Sunshine in my Heart

Some Girl

Mishti snuggled up under the bright covers of her bed. She stifled a yawn hoping to somehow manage to say up longer. Both Emily and her had stayed up till almost midnight before Emily realized they both had to be up very early for a photo shoot with Popstar.

As much as she wanted to sleep, she just couldn’t. It may have been the excitement of being in California, or just thinking about what this summer would bring. Mishti turned to her left side and pulled her ragged stuffed animal closer to her chest. Maybe she was 15, but that didn’t mean stuffed animals ever got old.

Closing her eyes, she tried to let sleep overcome her. Mishti wasn’t exactly a morning person, and she knew she would be grumpy tomorrow morning. Er, today. Mishti shifted her eyes to the neon green numbers on the bed stand beside her. 12:51 a.m. Mishti groaned and tossed onto her other side.

Mishti glanced at her cell phone lying on the floor next to her bed charging for the next day. She reached down and picked it up flipping it open. She scanned down through the list and opened up the games that her cell phone company provided. Maybe playing Sudoku on her phone would eventually make her fall asleep.

Within three minutes of starting the Sudoku, Mishti began to get bored. Sighing, she mindlessly skimmed through her cell phone eventually landing on her phone book. Carelessy, Mishti pressed down the down arrow button letting it zoom past plenty of names in her address book. Letting it go on a random moment, she let the screen catch up and her eyes set on a very recent addition to her phone book.

Her thumbs tapped rhythmically on the phone keypad as she stared at the name popped up on the screen. She tilted her head to one side debating whether not to do what she was thinking. Pulling up a new message, she swiftly texted the message. Hesitantly, Mishti held down the send button and sent the text.

Hi Nick, it’s Mishti.

Dropping the phone on the ground, Mishti lied back and tried to get to sleep again. It wasn’t until two minutes later that a buzzing from the floor jerked her up from the bed. Mishti eyed her cell phone, picking it up and opening it. To her surprise, it was a phone call, not a text.
Her phone flashed Mr.President over and over again waiting for her to answer. Hitting the accept button, she held the phone to her ear and leaned against the headboard.

“Hello?” Mishti answered cautiously. She had assumed that Nick would be asleep since it was pretty late. She was sure that they had mentioned earlier today about a radio interview they had to do in the morning.

“Mishti?” Nick’s groggy voice crackled through the speaker. “Is everything alright?”

Mishti scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. “Yeah,” she said slowly.

“Then why’d you send me a text?”

She rolled her eyes. “I couldn’t get to sleep. So I was on my phone, and I saw you
added your number in my phone so I thought I would text you my number.”

“Oh.” Nick’s sleepy voice came through. “Why couldn’t you sleep?”

Mishti shrugged and then remember he couldn’t see her. “I’m not sure.” She felt slightly
awkward talking on the phone with Nick. She had just met him earlier today, but for some reason it seemed comfortable. Never in a million years would she have imagined talking to a boy on the phone she had only met briefly that day. Let alone that boy having the name of Nick Jonas.

A yawn made its way to Mishti’s hearing drums. She chuckled. “I’m sorry if I woke you up. Why don’t you go back to sleep? I’m pretty sure you have an interview later.” Mishti dragged her comforter to cover her exposed skin to take away the chilliness.

“No, no. It’s okay. I’d rather talk to you,” Nick said simply. A smile played on Mishti’s face at the innocent comment.

“Really, now?” Mishti asked. “You don’t mind falling asleep at your interview?”

“I usually do fall asleep so it wouldn’t really mater either way,” Nick replied nonchalantly.
Mishti’s laughter rang through the air. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“So I have a question to ask you,” he stated.

She furrowed her eyebrows in slight confusion. “Okay.”

“Emily mentioned you were a huge fan. Are you talking to me because I’m Nick Jonas? Or are you talking to me as a new friend?” Nick asked.

Mishti paused before answering to think through what she was going to say. “I’m not really sure,” she said slowly. “When I first met you today, I was slightly freaking out that I was talking to my favorite band. So in the beginning of today, yes, because you were Nick Jonas. But now that I’ve been getting to know you, I kind of forget that you’re a celebrity. Does that make sense?”

She could almost imagine Nick nodding slightly as he replied. “Yeah, it does.” Mishti sighed gratefully. “So what do you want to talk about?”

Out of habit, Mishti twirled a piece of her long hair around her finger. “It doesn’t matter. Do you want to play 20 Questions?”

Nick laughed. “Okay. I go first since I’m going to assume that you know quite a few things about me.”

“Wow, cocky much?” Mishti teased.

“But am I right?” Nick inquired with a smile.

Sheepishly shaking her head yes, Mishti replied. “Maybe.”

Nick chuckled. “What’s you greatest fear?”

Mishti blinked. “Most people start the game with easy questions, Nick.”

“I’m not most people,” Nick clarified.

“So I’ve noticed.” Mishti let herself under the covers hoping to become slightly more comfortable than her previous position she had been sitting in. “I’m trying to think of answer to your question. I’m going to get all serious on you, by the way,” Mishti warned. “It’s not a side of me you’re going to see often.” Nick laughed slightly. “My biggest fear is becoming hurt. So hurt that I won’t be able to pick up the pieces.”

A pause entered the phone lines. “Really?” Nick questioned curiously.

“Yeah,” Mishti said absentmindedly.

