I Won't Let This Build up Inside of Me

Down and Dirty

Th door suddenly burst open and in fell everyone. Matt and I stared at everyone for a second and then started laughing.

"Get off of me!" yelled Johnny from the bottom of the pile of bodies. I started leaning against Matt for support as I continued laughing.

"That's what you get for being nosy," I said once my laughing had calmed down. A scream erupted from Jamie as she jumped up and down excitedly. "Why the hell are you screaming?" I yelled.

"You guys are finally together!" she squealed. I laughed. "I told you! We told you! He looooves you!" she sang. I shook my head as I giggled.

"You are too happy."

"Well, we've all been waiting for this since we were in middle school!"

"It was that obvious?" Matt asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Uh, yeah! Duh! It was very obvious that you two were made for each other! You liked the same music, hated the same people, both have kick ass singing voices, and a whole bunch of other crap! You two are a match made in heaven!"

"You were just to blind to see it," added Denise.

"Oh damn! Now Oli and I can't have kinky sex!" yelled Jimmy, pretending to pout. Denise smacked his chest. "Ow! Hey! That's mean!"

"That's what you get when you say stuff like that," Denise said. I yawned.

"I need my home. I need a shower. I need to leave," I said, getting up. I tugged on Matt's hand. "Come on! You're coming with me," I told him. He laughed at my fruitless tugging and stood up on his own.

"They're gonna go get down and dirty in the shower!" said Brian. Matt and I both flipped him off as we walked out. I came with Matt in his car so we headed to his car.

"My house or yours?" he asked as he opened the doors.

"Doesn't matter," I replied, getting in.

"And do you want to get down and dirty in the shower?" he asked with a sly smirk and a suggestive glint in his eyes. I smacked his arm. "I was just kidding! Domestic violence! Domestic violence!" I giggled at his exclamation. The car next to Matt's side was looking at us weirdly because Matt's window was down and they heard what he was yelling.

"Be quiet, Matt! You're scaring people!" I scolded. He laughed.

"Well it is domestic violence." I rolled my eyes. We arrived at Matt' house since it was closest. I went straight to Matt's room where I kept some clothes and things. I stepped into the bathroom. Before turning on the shower, I heard the shower down the hall running. I took a quick shower and got ready to sleep. Matt was already laying on his bed when I went back into the room. I put away my dirty things before laying down beside Matt. We always shared a bed whenever we slept over at each other's houses. I don't know why, we just did. Matt wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"Night," I yawned, snuggling closer to him.

"Good night," he whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Filler, I know. But don't worry! There'll be some action in the next chapter. And no, I don't mean, some sex action. I don't do sex scenes. Why? Because I suck at them and I don't write like that. Comment please!