I Won't Let This Build up Inside of Me

Taking Out The Trash

Matt's phone started ringing. He pulled away to answer it, but keeping an arm around my shoulders.

"What is it, Jimmy?" Matt asked.

"Is everything okay? Or did Oli kick your ass?" I heard Jimmy ask. I stifled a snicker.

"Everything's great. Better than great," Matt answered, looking at me. I swear I saw something in his eyes but I couldn't exactly read it.

"So can we come to the bus now?"


"Where's Tiffany?"

"She went off somewhere, we don't even know. Nearly took a chunk out of Brian though." I took the phone from Matt.

"What happened?"

"Well, The Skank demanded we do something about what just happened and Syn said that we wouldn't do anything. She said why not. So Bri oh so kindly replied by saying that it's Matt's choice and that we wouldn't help a fucking whore." I laughed, Matt chuckling besides me.

"Thank Brian for me. Anywho, you guys can come to the bus," I said.

"Aye, aye, Captain Huntress!" Jimmy hung up as I did.

"What are you thinking, Livia?" Matt asked when he noticed the look on my face. My devious smirk broadened.

"Do you want to get rid of the trash permanently?" I asked.

"You're not going to maim her or anything, right?"

"Oh, no. I'm not that mean. It's just to let her know that she's been kicked off the bus."

"What's your idea?" I whispered the plan to him. When I finished, a grin was on his face. "Brilliant." Matt and I went to the back to put our plan into action.

"Who's bags are those?" asked Zacky when they finally reached the bus and saw me and Matt coming from the back with a crap load of suitcases.

"Someone's," Matt and I answered in unison.

"You're not leaving, are you, Hun?" asked Johnny.

"No, Johnny."

"Oh, crap. She's coming!" Matt yelled as he glanced out the window. We tossed the suitcases we were carrying out of the bus.

"Bitch! Put those back into the bus!" yelled a clearly pissed off voice.

"Syn, start the bus and floor it!" I ordered Brian, who was closest to the driver's seat. He did as I said. Tiffany started running to catch the bus. "Ta ta, whore!" I yelled as I stuck my head out of the window. I laughed at her expression, everyone else joining me in the laughter. She flipped me off, which I gladly returned.
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Fillerish, I know. But at least The Skank is gone! Comment please!