And that ignited the rest of the conversation. From one simple text Mishti had made out of boredom resulted in her being on the phone with Nick for a few hours. It wasn’t until that Mishti glanced at the clock next to her and did a double take at the time. 3:19a.m. She hadn’t even realized how much time had gone by. They had talked about various topics, from their embarrassing moments down to the simple things such as their favorite color.

“Oh my gosh!” Mishti yelped cutting off Nick who was going off on a spiel about how Joe had succeeded into getting him grounded a few weeks ago.


“It’s almost 3:30, Nick! We both have to get to sleep. I don’t know about you, but I have to be up super early for a Saturday morning for Emily’s photo shoot.”

“Really?” Nick asked surprised. “Wow, you’re right.”

Mishti began to yawn as her tiredness crept back to her. “I’m going to go bed now.”

“Sounds like a good idea. Get to sleep, okay?” Nick requested. “I’ll call you later today, if I can.”

Mishti found herself starting to slowly fall asleep as she was talking. “Mhm, alright.
Goodnight Nick.”

“Goodnight Mishti.”

Mishti lazily closed her phone and set it on the floor before crawling under the covers once again, sleeping peacefully till morning.


A thud could be heard throughout the entire radio station just as Ryan Seacrest finished saying “We’ll be right back after these messages!” Nick had taken the opportunity of not being on air to rest his head on his folded arms that were touching the cold metal of the radio DJ booth.

Nick’s system had almost completely shut down. He was extremely exhausted after getting only barely two hours of sleep before he was rudely woken up and rushed off for interviews. The clock on the wall showed that it was five forty fine in the morning. His hair was still wet from his shower and was soaking his sleeves. Irritated at his wet clothes, Nick lifted his head up and ended up making eye contact with both of his brothers, even Frankie who had snuck in.

“What?” Nick asked wearily as both Kevin and Joe gave him the ‘eye.’

“What’s the matter with you?” Kevin spoke up after sending a text message to who Nick guessed was most likely Danielle.

“Just tired, that’s all,” he mumbled closing his eyes. He leant back against the small chair touching his eyes gingerly with his fingers.

“When did you go to bed?” Mrs.Jonas asked skeptically. She had walked into the room just as the conversation had started to check up on her sons and bring them their much needed drinks. Starbucks for Kevin and RedBull for Joe, Nick, and Frankie.

Nick rubbed the back of his neck hoping to stall answering his mother. He knew she would not be pleased at what time he finally gone to bed last night. “Umm…”

“I’m not giving you the RedBull until you answer me,” Mrs.Jonas threatened. He looked up to his mother, and saw there was a smile on her face telling him she only was kidding. But he knew he would have to answer her.

“3:30,” Nick said quickly. Mrs.Jonas’s jaw dropped open and Nick took that chance to grab the Red Bull from her hand and drink it.

“You went to bed at 3:30,Nick?” Mrs.Jonas exclaimed.

“What were you doing up till 3:30?” Joe chimed in.

Nick scratched his curly hair and tried to smooth down some of the poofiness. He shrugged hoping they would brush it off and not bother to pry.“Nothing,” he said hastily.

“You were talking to a girl,” Frankie teased holding out the last word unnecessarily too long. Nick glared at his youngest brother. He should never have mentioned to Frankie that he had been on the phone. He accidently woken his little brother up last night after dropping his phone loudly. Nick thought that Frankie hadn’t heard him after incoherently muttering that he had been on the phone with Mishti.

That grabbed the attention of his entire family. Kevin raised his eyebrows. “A girl? Till 3:30? Must have been some girl.”

“It was just Mishti,” Nick grumbled. He didn’t understand why his brothers were making such a big deal. It wasn’t like he was completely hopeless when it came to girls. If he were to say so himself, he was the better out of the three to snag a girl.

“Emily’s best friend?” Joe remembered.

Nick scowled. “Yes. Are we done with the interrogating?”

A loud voice boomed through the speakers that were installed on the side of the walls. “Fifteen seconds!” A red light began to flash as a warning cueing Nick and his brothers to put their headphones back on their heads. Out of the corner of his eye, Nick saw his mother and little brother scurry out and into the room outside.

Just as ten seconds was being counted down, Nick felt something buzz in his pocket.
Cautiously, he reached down and pulled it out and quickly glanced down. The caller id flashed across his iPhone which Nick read. Mishti.

I see you.

Nick jerked his head upwards and squinted to the glass window. Craning his neck, Nick found his parents and Frankie but it wasn’t till he did a second round he saw her. She was standing next to Emily while looking down at what Nick guessed was her cell phone. His heart did a flip when the thought occurred to him that she was checking to see if she had any messages from him.

His eyes were still fixated on her and it didn’t take too long for Mishti realize that someone was staring. Her head bopped up and they both made eye contact. A bright smile appeared on Mishti’s face that instantly radiated onto Nick’s.

Nick grinned. He snapped back his head as he felt a hard kick on his right leg. Turning to his right, Joe frowned at him signaling to pay attention to the interview. Sending one last look to Mishti, Nick turned his attention back to the interview. His brothers were quick to note the small smile never seemed to leave his face the entire time.
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Hope you liked this chapter. I had fun writing it. =]

I am super busy this weekend, I have to go to Contest for my choir. It's going to be pretty fun. Hopefully we'll get a one.

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Kodhai <3