Show You How

Touch Me (I Want Your Body)

Savannah was sad to see Audrey leave, but Vanessa and Trent had made Savannah promise to put Audrey back on a plane as soon as the concert was over. So, now it was the second night, and Savannah missed the little ball of energy running around.

Paige looked at Savannah backstage before the concert was set to begin. “Are you alright?” she asked. “You seem upset.”

Savannah put on a fake smile and said, “I’m fine. I just miss Audrey. But, I am definitely ready to go out there tonight with Patrick and kick Pete and your ass tonight!”

“Ha ha,” Paige said sarcastically. “Like you’re going to win tonight!”

“And who won last night?” Savannah countered jokingly.

Paige was quiet, and Savannah said, “Yes, that would be Savannah and Pete!”

“Well, how do you know that it wasn’t all Pete, then? That would mean that he’d win tonight, too. And, who’s his partner tonight? Oh, right, that would be me,” Paige said with a smile on her face.

“I see a catfight about to break out,” the girls heard someone say from behind them, and they turned around to see that it was Pete talking, with the others following him. “What exactly are we arguing about?” he asked amused.

“That would be you,” Paige said with a smirk.

“Oh really? Am I just that irresistible that you two have to fight over me? Because believe me, there’s enough of me for the both of you. Just play nicely,” Pete said arrogantly.

“Um, no,” Paige said.

“Wh-what?” Pete stuttered.

“We don’t want your body,” Savannah said laughing. “We were just talking about who’s going to win tonight.”

“Wait, I’m confused,” Patrick spoke up. “You said you were fighting over Pete.”

“Oh, we were,” Savannah said. “I told Paige that you and I were going to win tonight because I won last night. And she said that Pete was the reason that I won. So, technically, we were arguing over Pete,” she explained.

“So, nobody wants my body?” Pete asked sadly.

“Nope,” Savannah said with a smile.

“But, one of us might go for Brendon’s body,” Paige muttered under her breath as she smirked.

Savannah turned around to look at her with her eyes wide, praying that none of the guys had heard Paige’s comment.

“What was that?” Patrick asked.

“Oh, I said I would go for Brendon’s body instead,” Paige covered.

Brendon looked over at her with a confused expression on his face. “What?” he asked.

“What?” Paige said shrugging her shoulders. “Are you that shocked that I’d prefer your body over Pete’s?” she asked.

Brendon didn’t know what to say, so he just sat there speechless. The silence ended as Savannah and Paige broke into fits of laughter. “Sorry, Brendon,” Paige said in between her laughter. “It’s just you should really see your face right now.”

“Whatever,” Brendon scoffed as he got up and walked to his dressing room.

Four hours later, they were all sitting backstage, with the concert having just ended. “I can’t believe we didn’t win,” Pete whined.

“Yeah, apparently, you aren’t the miracle dancer after all,” Paige said, looking over at Savannah.

“I guess we were wrong,” Savannah said.

“I guess Brendon’s got the magical shoes now,” Paige said laughing.

“Ha ha,” Savannah said looking over at Paige. “I get to dance with him tomorrow night!” she gloated.

“Oh my god!” Martina whined. “You guys are so immature. You do realize that these contests mean nothing, right? It’s not like you get a prize if you win.”

“Sure you do,” Paige told her. “You get bragging rights.”

“Yep,” Savannah agreed nodding her head.

“You two are like seven year olds,” Martina muttered.

“I agree with them,” Brendon interjected. “Anything to say I’m better than those three,” he added, pointing at Pete, Patrick, and Ryan.

“Oh, well, I understand where you’re coming from,” Martina said smiling at him while Paige and Savannah rolled their eyes.

“So, when and where are we going out tonight?” Brianne asked. “Because I want to drink!”

“Let’s go to Pippen’s,” Martina suggested.

“And, this is my cue to leave,” Savannah said standing up.

“Savannah, come on. Why don’t you go out with us tonight?” Paige asked.

“Yeah, you should come,” Brendon agreed.

“I don’t think so,” Savannah said shaking her head. “But thanks anyways,” she added with a smile.

“Please,” Paige begged.

“If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t have to,” Martina said loudly. Savannah looked over at her, shocked that she had just heard Martina stick up for her. She then saw her put one of her hands on Brendon and understood why she had done it: she didn’t care if Savannah didn’t want to go; she just didn’t want her to get in her way of getting Brendon.

“Thanks, Martina,” Savannah said with a fake smile. “You guys have fun, but I’m going to head home. One last night in my apartment before we hit the road.”

“Fine,” Paige sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said.

“Bye,” Savannah said with a small wave. She turned back around for one more quick glance, and saw how Brendon’s mood had quickly changed. Not even two minutes ago, he was laughing and smiling. Now, he looked like he wanted to be any place but there as Martina was latched onto his arm.
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