Show You How

Think About It

Audrey sat on Savannah’s bed watching as Savannah brushed her hair and put it up into a ponytail. “You know,” Audrey told her. “That he likes you, right?”

Savannah looked at Audrey’s reflection in the mirror. “Who likes me?” she questioned as she wrapped the pony tail holder one more time around her hair.

“Brendon,” Audrey said, as if it were completely obvious.

“No, he doesn’t,” Savannah said, laughing the comment off. “Are you ready to go?” she asked walking out of the bedroom and grabbing her keys off of the table.

“Yeah, he does,” Audrey insisted as they sat in the car. Savannah turned her turn signal on to try to get into the left lane. “Why don’t you just admit it?”

“Because he doesn’t like me,” Savannah repeated.

“Do you like him?” Audrey asked. When Savannah didn’t answer, Audrey turned her head to look over at her cousin. “Oh my god!” she shrieked. “You do! You do like him!”

“Audrey, will you be quiet, please? You’re going to make me deaf!” Savannah told her.

“But, you do, don’t you? You like Brendon, right?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Savannah told her as she turned the corner. “It’s never going to go anywhere anyways.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m on tour with him. I’m more concerned about my work than with my love life,” Savannah said. “Besides, I just don’t date. When was the last time you saw me on a date?”

Audrey thought for a moment, and her mouth fell open a little as she realized she had never seen Savannah go out on a date. She had always been too consumed in her dancing. “Never,” Audrey admitted. “And that’s because you always care more about your dancing than going out. But, Savannah, this is your chance!” Audrey urged her. “You can do both now. And, you can do it with a rock star!”

“Audrey, no,” Savannah said, smiling at how excited Audrey was getting. “I’m not going out with him. I’m going to focus on dancing. And that’s final.”

“God! You sound like Mom and Dad!” Audrey said turning her head to look out the window.

Ten minutes later, they showed up to the arena where the concert was being held that night. “You’re performing here?” Audrey asked, her eyes growing in size, at the sight of the building.

“Yep,” Savannah said smiling as she parked the car. “Let’s go. Sound check’s in like fifteen minutes,” she added, looking at her watch.

Audrey sat in a seat in the front row watching all of the bands rehearse. After Brendon had finished practicing his dance with Martina, he came out and sat down next to Audrey. “So, how are you today Miss Audrey?” he asked.

“I’m great!” Audrey replied. “You were really good up there.”

“Thanks,” Brendon smiled at her.

After watching Ryan and Paige dance, Audrey looked over at Brendon. “So, you like Savannah, huh?” she asked.

“What?” Brendon stuttered.

“Don’t try to lie to me,” Audrey warned. “You like Savannah.”

“Is it that obvious?” he asked her.

“To everyone but Savannah.”

“Great,” Brendon muttered sarcastically.

“I think you should go for it,” Audrey said, not taking her eyes off of Brianne and Patrick who were currently on stage practicing their dance.

“What?” Brendon asked, turning his head to look at her.

“I think it’d be a good thing for both of you,” Audrey explained.

“You’re fifteen years old!” Brendon exclaimed.

“So?” Audrey asked. “And that means I don’t know what’s good for my cousin?” she asked him. “Listen, I don’t think I have ever seen her go out on a date. And do you know why?”

“No,” Brendon admitted as he continued watching the dance being performed on stage.

“She puts herself in this little box,” Audrey explained. “It’s all about her and her dancing. She thinks it’s her way of pleasing people. Savannah’s a perfectionist.”

“I’ve noticed that,” Brendon said with a slight laugh.

“Yeah, well that’s because she wants to please everyone. She thinks that if it’s not done perfect, then someone’s going to be angry. She will go on twenty auditions, and she won’t say anything to my parents because she’s afraid that if she doesn’t get them, she’ll disappoint them, and that’s definitely far from the truth.”

“Wait a minute,” Brendon interrupted. “You said your parents, right? I thought Savannah was your cousin. Why would she worried about pleasing your parents then?” he asked confused.

“Savannah has been living with me and my parents for the last ten years,” Audrey explained. “After ten years, her parents decided they didn’t want her, and they abandoned her. My parents took her in,” she continued as she looked up to see Savannah and Pete go on stage to begin their dance.

“What?” Brendon asked in disbelief. He couldn’t believe how parents just up and decide that they don’t want their daughter after ten years.

“Yeah,” Audrey nodded. “And, Savannah always believed that she did something to disappoint them. So, she always wants to make sure that she doesn’t disappoint another person, which means she spends hours rehearsing a dance routine even when she already knows it. She’s extremely hard on herself, and she makes herself believe that she’s not good enough.”

“Oh my goodness,” Brendon sighed.

“So, I think you should ask her out. Maybe you can drag her out of her shell,” Audrey said with a smile.

“I don’t know, Audrey,” Brendon began.

“Come on, Brendon. You already admitted that you like her. Why not just go out with her then? It’d be good for the both of you,” she repeated.

“I’ll think about it,” Brendon told her as Pete and Savannah ended their dance, and Savannah began walking off stage towards Audrey and Brendon.
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