I Won't Let This Build up Inside of Me


Jimmy's POV:

Olivia shot past all of us. We just stood there, frozen. I was the first to snap out of the shock and ran out onto the stage.

"Sorry about that. Huntress just has a lot on her mind right now. She's very sorry about leaving that. Feel free to take fifty percent off all merchandise on behalf of Avenged and Huntress," I announced to the crowd, using the microphone Olivia had dropped. I put the microphone back on the it's stand and walked back to where all the guys were. They were all facing Matt, glaring at him. The girls were all by the couch, watching. Except Tiffany. She was on the other couch with Matt.

Zacky's POV:

"This is all your fucken fault!" I yelled at him. Matt instantly got defensive and stood up.

"She started this! She brought this on herself!" he yelled back.

"Don't start blaming Liv! She was just telling you the truth!" shot Johnny.

"Oh so calling my girlfriend a whore is the truth?"

"Uh, yeah, it is! She is a whore! And just using you!" said Brian.

"That is not true!"

"Yes it is!" argued Jimmy.

"No it's not! She's just jealous that I'm paying attention to another girl!'

"Don't you dare accuse Olivia of being jealous! Because she's not!" I snapped. Tiffany stood up and stood by Matt.

"Yes she is," Tiffany said. I rounded on her.

"Of what? Certainly not you."

"Oh she is jealous of me. Why? Because I have Matt, I can sing, and I dress decently. Unlike her, who doesn't have Matt and is a talentless whore," Tiffany said, smirking. Now I knew why Olivia always referred to her as The Skank. As soon he processed Tiffany's words, Matt turned to her.

"What the hell did you just say?" he snarled.

"You heard me, babe."

"Don't. You. Ever. Say. That. Again. Olivia isn't a whore and she is an awesome singer. You can never compare to her." Realization appeared to have hit him. "You know what? We're over." Tiffany's jaw dropped. Matt turned to us. "I have to fix this, don't I?" he asked. Jimmy, Johnny, Brian, and I each nodded. He let out a sigh and turned to leave.
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Yay! Finally Matt broke up with The Skank! Happy dance time! I wonder how things will go between Matty and Olivia. You'll find out next update! Comment please!