Martina was making fun of you,” Paige admitted.


“Yeah, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, Martina’s the bitch of the group,” Paige said, and Savannah smiled. “She was saying some shit to Brianne, and I said that I thought you were cool, and Brendon said he liked you, too. That got them to shut up real quick,” she said laughing.

“Hmm…maybe he’s a nice guy after all,” Savannah mumbled.

“What do you mean? Brendon’s like the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. In fact, all of them were really nice,” Paige told her. “You really should come out with us some time.”

“Like I said before, and like I told Brendon last night, the club scene just isn’t my thing. Besides, I’m still only twenty, so I wouldn’t be able to get in.”

“Martina and Brianne are underage, too, but they got in.”

“What about you?”

“I turned twenty-one a couple of months ago,” Paige told her. “But anyways, it was really fun. We danced the whole night! Oh, and a head’s up,” Paige began. “Martina thinks that she can claim people like their objects, and she pretty much claimed Brendon last night. She wouldn’t let him dance with anyone except her.”

“Okay,” Savannah said.

“Oh, don’t think that this means Brendon’s hers,” Paige told her.

“I don’t get why you’re telling me this,” Savannah said as Jacklyn walked in the door, and the two girls stood up to take their places.

“Because I think Brendon likes you,” Paige said quickly before they began their choreography for the day. Savannah wasn’t able to talk to Paige until a few hours later, and that one sentence kept repeating through her head the entire time.

One week later, Savannah was still reeling from what Paige had said. There was no way that Brendon would like her. Why would a rock star like a quiet dancer who liked spending time by herself more than with a crowd of people? But, Paige had been trying to convince her of just that for the past week.

As she walked into the studio, she was surprised to see a few people already there. Usually, she was the first person to arrive, but as she walked in, she saw four people already standing there. As she walked around them to put her things down, she quickly recognized them as the four guys from the Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco. She had forgotten that today was the first day of rehearsal with the guys.

“Savannah!” Brendon yelled out. She was surprised to see him so chipper before eight in the morning.

“Hi,” Savannah said as she began working on her stretches. “Are you guys excited to get started today?” she asked.

“Sure,” Ryan answered.

“You don’t sound too excited,” she replied with a laugh.

“I don’t know how excited I am to be learning the Samba,” Ryan told her.

“Ooh, you’re doing the Samba?” Savannah asked excitedly as the boys laughed at her. “What? So, I like to Samba. What are your guys’ dances?” she asked pointing to the other three.

“I’m doing the Quickstep,” Pete told her.

“Fun!” she exclaimed.

“And I have Swing,” Patrick told her.

“Which leaves you with Salsa?” she asked Brendon, who nodded in response.

“Well, I don’t know how Jacklyn’s splitting us up or anything yet,” Savannah said as Paige walked in.

“You don’t know what?” Paige asked as she sat her things down next to Savannah’s and proceeded to walk over to where the others were.

“Oh, they were just telling me which dances they have,” Savannah told her.

“Ooh, what ones?” Paige asked, and Savannah gave her the rundown.

“They fit you all so well,” Paige said with a smile.

“Yeah, I know,” Savannah agreed. “I was just saying that I don’t know how Jacklyn’s splitting us up.”

“Hmm, me either,” Paige said. “But, there she is,” she said pointing towards the door where Jacklyn walked in right behind Brianne and Martina.

Brianne and Martina walked straight over to the guys. “Hi,” they both said with wide smiles. Savannah took this as her time to depart.

“So, Jacklyn, do you have the pairings for today?” Savannah asked her.

“Of course,” Jacklyn said with a smile. “Everyone listen up.”

Everyone instantly quieted down and turned towards Jacklyn. “I have the pairings for today,” Jacklyn began. “It will probably switch every day since it’ll switch every night on tour. But for today, first we have Paige with Ryan.”

Paige looked over at Savannah. “Ha, I get to Samba,” she said jokingly as Savannah stuck her tongue out at her.

“Next,” Jacklyn continued. “We have Brianne with Patrick.”

“So, Brendon’s either going to get the crazy girl with the crush on him or the girl he’s got a crazy crush on,” Paige whispered jokingly into Savannah’s ear.

“Shut up!” Savannah whispered back.

“Brendon, you’ll be with Martina. And that leaves Pete and Savannah,” Jacklyn concluded.

Savannah was fine with that. She liked to Quickstep, and she looked forward to working with Pete. But, as she looked over at Brendon, who currently had Martina hanging off his arm, she couldn’t help but notice how sad he looked.
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Any thoughts???