Show You How

Let's Go

As Audrey and Savannah walked up to Pete’s front door, Audrey could feel her heart racing. She couldn’t believe that she was about to meet rock stars. She had dreamed about this day for years, but she never actually thought that she would ever meet them. As they made their way closer to the door, Savannah noticed her cousin’s pace slowing down.

As she reached the door and put her hand up, ready to knock, she turned around to see that Audrey had stopped and just stared at the front door.

Savannah turned around and walked back to her. “Audrey, what are you doing?” she asked. “I thought you wanted to meet them. If you don’t we can just go right now.”

“No,” Audrey replied quickly. “I’m just nervous,” she admitted, not moving.

“Of what?”

“Hello!” Audrey exclaimed. “They are rock stars! I’m a fifteen year old from New York. You do the math,” she told her.

“Come on, Audrey,” Savannah said pulling on her wrist. “They’re going to love you, I promise. They’re all really nice guys. You’re going to love them.”

Audrey walked behind Savannah to the door. Savannah knocked on the door, and Pete answered it. Audrey stood there, with her mouth slightly agape, as Savannah walked in. “Guys, this is my cousin, Audrey,” Savannah introduced, and Audrey gave a small smile and a quick wave. “Audrey, this is Pete, Ryan, Brendon, Patrick, and Paige,” she said, pointing to each person as she said their name.

“Hi,” everyone told Audrey with a smile.

“Where’re Martina and Brianne?” Savannah asked, even though part of her was happy that they weren’t there at the moment.

“They’re coming over later,” Pete told her as he took a seat next to Audrey, who looked like she was in heaven.

“Yeah, I think they had to get ready,” Paige told her with a knowing smile.

“Gotcha,” Savannah replied.

“So, Audrey, do you dance like Savannah?” Ryan asked her.

“Oh, no,” Audrey said shaking her head. “I could never do that. I’m not that coordinated. I could never even begin to compare with Savannah. She’s the best dancer I’ve ever seen in my life!”

Savannah blushed, while Brendon said under his breath, “Me, too,” which didn’t go unnoticed by Audrey. She looked over at him, but he was looking in Savannah’s direction, and didn’t see her.

“Audrey,” Savannah told her cousin. “You know that you would be an amazing dancer if you’d just give it a try. You just prefer to play your guitar.”

“You play guitar?” Pete asked.

“Yeah,” Audrey answered. “I’ve been playing for a few years now.”

“Are you any good?” Pete asked.

“I wouldn’t say that,” Audrey began.

“Of course she is!” Savannah told them. “She’s really good. She’s been playing for about seven years now. She even writes her own songs.”

“Savannah!” Audrey scolded.

“What?” Savannah said with a shrug, while the front door opened, and Martina and Brianne entered wearing clothes that let everyone know that they were going to a club.

“Hey,” they said with a smile.

“Hey,” Pete replied.

“What are you all doing just sitting here?” Brianne asked. “I thought we were going to go to a club.”

The two girls walked around and took a seat on the couch as they noticed Audrey sitting there. “Who’s this?” Martina asked, giving her a dirty look, as she saw that she was sitting next to Brendon.

“I’m Audrey, Savannah’s cousin,” Audrey replied with a smile.

“And you’re here, why?” Martina questioned rudely.

“Because we invited her,” Patrick answered.

“Anyways,” Brianne interrupted. “Why are you all just sitting here and not at a club?”

“Because Audrey can’t go to a club,” Paige pointed out, as if it were obvious.

“But it’s the last night we’re free,” Martina whined, looking over at Brendon. “Please, can’t we all just go out to the club?”

Audrey looked over at Martina and rolled her eyes, muttering “Desperate much?” underneath her breath. Savannah looked over at her cousin, having heard what she had said, and gave her a look that told her to keep quiet, to which Audrey simply shrugged her shoulders.

“Why can’t we all just hang out here?” Paige suggested.

“Because there’s no alcohol and music here,” Brianne told her.

“Actually,” Pete told her. “There’s both.”

“Really?” Brianne asked, getting excited. “This could actually work,” she added, looking over at Martina.

“Fine, we’ll stay here and drink,” Martina agreed.

“I think we’re going to go,” Savannah said, not wanting her little cousin to be in a house where nearly everyone was bound to end up drunk within a few hours. “Come on, Audrey.”

“You don’t have to go,” Brendon told them.

“No, I think it’s for the best,” Savannah said with a smile. “But thanks,” she added.

“It was nice meeting you all,” Audrey said with a wave.

“Wait,” Pete stopped them.

“Hmm?” Savannah asked, turning around to look at them.

“Audrey, you’ll have to hang out backstage with us for our first concert,” Pete told her.

“Are you serious?” Audrey asked excitedly.

“Yeah,” Patrick said with a smile. “I’ll make sure Savannah has a ticket and a backstage pass for you.”

“Thank you so much!” Audrey told them.

“No problem,” Pete told her as they walked out the door.

“Bye, guys,” Savannah told them with a wave.

As soon as she shut the door behind her, Savannah heard Martina ask, “Well, since we don’t have to worry about them, why don’t we go out to a club now?” Savannah rolled her eyes and kept walking towards her car.

As they drove back home, Savannah asked Audrey, “So, what’d you think of everyone?”

“The guys were all amazing!” Audrey said animatedly. “And Paige seems really cool.”

“Yeah, she is,” Savannah told her. “She’s probably my best friend here.”

“But, those other two girls that came in later,” Audrey began.

“Martina and Brianne?” Savannah asked.

“Yeah,” Audrey said, nodding her head. “I don’t like them.”

“Yeah, me either,” Savannah said quietly.
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